Sunday, October 23, 2022

Above G*d

Yes … for the looongest time, we (Me, Myself, and I) have been dancing around it. Prudence, discretion … being the better part of Valor.

But no more.

(Dem') Bugs WILL be bugs, and do what bugs do … destroy so much grain. They don't think. Have no thought processes. They all just follow the smell. That's what bugs do. It's called hive mentality.

There isn't the slightest chance, one of these six legged beasties, will ever pass my way. Nevvah gunna happen. 

But should they dare (?) … e v e r present their insect self, to my face? I will rip their dark insect heart out. With my bare f*cking hands.

Above G*d, these odious, stinky little creatures believe themselves. Above the Law. Above the Constitution. Above all, above everything.

This is a Holy War Against Evil. Against the arrayed Forces of Darkness. It is not same as it ever was. It is not wait, watch, and see, no. It is nothing we among the living, have EVER seen before. 

It is a time of infinite struggle, against Satan his very self. Here now, in the atomic. And who has come to extinguish the light. To fill the World with debauchery, drudgery, despair, misery, and destruction of the very Spirit of Life.

You know, throwing living babies into trash cans. Cuz something has to be discarded in these difficult economic times. And hoping that people choose life? Is just sooo damn racist.

I want to live. And I want to live life, the one we all so very much cherish. I fear not these six legged beasts. Not in the least. But then I'm repeating myself. I fear not their approach in the darkest of night. I fear not an army of them. I am fearless.

Hey buggies, don't believe me … you know where to find me. Come get you some. I'll break you off a piece of that Kit Kat. Yeah I will. I'm not selfish. Just the kind of guy I am.


Not a green one, an orange one, a heliotrope or gray one, nor plaid or even striped (though yes, some do have polka dots. Some have Monkeypox).

No need to RSVP. No need to call or text. No need to knock (hey … why change now?).

I'll leave some cockroach food out. And the light on too. Say Hi to Mrs. Cockroach for me, will ya. Tell her thanks a bunch for the twenny dollah BJ, upstairs, at the bar in TJ. It was swell ….


Monday, October 24, Four a.m.


(Via Freep)

Diesel Shortage Leaves US With Just 25-Day Supply as Demand Surges: Report

+++++ With demand for diesel fuel at its highest point in over a decade, the Biden administration says nationwide supply is “unacceptably low.”

The Biden administration called the nationwide diesel supply "unacceptably low" and is looking at all options to build up the national supply to help reduce prices. +++++

"The Biden Administration is looking at all options to build up the National supply."

Just blow your f*cking brains out. ALL of you. That would easily be a truly great start. And readily the best way I know of, to get the Country headed back in the right direction. Fairly confident that it will QUICKLY increase fuel supplies.

Be sure and insert the barrel all the way in. With the tip pointed up, towards the back of the skull. See … uh … you have to get it right the first time. There aren't any do overs.

And while you are at it? Here is a list (in on particular order), of those who might actually consider doing same. And joining you, call it … THE RESTORATION PROJECT:

Larry Brin
Sergei Page
Mark Zuckermaggot
Jackwad Dorsey
Pig Greywall
Manboobs Gates
Susan Rice
Samantha Power
Ron Klain
Chucklehead Odorama
John F'ng Kerry
Greater Tuneberg
George Soros
Klaus Butt Swab
Yuval Noah Harari
Fidel Trudeau
Gavin Newsom
Upchuck Schumer
Nancy Pusslousy
Dizzy Lizzie Cheney
Adam Kinzinger
Ingrown Kamel Hair
The 51
(Apologies if I left anybody out. It was entirely unintentional).

I do know that some calibers of rounds are still not a plentiful, as in years past. But I am confident, that if you put out a request to the general public. For any specific caliber, that you may need? That they will respond quite generously. Of this, I have NO doubt.


Monday, October 24, Eight a.m.


Myself of course, haven't given up. As exasperating as recent events are. As unfolding events chill us to our marrow. 

I refuse to sit idly by, on the sidelines doing nothing. I take inspiration from others who have stood, have been counted, and who have sprung into action. As in lead, follow, or get the froog outta the way.

I'm still stunned, when I encounter someone of towering ignorance. Who has gulped the Kool-aid. Who is gleefully drunk upon. It even makes me squirm. Encountering one such individual this morning. Mind closed tight, like a steel drum. Letting in no light, let alone any knowledge.

Spoon fed on propaganda. There is only one truth, their's. There is no other. And their belief in fiction, is absolute and unshakable.

That the Joo's control the World. And tell nothing but lies, in order to keep that control. That is ALL Joo's, every single one. Funny that … I've never been invited to the secret meetings. Not even once. Bastards!


(Via Doug Ross)

YouTube Censorship Continues

+++++ But YouTube’s censorship isn’t just associated with COVID mitigation matters. Like the other members of Big Tech, Twitter and Facebook, social media giants have made a giant left turn embracing a woke world view.

And YouTube has led the way. YouTube has all but turned its platform into an exclusive club of wokesters where only the extremist views of the far Left are welcomed and celebrated.
Their message is clear. Adhere to our views—or else. +++++


(Via Doug Ross)

Lee Smith Nails a Key Point, The Fourth Branch of Government and Media Operate Together

+++++ Essentially, the point Lee Smith drives home is how the U.S. Corporate Media, and the Big Tech monopolies, are the front force of the new national security and intelligence state.  It is a relationship that extends far beyond the customary leanings of media, and now covers a full synergistic relationship. +++++


(Via Rantingly)

Liz Cheney: We Will Not Allow Trump To Beclown Our J6 Clown Show

“He’s not going to turn this into a circus.”

Of course many have already joked … Too Late Dizzy Lizzie!

People been watching the Ringling Bros. spectacle that YOU created. Munching the popcorn.

No one voted for you. In fact, quite the opposite.

+++++ Had there ever been a more illegitimate clown show committee on par with the J6 committee? In America, anyway? We know such one-sided, politically-motivated kangaroo courts aired for public consumption are the norm in totalitarian dictatorships.

The whole thing is a carefully orchestrated three-ring circus designed to do only one thing: ensure that voters never get the chance to elect President Trump again. Because “saving democracy” clearly means not only subverting the will of the people but actually ensuring they don’t get a chance to vote for their preferred candidate at all. Or something.

Soon to be former Rep. Liz let’s find a country to bomb Cheney (Clown-WY) made the goal abundantly clear after losing her seat by nearly 40 points. Indeed, she’s still making that point on the Sunday talks (yes, they are apparently still on the air, who knew?).

Outgoing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that she will do whatever it takes, including running for president, to stop Donald Trump from becoming president again.

. . . . [Chuck] Todd said, “Some people suggest if there would be a third-party candidate it will be enough to stop Trump.”

Cheney said, “Well we’ll see, whatever it takes as I said. He will not be president again. +++++


Sorry for the long post, we just didn't think the/this add, was standalone worthy

Monday, October 24, Four p.m.

Hey Chucklehead, I'd tell you to leek muh doydy runnie bunghole?

But I know you enjoy that sorta teeng. So I won't (but then I'm repeating myself).

Via Doug Ross/Top Twenty Tweets

JUST IN - Biden admin set to warn about "threats to nation’s election infrastructure" ahead of midterms — an intelligence bulletin is slated to be issued this week, Politico reports

You can put lipstick on a pig (if that's your thing?). You can dress up the Nazi's in the Fourth Reich, in hand tailored Super 150's, if you so please. Won't change a thing.


And don't you forget it my b*tches (what the Hell, we don't pretend, let alone try to Milli Vanilli Ice. We loves us some saccharine pop and layered harmony. With no apologies).


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