Saturday, June 11, 2022

Real War is Really Here

Treason is a Capital Crime. Kill a Country? And receive the Big Prize (well a girl can dream anyway …).

Take a look around people. Take a mental snapshot. Whatever the future holds? The Country will never, e v e r  be the same again. The mindf*cking filch are hellbent on destroying the Glory, the Magic, and the Joy of the previous 250 years.

I'm not a criminal. I have not committed any crimes. And neither did the individual J6'r, now headed for hard time, in prison. Because he accepted a plea deal, for a crime that he did not commit … "Insurrection" (and two others who also accepted a plea deal, have since taken their own lives).

Steve Deace:

=== I am going to post a note here I received this morning from a January Sixther. I will post it without comment. Feel free to read it and then come to your own conclusions ===

Me? I ain't afraid of the Fourth Reich [I'll say it again, the FBI can lick my Durdy Runny B*tthole (and twice on Sunday)].

They can make up whatever crime, manufacture/plant whatever evidence. 

I will not surrender to/for a fictional crime. And most certainly not to commie cowards/filthy Traitors who manufactured it (with poof buzzcuts no less). Yeah, I rather like living. You bet. But I will not live a single day in chains. Not one. I am an American.

The six legged beasts will have to kill me.

Not an empty brag. Or any invitation. Just simple reality. If they want to destroy the Republic, and this Citizen's G*d given Freedom. Then my life is already over.

I had enough of the filchy cockroaches, a long time ago. And like many, had tempered my words just a skosh. Seemed prudent. Now no more. It was a heckuva life, a heckuva Country. 

Will we ever get it back? Will enough of the Nation stand fast? We are now approaching cataclysm.

Real War

Real Death

Real Dying

Yeah, really

This is the road they have constructed. It is the only one remaining. And yes, it is paved with good intentions.

It is going to get mighty warm, mighty fast, blood will flow … like rivers. I'm not ready. And I'm sure many others aren't either. Though yes, I made it out of Southern California alive, seven months ago. Away from the fifteen million selfish, greedy mindf*ckers, who are stinking the joint up.

But whether we are ready or not. The Junta, the 4th Reich, the Fake News Industrial Complex, and the Deranged Lunatic Left can't wait. For the Killing to commence proper (new polling shows Millennials openly favor assassination of Conservatives).

Zero crocodile tears would have been shed, at the murder of Justice Kavanaugh. To the contrary. Leftist sh*tholes on both coasts. would have erupted in boisterous celebration.

I don't know … maybe bifurcation, dissolution of the Union, might prevent the impending conflagration? The freaks go their way, and we go ours. 

Comment in thread, at below link: 

'Ruth Sent Us' group hinted at targeting Supreme Court Justice Barrett's children, church

"There’s no living with these kooks. We have to find some way to part company"

And in the body of the article itself:

=== If you’re in the DC metro area, join us and our protests at Barrett’s home,  the group said on Twitter.

Ruth Sent Us specifically noted the Barrett family's daily schedule and the school her children attend ===

If you are middle aged, and White? Get the f*ck out of any of these Libturd  cities.


YOU are a target. I won't even bother to link the vid, of the NYC subway attack two days ago, on a woman. Physically picked up, and then thrown down onto the tracks below. Like a piece of trash.

ANYONE who believes in the Constitution, and cherishes Freedom? Is also a target.

From (recent) experience, leave most of your cr*p behind, when you move. You can always buy more, after you arrive. Shopping is easy. Packing, moving, storing/storage? A heavy lead weight, tied round my neck, AND my wallet.

Haven't read Walden Pond, in over forty years. But hey, at least give me some credit … for deleting my eBay account, two years ago (how many toy trains does a man need?). Though staying out of the Goodwill, is not quite as easy. But I'm getting there :-)

And we don't post puppy vid's, though we certainly enjoy them. But here's a little a warmth for the cockles of your heart, none the less …. (oh what a violent white supremacist you are elmo!)

When you see Evil? Guess what, 
Y O U R number has been called.

Suit up

Show up

Mount up

And ride

Real War is Really Here.

Sunday, June 12, Three p.m.

It would appear, that the o n l y one's now applying, or recruited to join the FBI? Are deranged lunatic Leftists. And the only thing that the FBI actually does these days? Is to dress up in full Nazi/Gestapo regalia, at secret poof orgies (if the tall CFM Pumps fit?).

=== The media insists this Patriot Front bunch of FBI cadets is 'right wing'.
Does this really look like one of OURS? Why did cops leave their masks on? This shit glows hard. ===


90 Gymnasts Sue FBI For $1 Billion Over Botched Larry Nassar Investigation

=== Dozens of women who say they were sexually assaulted by Larry Nassar are seeking more than $1 billion from the FBI. For failing to stop the sports doctor when the agency first received allegations. Leaving him free to continue to target young women and girls. ===


=== First, it was baby formula. Now, it's tampons. Store shelves where tampons should be stocked have been bare in recent months due to supply chain issues ===

Trucking companies are now sounding the alarm. The Country is r a p i d l y headed for the abyss. Courtesy fuel bills that are unsustainable. Meaning MORE empty shelves. As the trucking industry contracts and buckles under the massive weight. And you don't think that the Junta/Fourth Reich, are at war with G*d and Country?


=== Serious question, how will my vote in November solve the problem of foreigners setting up non profits to shut down speech they don’t like and getting a government run news agency to give their message a platform? ===

D-Day minus 149 and counting ... 


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