Monday, September 05, 2022

It Is All So Unreal

"Extreme Climate Injustice" … I heard that dribble out of some dingleberry's pie hole. On NPR, yesterday afternoon.

I assume that's the fault of Extreme MAGA? (And not the CCP, or Apple, or Elon Musk, or Bahrain, or … ). But I didn't listen long enough, to find out [though certainly it is likely that NPR sez that the Bad Orange Man and his (Extreme Domestic Violence) disciples are the genesis]. I giss the word of the Deranged Lunatic Left this week, is Extreme. Mebbe next week, it will be Extreme Ultra MAGA?

Had a rather ugly experience at the supermarket, earlier in the day, Sunday. Left the Big Sh*tty L.A., ten months ago. And was overjoyed to leave the near daily Black on White, and Brown on White racism behind (and in general, fifteen million sociopaths, who play chicken with pedesteians in crosswalks).

But encountered that Hatred for the first time, since leaving the desolate badlands behind. Smiling … proud racism. Worn like a shiny badge.

You can take the (racist) person out of the Big City. But you can't take the Big City (racism), out of the person.

I mention it in the context of what lies ahead. And in such, the hatred that has been inculcated by the Amazing Ozama. Since the Racial Arsonist Extraordinaire, began his quest to divide and destroy America. Lo these many years ago. And how the War that now approaches, is a certainty. Yes, a dead certainty.

Chucklehead Odorama and his Treason Train, have been jackhammering the foundation of the Republic, for quite a while now. And that hardened pneumatic chisel has found purchase. The concrete now a'crumble. Dust.

Whatever or wherever the flashpoint, that the Fake News Industrial Complex demarcates. As the official beginning of this War beyond War?

But of course, that only applies to MAGA (while Jaywalking or "Parading"). Never ending, continent wide destruction, raging arson, violence with extreme malice, even premeditated murder … committed by the Left, is labeled Mostly Peaceful.

And the Creepfilth Tech Overlords, bury/erase any/all evidence to the contrary.

 I will never surrender to the Dark Void, and become them. Yes, time spent in thinking can be burdensome after a hard day's work. Real fortitude is required to garner the truth of events. It used to be known as your Civic Duty. Informing yourself of the issues, before casting a vote in an Election.

Five million non citizens, illegal aliens, as in NOT Americans [oooh ... what a racist you are elmo (yeah, and my Spanish snap-turns the heads of Mexicanos)] … have just streamed across our open border, in a matter of months [along with a tidal wave of Fentanyl, an invasion of violent MS-13 gangbangers, rapists, even Terrorists! (Yeah, really)].

Time was when Civics was a requirement of (legal) Immigrants, petitioning for Citizenship. Not just English. And they were p r o u d of becoming an American Citizen. And the rigorous learning process, that they worked through with grit and determinaton. No more.

Myself, I will never rent a single cubic millimeter of space in my brain, to hate. Not a one. Ever. Such microscopic "thinking," such ugly thoughts. Cowards take the easy path, the lazy road. Letting others think for them. And then believing themselves smart, enlightened even. Because they are in on the secret (if only those damn greedy Joo's, would stop being so greedy).

But to the Deranged Lunatic Left? Hate is their all, their everything, their only thing. Whitey's gunna get his.

It's going to get quite messy out there. Real War. Real blood and guts. Real dying.

It's all so unreal.

The Left cannot wait, to pull out the pin …

(Kate Bush/Pull Out the Pin)

Burning down even more cities. Looting even more beer and cigarettes, in the name of Equity. Killing even more. Discarding the lives of Police with glee and zeal.

We are confronted with the most momentous events of our lifetime. Perhaps even in the entire history of our Nation. And now we are tasked with saving the entire World, from filthy f*cking NAZI's, again.

It is real.

And it is happening.

How unreal.


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