Thursday, December 31, 2020

I Thought for a Minute There I Was Dreaming

"In the interview, Gen. McInerney publicly calls on President Trump to realize the seriousness of the cyber-war attack on America by invoking the Rebellion Act, removing Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln did) and initiating mass arrests under military authority." 

I thought for a minute there, I was dreaming. One individual, one. Who understands the magnitude of the situation. The mortal jeopardy of it all. And where we, as participants, in this great grand experiment. Are. 

And of course, the land of our fathers, and our forefathers. Itself, in the most dire jeopardy. Since before the day of its birth.

Wednesday, January 6th. Four p.m.

Say Her Name 

I don't know her name. I would like to. The name of the woman, assassinated. In the name of Freedom and Liberty. Who when she left home, to attend the march in DC. Never thought that she would not be coming back. It's senseless. They shot her through the neck. How big a threat was she. If I thought for one moment, martyrdom would save the Republic? But she wasn't given the option. Witness accounts peg it as a stone cold killing.

Thursday, January 7th. Eight p.m.

The Criminalization of Speech, in 3, 2, 1, 0 ... 

Nothing the Left does anymore surprises me. It's all evil. And merely a waste of time to comment on it. Their actions regards Ashli Babbitt, hitting a new low, even for them. It only took a year, for the end of the First Amendment. And even that isn't good enough for them. They want complete control, of the inside of your mind. 

You are no longer entitled to think independently, es verboten. No free exchange of ideas. No comparative analysis. Just and only moronic fascist dogma. 

It is hard to see how we once triumphed over two major imperial fascist powers. When now we cannot chase them from the square, everywhere. And the tech titans have more power than Hitler ever dreamt about. 


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