Saturday, March 13, 2021

Begin the Beguine

The hardest part (the waiting), that is now over. 

For it has begun. War, war is here. 

So, we all now are becoming familiar, with living under the boot of Tyranny. And not that we want to get comfortable with it (or anything), on our neck, no. But the initial shock, has cooled a degree of Fahrenheit. That the unreal, the unbelievable, the impossible, it has well and truly happened. Not a pigment of our e-magination. The Country, this Country, our Country .... has fallen. 

The familiarity and experience allows us to see more clearly, think more clearly. Act with clarity. With a bit more purpose and precision. And not out of fear of the fascists, or in surprise and wild panic at this horrific turn of events. We of course, we will always be angry. And will never forgive this mindless idiocy. This wanton slothful ideological greed. This abject Treason. I'll leave that for future generations. 

I'm just a couple of months out. Of finally, finally pulling the plug on Los Angeles. After sixty plus years. Definitely looking forward to paying a $1.25 less per gallon of gasoline, in another State. As well the other quirks in the localized marketplace (wherever I end up). Of other goods and other services. That aren't taxed or regulated out of existence, or beyond any and all recognition.

What a cesspool California has become. What an intellectual prison. Filled with icky, filchy, powerfully stanknasty, openly racist skuzz ... everywhere. The contrast is the stuff of the dissolution, of the Union. And I'm now confident, that the fascists will NOT succeed. They will not be able to destroy every single last American patriot. Though yes, they most certainly are going to try now, aren't they. 

There now are only two questions, and they are biggies of course. How long will this war last?  And how many human beings, will they fead into their slaughter machinery, that they are building to the sky (before they are finally stopped)? We need to be prepared for the possibility of millions. Millions Wholesale. And the Wholesale stench, of millions of rotting corpses. 

 Having spent a wee too much time in enemy land, behind enemy lines. It's nice to finally escape. And it would be great, if somehow, some way. This 200' tidal wave of blood now upon us, could be turned back. But they have painted themselves into a corner proper. And still yet, they have more distance to go. Back, back across the fresh paint beneath their feet. They still need to actually prove to themselves, what they are ultimately capable of. 

All of this now? All of this (pure) insanity, and unbelievable madness. We've only just arrived, at the start of Chapter two. Chapter one, now past (tense). Was just button pushing. Virtual warfare, via remote control. All that preparation, collusion, fraud, conspiracy, propaganda, erasure, cancelation, and sedition (leading to this moment, of Satan on earth). That was all done at arm's length with gloves on (ANTIFA was paid, and well. To do the dirty work). 

Now, they are going to have to actually get their hands dirty. And the Gunt's, will have to bump (atomic) uglies, with their declared enemy (America's Americans). Though they may just throw public relations completely out the window. And try to do it with a giant army of armed, lightweight drones, instead. With enough lethality, per drone, to get the job done. Without bother or worry about soiling their wardrobe, or keeping their fingernails clean. Or getting their hairdo mussed (oh horror). And if one flying terminator robot won't do? They'll send two. And no doctor billed, for the drones. How cool is that [when damaged or broken, toss in round file. And then merely unbox it's replacement (that was just delivered moments ago, by another utility drone)]. 

If you aren't part of a local patriotic collective. Then form one. Among friends, family, and neighbors. Keep zero official records. And communicate zero goals or activities, future forward. Keep it small. Keep it tight. Keep it silent, unless among yourselves, chatting in the atomic. Once you have a group or core. Close membership. And speak of it to no one. Even obliquely or jokingly. 

But keep it ready. Very ready. To answer the call. Whenever it may come. Whatever time of day or night. And however the message is delivered (there is a lot to be said for gasoline-powered vehicles).

You will all sleep better at night. Having some options, and hands to summon (on deck). Other than just you alone. If you happen to start taking on water, and the bilge pump seizes. Tucker Carlson, is now Public Enemy #1. The most dangerous person. In the whole entire Country. Quite a feat huh? That would be called a clue. A rather big one. Ignore it? At all of our peril. 

The shooting of 5'2" Ashli Babbitt in the back, Concord. Shot heard round the (G*d fearing) world. And now? This overt targeting of Tucker Carlson, is of course Lexington (spurring people to covertly bring about his demise). It has begun people. Make no mistake. It has begun. The waiting is over. The Redcoats have arrived. With long guns a'loaded. And they won't rest until they have Carlson's head on a pike. War has begun. 

“One, if by land, and two, if by sea; 

And I on the opposite shore will be, 

Ready to ride and spread the alarm 

Through every Middlesex village and farm, 

For the country folk to be up and to arm."

Eyes forward, head slightly tipped down. Be ready for anything (at absolute minimum, 3oz pepper, five is better. And a more than decent, comfortable blade. Give yourself p l e n t y of extra options. I deployed both, just two years ago. Sociopath left, after threatening for five minutes. But never advanced. Just angry yammer yammer. Though my 1.5 oz pepper canister was empty. I didn't blink. Have since moved up, to BG-42 3.75" blade. From 3" ATS-34. And carry the 3oz. in daylight. And sport the 5oz, at night).

And oh yeah, watch your six. Traitors are cowards. And will think nothing, nothing at all of taking your life. When and where it singularly most amuses them. They will first smile in your face. Then ... in order to form a more perfect disunion, attack you from behind. 

Do not let them. Assume the worst, ALL of the time. To them, you aren't even human. And you never have been .... you racist piece of pink monkey trash. 

They will physically attack your person without warning, at any time. Unprovoked, random [well, you are white after all. Nothing random about that. So you by definition are bad, and responsible for every bad thing that ever happened. And dying, for the CTO's hunger for power? Well that's a privilege (honkie). White privilege].

Now, it is more important than ever, to have food and supplies stored. For a long time into the future. Since they are capable of anything. They will weaponize everything. Whether it is the availability of food or water. Not just fuel or electricity. They are evil. They can, and they WILL, do anything. 

In repetition. This is not a game. This is not a drill. G*d Bless You and Your's. I will see you all in Hell (save me a seat if you get there first. And if I beat you, I'll save you one next to the air conditioner). It's now on people. It has started, all of it. It has begun. Not next week, or next year. Now mofo's, now.  

The hardest part, the waiting? That's over. All that is left, is the dead and the dying. That are part and parcel of any war. Of every war. And there now is nothing we can do, to stop that (as dark night, follows day). 

Trillions of tons of propaganda. Buys you a great quantity of hate. A tremendous amount. And a tall pile of  bodies, follows right along with. No stopping 'em now (though yes. I, me, lil elmo. Did the lion's share. In stopping Obama, from taking us to war, in Syria, back in the fall of 2013. When I was the defacto co-editor of Drudge. Though most definitely credit J.C.,with the banner: "Another Red Line").

This isn't a dream (nightmare), to awaken from. This you will know, when the Left's hand of death. Comes calling. And the true horror hits home. Bashes you in the chest. Bbbangs you upside the head. Wobbles your knees, turns them to rubber. Taking a life of someone known to you, someone near to you. Right before your very eyes. Death, in all its horror. In all its darkness. In all its finality. 

They are death. 

They have become destroyer of worlds. 

We must stop them. 

Many, too many will die trying. 

I'll say a prayer for your's. 

I will keep them in my thoughts. 

As you mine. 

G*d Help Us All ..... It has begun. 

The waiting is over. 


War is here. 

My Dear. 

War is here. 


JUST SHOCKING! Joe Biden Delivers Speech on Anniversary of COVID Lockdowns – Only 7,141 Tune In to White House YouTube Page for His First Address

Yeah, more people voted for Joe Biden, than like in the history of all mankind. I mean like umm..... he's the biggest vote getter ever  (or the world will ever see). He's a vote-tastic Giant, among mere mortal politicians. Able to leap every election ever come before [in a single night of ballot stuffing, the likes of which no one would have ever believed (stupid us)]. 

And jiminy, last year, some piece of garbahshz, that I was acquainted with, through commerce (some vintage toy trains I was thinning out). Said to me: "well, you won't have that problem, if you don't spread false election information."

After I had just explained to him, why my email was going to his trash/spam folder. 

It's all just so creepy. That people are that stupid, and yet so convinced of their own brilliance. Well I'm sorry. I'm not going to let you, you pea brained scum, lord over me. Take my Country, and then tell me what to do? What time I got left. Will be lost to the rebirth of G*d and Country. What little I can do, to help. Not run, not hide, not remain silent. Not cower, nor bend, nor bow. And most certainly, not surrender. Though there is little of this chassis left, to run the gauntlet. The insects scare me not. They will be repelled. 

Yeah, would have been great. To retire. Retire to small town nowheresville, Southwest USA. Kick back, relax, watch the world roll slowly by (or my toy trains ... huff and puff). Would have been wonderful. But that is not to be. Them's the breaks. Most unfortunate. Most. War is here.

Not by choice. But by bad chance, caught up in their evil dance. Upon the graves of those who once brought the light. This be the road. This be the path. War is now the journey, I sure hope we make it. I hear it told, that if we give our best most affirmative salute. To Dear Leader, and the Covid junta, as their lockdown convoy continues to roll through (our lives). That they may unlock us, for a whole day, on July 4th. And even let us have a meal (in formal genuflection, wow. We're just not worthy).


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