Thursday, October 20, 2022

I Beg You to Help Me


In case any of you … my esteemed readers haven't figured it out yet?


I'm not suicidal. I'm not a martyr. But I have cast my lot all in, on saving the Republic.

The odds are beyond long. And of course, in our way are REAL actual TRAITORS. Murderous scum, thieves, filth, insects. FiMTHFOSA's … FROTHING MAGGOTS THAT HAVE FLOWN OUT of SATAN'S ANUS. Evil, pure f*cking Evil.

Sure, these beasts walk on two legs, have human form, ordinary appearance. But inside?

The totality of it all … Truly the Banality of Evil.

Words, events, near real time recollections of one Hans Fallada. Warning us, with every pore of his being. That Hell exists. It is a place, here upon this Earth.

The markers are now all here. All present and accounted for.

As the unelected Junta makes preparations, for exerting more force. In order to keep and maintain their grip on power..


And with the upcoming forced vaccination of children. Millions more will be fed into their Great Grand Machine of Slaughter.

Society is already disintegrating around me. And one would have to be blind, not to see it. Or live in a high walled compund, on Martha's Vineyard. Protected by a small army of stone cold killers.

Or live underground, in an enormous city. Hidden from view, from mind, on a BIG chunk of Hawaii (the fake Joo Zuckermaggot). So completely divorced from reality. So completely unaware.

In the case of Chucklehead Odorama, King Hussein da'Membrane? One could only think the collapse of civil society gives him a stiffie.

They have gamed this, run the sims. And in their projections, they come out "ahead." As in YOU dead, and they are still in charge. And living large.

So everyone of YOU, must expand their envelope of thought. What can you do to actually help save the Republic?

What is in your power? Your ability? Your resource? What will be effective? How can we mere mortals, stop Satan in his cloven tracks? What more can be be done?

Double U Double U Two, was won on the backs of millions of AMERICANS. Over the course of many years. It most certainly didn't happen overnight.

What are you willing to give? To sacrifice? What are you willing to wager? How long are you really willing to persevere?

I don't have the answers. I don't have a f*cking clue. But I do know it will take every fibre, every ounce of my being. Every day of my life. Until the filth is brusquely swept from the Earth. And once more banished from the Garden, for another One Hundred Years.



Friday, October 21, Five a.m.



It isn't history anymore. It IS real, and it IS happening. AGAIN.

More than 100 churches vandalized since Supreme Court overturned Roe

+++++ There have been over 100 attacks on pro-life organizations, crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), and churches since the May 2 leak from the Supreme Court of the United States that revealed the court intended to overturn Roe v Wade through the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.

Fox News reports that over a dozen of these attacks have been claimed by Jane's Revenge, an Antifa-inspired, radical left-wing pro-abortion group, yet not one person from that group has been arrested. +++++

And there is ZERO doubt in my mind, the cunts, pansies, and TRAITORS over at the FBI know who they are. Individually, and collectively. I'd even venture one or more are on their payroll. As "confidential sources." .

And I think this morning, I spotted a figure of thirty or forty million dollars a year, spent on same. By the FBI, without ANY oversight whatsoever.

(From below link, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

<p>Storefronts of Jewish-owned businesses damaged during the <a href="/narrative/4063"><em>Kristallnacht</em></a> ("Night of Broken Glass") pogrom. Berlin, Germany, November 10, 1938.</p>


On November 9–10, 1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and recently incorporated territories. This event came to be called Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) because of the shattered glass that littered the streets after the vandalism and destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes.

Nazi officials disguised the organized nature of the pogroms. They described the actions as justifiable and spontaneous.

You can of course substitute the Word FBI, for Nazi. The Fourth Reich IS real. If you want this Country to survive? If you want to stay alive? Then understanding current atomic reality, will increase your odds. As unreal as unfolding events are.


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