Friday, November 11, 2022

F*ck That


What a glorious Country it was. What a glorious life it was. Yeah, both past tense.

What an unbelievable magical world, GIVEN unto us. By the Founders. By those who fought for its creation. By those who fought, and died … for its preservation.

Millions of Americans, risking everything, for future generations. Giving their last full measure.

And yes, the Big Guy Upstairs.


Now I am scared.

We no longer have a Country. And not a single shot was fired.

And what is left, is run by Traitors.

We no longer are a Nation of Laws. And without? Public order dissolves. Dissolves into Anarchy.

It's frightening.

And I feel stupid, for not holding on to that acre. A place of my own, to have. And to defend. I am now at the mercy of events unfolding.

I am beyond grateful, for all of the happiness and all of the joy I have known. But those days are over.

Darkness will soon descend upon the land. As people come to understand, that We The People, have lost control. That We The People, are no longer in charge. No longer control our own destiny. Frothing Maggots That Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus, do (FiMTH-FOSA'S).

Food and ammo.

Throw everything else overboard. Put on your lifejackets (bulletproof). And hang on for dear life.

I don't give the Country much of any chance of surviving. You on the other hand, can survive. Though yes, surviving isn't "living." But it sure beats the heck out of the alternative.

There are ways the Country can survive. There are ways to Restore the Republic. And return it to We The People.

And those means are seemingly impossible. But not completely.

I haven't given up. And I'm not going to. What little is left of me, what time I have left. Will be spent continuing to pay the debt owed. To those who gave their lives. So that we could be free.

Anything less is cowardice. Anything less is spitting in G*d's face. Anything less, is accepting the Treason of Insects. As our Lords and Masters.


F*ck that.

F*ck them.



(Via Bad Blue)

Miss America Organization Crowns Its First Biologically Male Queen

And if you haven't had any breakfast yet? You just might want to skip the link entirely ... really. Or at least cover your eyes, and have your computer read the story to you.

+++++ Top down, bottom up, inside out. It's a strategy that's been going for a hundred years that progressives have used to accomplish their agenda. The elites like Mike Bloomberg and George Soros believe they know best and they are doing whatever they can to take advantage of crisises in America and across the globe to push their plans. +++++

(Glenn Beck)


Eight a.m.


Absolutely nobody. Back in the early days of the blogosphere. I used to wonder, how Instapundit … did "it"?

I was always impressed, with the speed, sharpness, and precision of his scalpel. After many a year, I figured it out. That doesn't make me special in the least.

I mention it merely in the context, of all the flapping lips. Regarding the Trump, DeSantis kerfuffle. And all the panties a'twist.

Get a grip.

It's meaningless.

Trump is THE master politico. His actions have zip to do with the esteemed Governor of Florida.

Let alone anything personal. Either attributed to Trump's ego, or his pocketbook. Or against DeSantis.

It merely a little jockeying, a little psych-out, before entering the gate. Setting the stage.

And MASTERFULLY playing the media. Gaining, earning some major tonnage thereof.

Trump, like Bourne … doesn't do random. Everything is a calculus.

Trump will run.

If they try and keep him out of the White House? Through whatever fraud, chicanery, corruption, and outright criminality?

Then open warfare will commence in America.

Not a promise.

Not a wish.

Merely reality.

And that won't be pretty.


(Via Doug Ross)

Prepare for even more abuses of power

+++++ One of the great not-so-secret advantages America has had over most places is the checks and balances the Founders placed into our Constitution.

The conflict and tension built into the power sharing both within the federal government and between the national government and the states is frustrating at times, but also a result of the genius of the Founders. They knew that making laws and implementing nation-wide policies would be difficult, and welcomed that fact.

For a century there was essentially no administrative state at the federal level. The government existed and had very limited powers, but it mostly was impotent to force people to do much. The limits to that power weren’t just technical–they were genuine. The feds could rarely bully anybody to do anything without the cooperation of others in the system.

Yet since the end of the 19th and the dawn of the 20th century the federal government has exploded in size, scope, and coercive power. An entire administrative state has sprouted up from nothing and has grown like a cancer upon the land. +++++

Cliff Notes version?

Bend over and take like a man. Cuz the mile long freight train is on its way. Right up your keister.



IS a R.I.N.O.


Beware anyone pretending to be an honest broker. And talking down Trump. Selling division. As if a fashionable, flavor of the week badge, to show off ... Look at me, how cool am I?!

There are Traitors everywhere. ALL dressed in curly wooly sheepskins.

Lurking underneath, are drooling, rabid, diseased wolves.

And this includes many who are prominent on the Right, this morning.

When I loudly cry wolf?

Ya' better listen.

We've got a Country, to at least try and save. Doesn't mean there isn't some truly evil skullduggery afoot.


Killing the King” Rupert Murdoch, FOX News and GOP Elites Want to “Dump Trump” – Rob Schmitt’s Brilliant Open on Newsmax (14 MIN)

(Excised on Freep, from Gateway Pundit)

+++++ The Rupert Murdoch empire and GOP establishment are going all-out in an effort to destroy President Trump and his MAGA movement.

GOP Elites HATE that they cannot control Trump. They miss the days of obedient voters and their never-ending wars and trade deals that decimated the middle class.

The GOP elites have never accepted MAGA nation. They are embarrassed by their voters. They would rather play controlled opposition than to listen to the majority of Americans who support President Trump and still believe his election was stolen.

On Thursday Rob Schmitt from Newsmax opened with a 14-minute segment on how the GOP elites, Paul Ryan, and the Murdoch empire is hoping they can destroy Trump and the pro-American movement he started.

They believe the true enemy is their voting base and not the Marxist left. +++++

Haven't yet watched the linked 14 minute vid yet. But I'll get around to it. Never been big on internet video. Never will be. The "word" is everything to me.

And of course, the sentiment expressed in the post's title? Was penned five days ago ... by Sundance.

Paul Ryan? Jiminy, I thought we had scraped that dung, off the bottom of our shoes? We need to get us some new kicks. These smelllllll !


Friday, November 11, Five p.m.



TWIT QUITS: Yoel Roth, Twitter Exec. Who Censored The Post's Hunter Biden Story, Leaves Company

+++++ According to a report from The New York Post, Yoel Roth, the Head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who was instrumental in the censoring of the Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story on the social media platform, has left the company. +++++

+++++ Early on in the takeover, new CEO Elon Musk expressed support for Roth, saying “I want to be clear that I support Yoel. My sense is that he has high integrity, and we are all entitled to our political beliefs.” +++++

AND …. Musk doesn't have to pay unemployment/severance!

Well done Sir … VERY well done.

Though myself? Traitors to G*d and Country deserve what actual Traitors are supposed to get. Though that might not go over too well, with the remaining Twitterati.

There are lots of lessons to be learned. Paramount of course, about history repeating. And vigilance. Because "Never Again"?


Propaganda isn't innocuous. It is the lifeblood of Evil. And Yoel Roth, WILL burn in Hell. Throughout eternity.

I'll bring the matches.

OH, and since it's been at least a day?

Hey FBI … Lick My Durdy Runny Butthole!

Ooond while you are down there?

Suck my balls too … 


Myself? Have nothing left to live for. No, I'm not depressed or suicidal. America was everything to me. It was life itself.

So the remaining dream I have? Of a puppy or a kitty? That's meaningless. And in the present context, even selfish. Though no, doesn't mean I won't.

Just that I only have one purpose in this life. Just and only one.

Seeing the Traitors stand trial.

And witnessing their punishment in real time.

Yep, I heard that ["I'll drink to that!" (you left your microphone open)].


From original NY Post story:

+++++ Still, despite the drama, Musk insisted early Friday that Twitter “hit all-time high of active users today.” +++++

Would love to use the K word to describe Mr. Roth. And most certainly have, used it in the past (a garden implement, is a garden implement).

But the First Amendment no longer exists. And I am no longer free to speak my mind.

Let's just say the K word ... rhymes with kite.

I may have a hook nose. I may even eat bagels now and again. But I know a garden tool when I see one.

Hope you catch herpes/gonorrhea/venereal warts/Monkeypox ... on your vacation ... Yoel. Couldn't happen to a nicer kite.


Six p.m.



I can only thrust my right flattened palm, skyward.

And angrily shout:



Nineteen minutes in length. But two was all my heart could bear.

And to those who question Tucker's place in the Universe?

Try that sh*t to my face (double dawg dare ya).

This isn't a game.

And we aren't playing ANYMORE.

The restoration of the Republic is not an amusement. It isn't illegal to spank your monkey. But decorum suggests you do it in the privacy of your home (and not on cable news).

Unless of course, you live in L.A., S F., or NYC.

In which case my oppobrium would likely result in my being doxxed. And my life not only being threatened. But placed in actual jeopardy.

Lots of Andrew Dice Clay witticisms apply ...

"Oh … you can smoke the baloney pony. But you can't smoke a Marlboro. What the f*ck is wrong with you people?!"


Seven p.m.


Finally got around to watching the Schmidt/Newsmax vid.

But had to pull the plug, when the Guatemalan Black Moth (Rick Santorum), poked its head out of Satan's anus.

I'll give credit to Schmidt, for free speech. But Santorum? My G*d, it isn't just the Deranged Lunatic Left who have NO shame.

If you have a shelf full of atomic Encyclopedia Britannica?

And you open the page to …. The Banality of Evil?

You will see a picture of that sack'o doodie Santorum.

Muhself, was a never Trumper, for quite a while. Even voted with my feet, in 2016.

But Trump in short order, proved me very wrong. And you better believe, I was HAPPY to have been proven such. Boy was I ever. 

No, that doesn't take away from the lack of trust engendered by the behind the scenes slimy behavior, of too many in Conswervo media. That I was directly witness to. But politics is a quite nasty biz.

And now yet more slitherers, come a crawling.

The chances of us getting out of this alive?

Got your back Mr. President.

All the snakes have to come through me ... good Luck!



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