Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Lead, Follow, or Get the F*ck Outta the Way

 'The FBI is spending millions on social media tracking software'

(Via the Washington Post, so its placement is not an accident. But a warning …. shut up b*tches, or you're next in the D.C. dungeon. And if you don't use discretion in your affairs? AMFYOYO).

"Social media users seemed to foreshadow the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol — and the FBI apparently missed it."

"Now, the FBI is doubling down on tracking social media posts, spending millions of dollars on thousands of licenses to powerful social media monitoring technology that privacy and civil liberties advocates say raise serious concerns."

"The FBI has contracted for 5,000 licenses to use Babel X, a software made by Babel Street that lets users search social media sites within a geographic area and use other parameters.
The contract began March 30 and is worth as much as $27 million."

Beyond fiction, beyond paranoid conspiracy theories. The only problem is that this nightmare, has become reality.

Machine sifting/data scouring of our every thoughts. Precrime. Except it is for preserving their ill gotten Political power.

If any of you still think, they are going to abide by. Or even allow a free and fair Election to take place? Well then you ain't a playin' with a full deck. Nope.

Remember, we …. you and me, are Terrorists. The enemy. And not actual Islamists, on a jihad. However many hundreds of Terror operatives, have crossed our wide open Southern border, this year?

Readily thousands of children, have been sex-trafficked across. 

One is too many.

One Terrorist.

(Or) One child.

These aren't human beings, in the Junta+Reich4. They are bestial, Satanic entities. Frothing maggots who have flown out of his anus.

There are no predetermined outcomes, except one. They w i l l continue on his path of Treason and destruction (I didn't predict the drawing down of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Only the Ukraine war, being a crisis they would not waste. In order to mortally wound this Nation).

And that one predetermined outcome? Yep, there will be blood. Are you ready to die? To give your life, in the battle to save the Greatest Gift Ever Known? In the Second American War of Independence. Nearly 250 years after the first.

They are all in. AND …  they've already shown their hand.



Or get the f*ck outta the way


Six a.m.

The Junta Will Not Stop ...

'Biden Sends Nearly $1 Billion to Afghanistan Since Taliban Takeover'

"A generation after 9/11, Americans are once again funding the terrorists who are out to kill them."

Obama+Reich4 won't resupply Israel's Iron Dome, missile d e f e n s e system. Nor provide them with BU-43 bunker buster munitions. Or even aerial refueling tankers.

But the Foreign Born Fay Mooselimb Traitor, will continue to give cold hard cash. To cold blooded Terrorists.

Watching the twelve second video, of Obama's return/victory lap at the White House. And how carelessly he discarded Joe Biden?

The IslammoCommieJunta and the Fourth Reich, think even less of Israel.

Expect the worst. Prepare for it. They will not stop, until they are stopped. 

D - 216 and counting ...


Eight a.m.

Evil Will Not Stop

Good luck keeping your sense of balance. Your perspective, your calm or ease. Our world being destroyed, en toto, by the minute.

This below link will absolutely turn your stomach. 


"Latest release from Pfizer.
They vaxxed 270 pregnant women.

There is no feedback on 238, but of the other 32 there was only one live birth. WTF??!!"

(Above link via White Rabbit/Gab)

Comment from me? What can I say, without the (poof buzzcut) Gestapo, arriving and banging my door down?

D -216

There are no choices here. We are left with but one option. Whether you believe me or not. 

Time unfolds, events transpire. This singular moment in time shouts …. are you ready ...


You better be. Because Evil will not stop.

Until WE Stop Them



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