Sunday, February 28, 2021

Enemy of the State

Such feeble minds, the Left is populated with. Though to a man, woman (he, she, it). They (all too smugly) believe that those whose scores are in the tippy top,  of  any given IQ test. Are beneath them .... mere/ordinary dingalings. The brains of Jackwad Dorsey, Zuckermaggot, Brin and Page, and Bezos the Bozos. Are unmatched museum quality specimens. 

And in thus is their reward. For their boundless Treason. Feeding their ego. Gobs of prideful arrogance, to revel in (better than sex). The financial wealth of the CTO's? Isn't the prize, nope. The wealth is merely a prominent metric to display, that attests to their brilliance. In ALL matters.  

They are smarter than everyone. And they bathe in the glorious reflection, that everyone knows it. 

Their personal derangement, as great as their political. 

They have no grasp of reality. Or connection to it. And yet they seek to completely destroy our world. And remake it in their own image.  

(in many parts ...) 

Monday, March 1st, 2021. Four a.m.

I fought the paw, and the paw won (the title of Jeffrey Toobin's new book). Seems to be a quite common thing now, while chatting on the video phone, during a virtual group meeting. Zooming ya'self, while on Zoom. 

I guess that it is just another part, of the great reset? The successful destruction of a Free Republic. And the rapid installation of the Fascist State. And everyone's just so dang excited to be a part of it. Celebrating their good little hitlery. That they simply cannot contain their emotion. All the guut leetle heetlurs, drinking from a wonderful potion. Oond spanking der monkays. 

As the World we have known for the duration, descends. Vanishes into the gaping maws of Hell. 

The lunatic hate cult, have no intention of resting upon their laurels, none. Savoring the spoils, of the destructive hand, that's swept across all the land. The Left will continue to consume ever more. Of anything that is America. Anything that was America (for the last three hundred years). Or ever will be. Even the very idea ... of America. Their derangement has no end. Knows no limit. 

They are unable to tolerate individuals. People who think for themselves. And those who do? Had better be stopped. Shadow banned, deplatformed, fired, evicted, or arrested (if need be). The CTO (Creepfilth Tech Overlords), will do everyone's thinking for them. All the time [so pay no attention to the corrupt, feeble, mumbling antique political hack. Behind the mask (that he keeps forgetting)].

As the libturds stop, stomp, crush any ideas of individuality, or independence. That (much) more than half of the Country harbor. They will keep these ideas from escaping into the consciousness and souls of others. By any means. Forcefully smothering Conservative thought, Conservative ideas. Aborting their dissemination. With dense clouds of sulfuric vapor. Everywhere, their quest for more power has brought them (and their stench right along with). 

11:00 a.m.

These insatiable bugs, in their ideological greed. Their unbreakable embrace of  CCP, ANTIFA, BLM, Socialism, embrace of nihilism, anarchy, even shii islam [before truckloads of Techno-dollars, bought scores (and scores) of politicians? You could buy a fair number of them, using just Tehrans's petro-dollars (John Fookin Kerry, Joe Biden)].

 The Left's everpresent hatred of this great land. Hate for most of its inhabitants. Past and present. The constancy of this hate. Never letting up, never dissapating.

 Junkies, riding the dragon's back. Hate for breakfast, hate for lunch. Hate for dessert. Hate before going to bed. Hate forever, hate for all time. Hate, hate, hate. As if it were the highest ideal, the highest evolutionary plateau. And they now, in the throes of ecstasy. During their intravenously fed orgy of hate (can we impeach Trump a third time? Oh man, that feels Ggggreat!). 

And each day, I daydream of the Lord's hand, as my own. That I would destroy evil, with a sweep of the back of my hand. Sweep away these (too) many locusts. These demon seedlings. That King Hussein (in the membrane) planted for eight straight years. All across the entire land. Everywhere. 

In every nook every cranny of our security apparatuses. So that they too now stink of Sulphur,  and hiss of serpents. And now at the ready, on bended knee they are. For the duration ... of Obama's third term. Supplicating, oh Dear Leader, please,  may we have another (fluff in their faces). There isn't anything they won't do (for him, and his treasonous agenda). Everyone of these bugs, drunk on the power that their codependency yields. 

'Frightening’: Devin Nunes Says FBI Informant ‘Made Up A Bunch Of Lies’ About Michael Flynn

That soon, they all might get to openly act upon the hate. Which they have suckled upon for more than a dozen years now. Ashli Babbitt, is just the start. Merely the beginning, of the war between the blue states. And everything that G*d in his wisdom and glory, hath created.

Kill Whitey. Openly kill Whitey (with smirking impunity). And shucks, well it isn't even worth mentioning. Who actually did pull the trigger. Wantonly, into Ashli Babbitt's back [a magic trigger it was. But it only works when you don't index (you itchy fingered racist turd)]. Why that (white trash) b*tch, she deserved to die. 

And the Commander of uniformed American troops, nearly implies it. Staging a big show, to announce that he's going to go hunting (through all of the ranks). For any of her ideological kin folk.

People who believe in the Constitution. Soldiers who take pride in the oath they are given (to defend it). So that they can be drummed right on out of the military. Or at the very least, scrub their minds (using sandpaper and bleach). As if you can erase the very idea, of Ashli Babbit's beliefs (no one said fascists were smart). 

And one assumes that any new members of the military (if the military is not first replaced with a global art/music/gardening therapy program?). Will be required to sign a loyalty oath [but not to G*d, or Country (of course)]. That is after they pass their first intake interview (which is conducted after the administration of sodium pentathol)].

1:00 p.m.

Nothing is funny anymore. Nothing. Especially when we enter the realm of ordinary, perhaps even soon. Daily mass casualty events. Human Slaughter. You teach White hate long enough? And you teach enough people, over an infinite number of platforms. And them genocidal chickens they will return. They will return and roost.   

ANTIFA, BLM, the Deep State [Brennan's quite high on his own wind (come up for air CIA Diver Dan. You look pale)]. As well however many others in the (relatively new, just added to the original three branches) various, unelected (partisan) extra/additional individual Executive branches [CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ, DHS, IRS, (and of course, goes without saying....) the CCP]. Deep State, now the Fourth Branch. 

And the Fifth Branch, of our newly remade society/world/Government? The CTO (creepfilth tech overlords) of course. Who by volume, and weight of their own arrogance. Now readily comprise at least a third, of our current total operating Federal Swampocracy (and we can't fire any of those nasty filch either). 

The Citizens? They don't figure into any of these/the fascist's equations. Not anywhere. Though we'll see if we can squeeze all them pasty MAGA mofo's, into re-education camps. Before we're forced to squeeze them .... into ovens (you should have thought of that before you voted for Trump! Ya little crybaby. Elections have consequences!!). 

Four p.m.

And as time marches on. Rolling over the lost glory, of the greatest gift ever known. Expect some tussling behind the scenes. Some pushing and shoving (as what little was left of Biden's brain. Turns completely to pudding. Rancid pudding). And each of these groups and maggot clusters and puppeteers. Assert themselves, amongst themselves. Who's the boss of us, of all the fascists? Who is now thee mostest clowniest prince of the new Monarchy? 

There was already plenty of cross pollination, before the election. Prior to this Homecoming Dance [for the (Joe Bama) Fraudulency]. So there might be some unexpected births of yet even more deranged fascist ideologues. Some of these political clusterf*ck bastids, will rise higher in the Treason hierarchy. Gain more power. Some will become less fashionable [among the traitor crew (sheet, Ducklo thought his deek was da biggest!)]. 

It is so unbelievable. One be labeled a (racist) loony conspiracy theorist. A Supremacist even. For speaking Freedom and Liberty aloud (careful elmo,  those now are code words of white nationalists. Bizarre). Or even in private (they are daydreaming about putting secret cameras, in your biological back door. They don't want to miss anything, future forward. Spying on citizens, arouses them).  

For rest assured, every spoken word, every written word is now metered and measured. As part of your assigned social credit rating. Which will be embroidered on a patch. For you to stitch onto your outerwear garment. Don't worry about opting out. The CTO have opted you in. For life (even in death. Where will you be allowed to rest? After you kick off this mortal coil. Yep, that's right. The return of segregated cemeteries. No joke). 

And while we haven't been formally deplatformed here, at this web address (yet). Much of our virtual being, was shadow banned, quite some ways back (the very first three years of this blog's existence. We were completely delisted from Google search results). And now currently seen in current (non existent) greater web metrics (where people started on the net, before arriving here at Anechoic Room). So if somehow you are reading this? Congratulations mudder hubbard, consider yourself lucky (indeed). 

And should ultimately, we finally be completely zeroed. We will be surprised if any suitable virtual real estate still exists. Or will be available to rent in future? 

They won't be happy until they have silenced every single last Conservative voice. Both big and small. Until they have actually taken Tucker Carlson's, very life (in an accident, of course). Unless somehow, they manage to silence him or the Network first. And a Staggering quantity of resources, have already been devoted.

Five p.m.

And I don't think they will be able to wait. Wait for the formal Kill Whitey Days, to begin, the executive order. I gotta believe King Hussein (in the membrane) is on the Truman Balcony, right now..... this very minute as we speak. Hanging with Samantha Power. Each with their very own personal bottle of Taitt, and knocking it back OG (with a long, deeeluxe, lighted plastic straw). While proudly, arrogantly bogarting blunt (mofo). And celebrating his third term. Wee weeing their panties. And drunkenly commanding the other: pinch me! No, you pinch me!! 

Because I'm sure Samantha will claim a percentage of African American blood. And she has the (professionally) faked DNA lab test,  to prove it (I mean if Obama can claim to be American. With the faked birth certificate). 

Killing Whitey, will become perfunctory (and of bland interest). You know, like calling the exterminator. Won't barely make mention on the evening news. Something of the day's mild amusement (what today's body count is).

Though certainly in the beginning, there will be a lot of cheering going on. A whole bunch (but they'll settle down. When they have to devise ways. To deal with all the corpses). 

Marjorie Taylor Greene, is just the appetizer, last week's snackitude. They, moving from (trying to) influence (winning hearts and minds). Straight to why even bother. And right on, straight past to (manufactured in China) with very large scale industrial solutions.

Whether it be another, newer even more crippling virus, or just simply loading Uyghurs on trains. They want this over with. Sorted. Settled. Tidied up. Gift wrapped. Utopia ... delivered. Just one push of one button, once. Easy peasy (pink sparkle ponies for everyone!). 

So loyalty oaths should start appearing any day now. On the Event Horizon, for Whitey. Whether it is to obtain new housing or employment. Or to maintain current housing and keep continued employment. No matter how long you have been previously employed there. Or the quality of your work product. Or the steady nature of your monthly housing payments.

Loyalty oaths for admission to private social settings. As well what is your Covid status? Plus some other (Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos provided) X factor. And voila, you have arrived at your social service ratings! And yes, some/many will have to display that metric. Prominently on a sleeve worn badge.

Others, smarter than me (much), will think to completely and totally mask. Their political beliefs. And assume the virtual trimmings and trappings, of the national socialists. Disavowing the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and G*d Almighty. In order to stay alive (or just merely employed or housed).

Using anonymous search engines, and encrypted communication. Though entirely possible, we no longer enjoy the blessing of the Almighty. And no devine intervention will be forthcoming, to preserve this Nation. And save it from complete and utter destruction. 

Bezos' "replacement" isn't there because of the quality of his work, or his skillset. He was chosen because of his nose. Parked all the way up .... Bezos' butt. His proud adherence to the new G*dless, fascist world order. Just like Bezos' loyalty to the CCP. Makes no matter to Bezos. The destruction visited upon the lives of the citizenry, the destruction of our world whole. By his beliefs and practices. He lives in his own insulated world. Which bears no resemblance to ours. We aren't even a second thought. We are a complete abstraction. And of course, not human (white nationalists). 

So the Country is gone. And its return highly questionable, at best. Living, art, music, joy, beauty, wonder. All gone as well. But, we got plenty of worthless plastic crap from China, to sell you. For you to buy. And have delivered ... in the blink of an eye. Makes no matter, that it was manufactured by slave labor. Yours for a penny, a song. Why yes, you can have two.

Eight p.m.

The Left's disconnect so great. That if somehow industrial aerosol adhesive is sprayed in your hair? Via own your own hand, your own unbelievably towering stupidity. It isn't actually your fault, nope. That's right, it's whitey's. 

And in thus, make him pay a price. Get in his face. When he is out to dinner, with his family. Especially then. Deny whitey basic rights, basic courtesy, basic respect. Deny whites peace in their own home [Senator and Mrs Hawley]. Deny them a place in our society. Let your hate flow. It's time to kill Whitey, don't you know. 

Me, I'll be a free man standing. No bended surrendered knee here. Let alone remain silent. They may have destroyed America. As well the idea. And crushed too many hearts and spirits in the evil deed. But they will not be able to destroy every single last free heart and every last free mind. And in thus blood will flow in the streets. And in the homes of American patriots. You won't need to enlist, and then in turn travel overseas to fight the Evil Axis. They will come to you. You have already been drafted. You now are poster children, for their target practice.  Both virtual and atomic. 

This anti fascist war on lethal Traitor propaganda. Requires all hands on deck. Of those who ARE ready, are willing and are able. To man the gattlin' to the last. Willing to give your all, your everything However many romantic souls left, that may be? So smoke em if you got'em [me, finally gave up the gum (after three years)]. It's going to get real hairy out there people. Some of you really are going to die. So that Lady Liberty, may possibly live. War, at home. War, in your homes. War is here. 

I will never know peace again, in this life, until they are vanquished. If ever of course. But I cannot walk away. Cannot ignore this evil. Whatever the filch who cancel, may yet erase. Whatever they may do to me, in the atomic (in the small Southwest town I'm moving to, into just a couple of months. F*ck California, adios, goodbye). 

More specifically, I think of those whose voices were all silenced, all canceled. On the very same day. More an nine thousand souls, now resting. In linear ordered rows. Atop a groomed verdant bluff, overlooking the English Channel. In a place known as American Cemetery, Omaha Beach. 

Though they are silent, I can still hear them. Hear them loudly call. And in thus, you can have my silence, when you can cut out my tongue. And rip it from my lily white face. Not before. I'm not afraid of you. Never have been. Bring whatever you got. Whatever evil that may be. However much horror you can launch. 

You ain't taking anything from me. Not now. Not ever. As in never. I am not, nor will I ever .... surrender. You have already taken the one thing. That is more precious to me, than anything. This land, this country, this Nation. That was entrusted to us, by G*d almighty. There is nothing left to destroy. Nothing left to lose. 

What little time I have left, I give unto the memory of those who already gave. Gave their all, their everything. Through time, through distance. From another world away, they gave their lives, for me. Fighting fascism, seventy five years ago. Across the Atlantic. As the American Neo National Socialists gain steam, here at home. This day, this moment. Gleefully, spitting upon all of their graves. And I say not on my watch, I'm still breathing. Motherf*ckers. I'm still breathing. 

Ron Kim, New York State Assemblyman. Wow. Someone on the other side of the aisle. With integrity, with basic human decency (yeah, the exception that of course proves the rule).

 Remember when (a million years ago), when people agreed to disagree? Were polite. Simple basic respect for one another, was the norm. Accepting people as individuals. In a collective that forms just and only one Country. One shared ideal (though infinite ideas). 

Not automatically rejecting half of this Nation. Canceling all those whom they have labeled villains (because of the color of their freakin skin!!!). And then? Massive mobs atrample their front lawns, threatening them, threatening their children. Even their pets! Threatening their very lives. For having, for expressing a point of view different from the daily scripted, false narrative. Or even celebrating the agonizing demise of a storied Conservative, from fatal lung cancer! Swilling Champagne, and dancing in the studios of the FNIC. 

We once  had a Constitution (remember when?). Different ideas were welcomed, celebrated. Having a discussion of different topics, problems and solutions was normal. Was American. Wasn't a crime.

 Our families, G*d, and Country came first. Politics? That crap came later. Now, Left/progressive/Socialism, fascism. Isn't just the new religion. It is the only. 

And if you don't slavishly worship their false techno G*d? Well G*d help you. Because you are really, really going to need it. I'm jeopardizing what very little I have, my (already dwindling) future. By merely thinking these words. And in turn plinking this keyboard. By not caving, caving into the fear. Shutting up. Me, little elmo. Enemy of the State. 

No one voted for demented CCP Biden and racist Kommisar Kamel Hairris. No one except Jackwad Dorsey, Zuckermaggot, (do nothings but evil) Brin & Page, and [five foot seven (in heels)] Bezos. With a handful of other fascist trillionaires for good (overpowering) measure. Certainly not a majority of Americans. Most certainly. 

So I get a little frosted, when people (every single last person in the FNIC) pretend he's the president. That he's the leader of the free world. Rather than what he is. 

Biden as president, is the biggest lie so far. In a galaxy of unbelievable whoppers. And it now has been told enough times. That people who say different, are assumed to be nothing more than blood swilling (Islamic fundamentalist no less) terrorists. Killing using unapproved words. 

And why we must prosecute people, people who speak up or out. Hunting them down (like rabid dogs) on Facebook and Twitter. As well every other place they leave a virtual trail, for the thought police to follow [though being (an Islamic fundamentalist) terrorist, would be a pretty neat trick, yep (for this hook nosed bagel eater). But hey, it was just part of the research, for my new book: "My Jihad" (ululation heard in the background)]. 

 Joe is doing it all for the kids (what a surprise). He emphatically likes kids more than people [he's not doing it just/only for the CCP  (and Iran) no Sir (what a swell, what a Saint!)].

The meme weeks back was, Biden is "fundamentally decent." (when he isn't nodding off. Or asking: where are we?). And why you are seeing informal videos, that feature Dear Leader unwinding at  the nest. Smiling ... playing with the family dog. Reminiscent of other (b&w) home movies, from other leaders dear (past). 

There is a time for every purpose under heaven. And somehow killing whitey is now on the agenda. And they are going to make real sure, that clock gets wound. For in their heaven. Is our Hell.

Monday, March 8th, Four p.m.

And We Pray 

I keep wondering, which straw will be the one? 

That breaks the camel's back. What event will set things in motion. Will begin the avalanche. Of real, actual resistance, in the atomic. When enough people are just so fed up with the insanity of the Left. And the Treason Crew in the White House. And in Congress.  And in local State Capitals. 

When they will rise up. And throw off the yoke of oppression. The chains of Tyranny. And put an end to this debasement of all that is Holy.

And I can't help but think, not long now. Not long. For I can not imagine more, greater crimes against G*d, against Country. To go unchecked. For every single last person of character to go quietly into that good night. 

Things are only going to get worse. We wait. We watch. We see. We hope. And we pray.