Sunday, May 02, 2021

Hunting Season Has Begun

So this is it people. This is the actual moment, where the full throttle descent into Hell, begins (for all of us, and this great Nation). So you better start practicing your salute. So that people don't look at you funny, in public. And then maybe ... report you? (Bet you think I'm joking).

SIEG HEIL !!! (zeek -hahyl) SIEG HEIL !!! 

And now, with an affirmation ... quickly snap the heels of your black leather boots, together. Then thrust your flat right palm, skyward. And then bellow:

SIEG HEIL !!! (zeek -hahyl) SIEG HEIL !!! 

'DOJ Puts Grandma on Wanted Poster -- While Sealing the Records of Antifa/BLM Rioters'

"Note well that the federal government is currently holding around 50 to 60 people accused of being Four Hour Insurrectionists in solitary confinement and unending pretrial detention -- prison without any conviction. They've been held without trial, without bail, since January."

(ed: existing evidence shows that some of them have been beaten). 

*** "federal courts, at the direction of Joe Biden's Justice Department, are denying bond to nonviolent protesters as their cases continue a slow slog through an intentionally overloaded D.C. judicial system. 

The presumption of innocence has been suspended for Trump supporters involved in the January 6 protest largely based on a supposed 'thoughtcrime' of doubting the legitimacy of the 2020 election." ***

And any ANTIFA/BLM Rioters, whose records weren't sealed (sealing is effectively a dismissal)? Are financially compensated, for any inconvenience caused them.

SIEG HEIL !!! (zeek -hahyl) 

*** “The intelligence agency for the state of Bavaria said last week in its new report that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not ceased its drive to obtain weapons of mass destruction during 2020.” Iran has never slowed down, and no deal will stop it. Its violation of the nuclear deal by its own admission is long established. The whole deal was based on lies." ***

Links via the little engine that could (while I was the defacto co-editor of Drudge in 2013-2014, I never failed to check Doug Ross' site, at least once a day). 

SIEG HEIL !!! (zeek -hahyl) 

And if I keep spouting off? One would certainly expect a visit from Dear Leader's jackboot thugs. Or possibly some (random disposable) meat puppet, accidentally running over my puppy (while backing out of the driveway). Though they were "kind" enough to leave a note of acknowledgement on the door, and scribbling sorry. 

As it is, for the past week, my wireless connection, has been throttled back. Everytime I inhabit the virtual space. As in no 4G for me. So [after talking to the service center a week ago (located in the second world doodie hole of your choice)], I do a manual restart, which restores the connection's speed. Until the next time I'm online, and again I'm staring at reduced speeds. 

I imagine this BS to be no coinky dink. As I've never had a single burp, in the connection, in EIGHT straight years. Not a one. Neither a hiccup. Y'all been warned. And smart money would be to pay heed (elmo today, you tomorrow). 

And all too frightening, this is also no coincidence (below link). More of the unseen hand of Obama (the greatest Joohater this Nation has ever seen. Yeah, really. No hyperbole required). More or less running the show (the Destruction of these  United States), from a home office (a few miles away from the White House). The hand up the meat puppet (Biden) arse (of course ... with the help of all of the countless other traitors, in the Islammocommie Junta).

(Excerpt from New York Post) 

*** A Bronx judge went rogue on Sunday and set $30,000 bail for the alleged vandal charged with terrorizing Riverdale’s Jewish community — even though the man was set to be sprung under the state’s new bail reform laws.

Jordan Burnette, 29, was hit with 42 charges, including a number of hate crime-related offenses for smashing windows at various synagogues. But none of them are on the so-called “bail eligible” list, prosecutors noted at his arraignment in Bronx Criminal Court.

“Given the number of attacks, we probably would have asked for substantial bail. ***. 

His release is not random or nonsensical. However the FNIC (fake news industrial complex) reports the story? It is a loud and clear pronouncement. To one and to all (with sign language for the deaf). 

That hunting season has begun. And licenses are available (at any 7/11), to go hunt and kill Jews. Licenses are issued on a first come, first served basis [no  identification required (a racist rant or tirade will do just fine)]. And for the first five hundred thousand people, who apply? The twelve dollar fee has been waved, by Jack Dorsey his very self.

Monday, May 3rd, Eight p.m. 

It's no accident, the sheer number of Joohaters, in the Biden administration (for clarity only, we will sometimes refer to the Islammocommie Junta, as thus).

As if Samantha Power wasn't a big enough clue? So what's your point elmo? My point? Make no mistake, this IS Obama's third term. Every Joohater in the deranged lunatic Left, has been brought onboard (lured out from under their rocks. With promises of money and power. And the ability to inflict harm upon the Tribe). And the only person possessed of such a deep and abiding hate, and who could make it all happen? 

Is the one and the only ..... King Hussein in the Membrane. 


They say that the first person, to go accusing Adolf (Hitler), in a political discussion. Has already just then lost. Me? I'm just overwhelmed by the still pic's, from the (below) Fox link. Of Biden visiting a class of fifth graders.

It'so creepy and unreal. Like being transported back in time. And pictures of Hitler, portrayed as a smiling Everyman (of the people).  Though I don't recall the Feuhrer directly saying, that he was doing it for the kids. But Joe's visit, drives the point home. 

For those who need pictures in their news? To be able to follow along with (and not miss the subtle nuance). See, Biden really (really) is doing it for the kids (and we have the pictures to prove it!)

Wednesday, May 5th, Ten a.m.

Smile, You're on Kawksucker Commie Camera  

Everytime I see some of this nauseating offal, from Zuckermaggot. I wonder, and ask of the ether .... when?

'Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions [[[Facebook Blocks Messages with this URL!!!]]' 

Everytime I see some of this nauseating offal, from the FNIC. My head explodes.

"Disturbing video has emerged of a woman in a wheelchair being viciously attacked by a large group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis as she attempted to stop them from looting a Target store. Mainstream media outlets, of course, scrambled to defend the looters as victims."

'Asian woman attacked with hammer in NYC's Times Square

Suspect attacked victim with a hammer and hit her on the face, police say'

But it's her fault. And if you think it's the fault of the perpetrators, striking her head with a hammer? Well you are a racist. And you need to be canceled. Forthwith, post haste. 

Smile, you're on kawksucker Commie camera:

Smile, you're on kawksucker Commie camera:

The Democratic Party’s Stasi

The Biden Justice Department is “the shield and the sword”—the motto of East Germany’s Stasi—for the Democratic Party, protecting its own corrupt ranks while terrorizing any and all detractors.

The agents had kicked down the front door of their home in Homer, Alaska where they also operate a day spa and inn.

The pair were quickly handcuffed along with a few houseguests, including a teenager. Paul and Marilyn, who had attended Donald Trump’s speech in Washington, D.C. on January 6 and then walked to the Capitol, were interrogated for at least three hours by federal investigators.

“They said they had a search warrant but didn’t present it to us." 

Smile, you're on kawksucker Commie camera:

You all are going to have to come to terms. With your place in the new Fascist World Order. 

What you can and can't accomplish. What you are actually willing to do? If you aren't willing, to give your all, your everything? Then step aside. 

Lead. Follow. Or get the f*ck out of the way. There is much work to be done. 


Not doing, or not trying, is surrender.

Friday, May 7th, Eight a.m. 

 To Smite Evil or Perish of This Earth 

I'm listening to the Dan Bongino show, the bottom of the five o'clock hour (Wednesday, the fifth). And I'm astounded, his retelling of the corruption in DC. How limitless deep ... the swamp is, the interrelationships of all the traitors. Who have been using the FISA Court, to spy on Americans. 

Spying specifically on anyone and everyone associated with Trump. Giuliani, General Flynn. Ad infinitum. These Traitors have no shame, no modesty, no limit to their evil. They are true believers in Satan. And to hear Beelzebub tell it, they are most worthy disciples of he, the Dark L*rd. 

I can't emphasize enough, how on point you all need to be. How aware of your surroundings, at all times. And the bad actors walking down the street beside you. At the least provocation, they will attack your being. You mustn't let them. Get out of the city. Those aren't just words, they are your very survival. 

The laws of G*d, are higher than the laws of man. But to Zuckermaggot, Brin and Page, Bezos, Dorsey? They spit on G*d. And to them, we wish the L*rd, to demonstrate his displeasure. How long this darkness lasts? How long will we slog through this Hell upon earth? How long these insects prey upon this glorious Nation? 

Where are our supermen and superwomen? Where be you? Our superheroes, to banish evil from our sight. Dispose of all of these evildoers, like so much odoriferous garbage. Our Boondock Saints. 

I no longer possessed of the firmament to wage atomic battle. But that I could, I would (past tense even). Left to call out into the darkness, that soon ye shall be ground into the earth like so much dust. We are two hundred million. We shall be heard. We shall be avenged. We will never surrender to evil. Not ever. Fear us oh followers of Satan. Fear us, we come for thee. In this raging darkness, we bring G*d's might. To smite thee, or perish of this earth.

Saturday, May 8th, Six a.m. 

Oh, and if you aren't scared, I mean really scared? 


The way forward? I'm of the firm belief, that firm measures are required. And will yield quite noticeable and tangible benefits (and if you've been following along, I don't have to paint you a picture). 

Others? Take a more intellectual approach. Theoretical. Media tactics, behaviors, blah blah. Long view, long battle. Neverending.

The moments pass, the moments fade. The longer the snakes are at home in the garden. The more difficult their removal will be. Talk, talk, talk? 


Action, action, action. 




Ten a.m. 

Today's word: Horror 

I warned you. And I'll keep warning you (until my dying day, I will do my job. You know, like Sigourney Weaver's character, in GalaxyQuest) .... 

GET THE F*CK OUT OF THE CITY [just and only three more weeks for me. After sixty plus truly glorious and magical years (they take paradise, and put up a Commie parking lot), adios California, goodbye scuzzy mofo's, goodbye]

If you haven't left yet? Pay strict attention to your surroundings at ALL times. Leave yourself an out, AT ALL TIMES. This isn't a game. This is your very life, and the lives of those whom you are charged with keeping safe. 

'A driver was reportedly beaten and held against his will, another had his back window destroyed and shots of some sort were fired by the AK-47- and AR-15-wielding terrorists. Multiple sharp sounds were heard followed by the sound of whooshing air after the militants flattened the tires of a car, (that) the gun-wielding crowd had forced to stop. The man was “aided” to the sidewalk, as a live-streamer put it.'

'The driver in the video above had his keys, gun, and tools stolen out of his truck, according to Portland police, who finally showed up to take a report.'

Oh yeah ... that's news. Well it is, if your diet is 100% FNIC propaganda. And you voted for the Joebama Fraudulency. In which case, you are too stupid to know, let alone understand truth. F*ck, you can't even spell it! 

Horror. That is today's word, horror. Real Traitors, for the love of Satan, have nearly destroyed this great Nation. And unless they are S O O N  brought to heel? Any bets, all bets ... are off. Unbelievable madness, runaway lawlessness, pure insanity, wanton violence, murder. That is the new reality. 

Today's word? 



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