Friday, September 24, 2021

Not Long Now ...

The IslammoCommieJunta, the Deranged Lunatic Left. And their spear carriers … the FNIC (fake news industrial complex) and the CTO's (Creepfilth Tech Overlords). Have lied to us. To all of us. About everything. 

They haven't reported the Truth … in eons. Though certainly, they have manufactured a ginormous mountain of "facts." Which they pump out 24 hours a day, seven days a week (border patrol agents on horseback, are whipping illegal aliens, "from Haiti").

If they reported the Truth, even once? It was by accident. And the offending data set, was then promptly memory holed. 

Their ouvre, is a fabrication. Not worth the digital paper it was printed on (just like the money supply). It is their only output. Lies, fabrication, omission, coverup, misdirection. More commonly known as ... propaganda.

Their direct attacks on private citizens, however. Launched out of their virtual pie-holes? Those do contain the truth. The home address', of their political enemies.

So the likelihood of the 2020 Election, not having been a complete fraud?

Is zero. The null article.

Put that in your Meerschaum, and smoke it.

So the question that remains, is what is going to be done?

It certainly doesn't help us citizens … Americans. That the CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ, IRS, State Dept., and various toy soldiers (with a ton of confetti on their chest) … were all in on the coup. So many Traitors, getting paid with your tax dollars.

I often thought, what dirt do they have … on John Roberts, on General Milley? But they don't need any. They are self deranged. They don't need any prodding, to engage in acts of Treason. They do it … because they want to!

That's isn't to say the likelihood of Roberts being a pedophile, isn't high, no. Or Milley having a predilection for barnyard animals (the monobrow says it all for me. Bet you think I'm joking).

As I predicted a week or two ago (wasn't hard to do), the head of the FBI has begun a push. To criminalize ANY encrypted communication.

It isn't enough that they are going to attempt some manner of gun confiscation. YES THEY ARE. And likely, it will somehow be tied up/in with vaccines and vaccine passports/QR codes.

But they now are going for absolute, complete and total control. They are getting ready to dishonorably discharge or Court Martial, countless soldiers (tens of thousands ... hundreds of thousands?). For not submitting to the vaccine (we can't have anyone doing any thinking now ... can we).

Destroying the Military, its effectiveness, its spirit whole. They won't be able to fight their way out of a paper bag (like we even have an international border now).

Failure to submit to any of their directives, mandates, or vaccines? Will be met with force. And pushing  back against force? Will result in death.

They have gone full goose bozo. Full Goose Step.

I will not bend a knee to the fascists. Sorry. I will never surrender. Nor will I remain silent. The world has seen your kind before. And I am not afraid (repeat). I am not afraid of you panty wearing toy soldiers. Nor am I afraid of dying. I know what you are up to, you are T R A I T O R S (let me spell that for you).

I assume since I'm not Roger Stone. You won't be sending an armored division, replete with helicopter gunships. Spitting thousands of tracers, into the night sky (though I could be wrong).

Nor the entire CNN overnight crew. To film the arrest of one Osama Bin Elmo. The most dangerous white boy, to ever escape the MAGA bioweapons lab, in Woo-haw California.

Now that I elmo, have perfected aerosol transfer ... of the pink monkey virus (PMV). Turning everyone White (and just for kicks, Joy Ann Reid is first!).

After 245 years, it is well and truly over. They only thing left are the shouts and cries of American citizens. Being gunned down in the streets. 

They have already destroyed the economy, as supply lines grind to a halt (Costco is rationing toilet paper, and drinking water once again!).

And they've been watching the goings on, in Australia. Jackboot thugs, with badges. Spraying bear spray, in the faces of individuals seated on the ground. Who are demonstrating against Covid lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and internal passports.

The IslammoCommieJunta isn't interested in half measures. They are going for the jugular of Lady Liberty. And they are doing that now, as we speak.

How long before internment camps open for business? How long before they lose all patience. And implement a final solution.

Not long now … not long at all.

How much time I have left? Before the L*rd summons me. And stamps my life journey passport, expired? My health is that poor.

But I will not live a single minute, as a slave. My people have already been there. We've already seen that. We've already done that. Two thousand f*cking years ago.

When Satan comes calling this time? When he comes a'knocking on my front door? I have a little present for him. Yeah I do. Just my way of saying Hi … Howdy Beelzebub.

Get busy people, now b*tches, now. You have presents to wrap!!!

1:00 p.m.

The crux of the matter?

We don't bargain with the devil. Not now, not ever. No shades of gray. And if Lucifer does happen to come around? We will f*ck him up. You want to bump uglies with my Wingman? Go ahead and try!


Sunday, September 26, Five p.m.

I'm Out of Here ...

I don't need to be lectured on character and morality. By someone who doesn't have any (Gavin Newsom).

The only racists I know? Are black, or brown. Virulent racists. Do I have to mention that they are not my friend/s?

Remember that song by the Specials …. Racist Friend?

"If you have a racist friend. Now is the time, now is the time … for your friendship to end."

When the deranged lunatic Left, bought into the shite. That dribbled out foreign born, mooselimb traitor Obama's pie hole: "all whites are racists, it's in their DNA."

They broke their compact with G*d. And forfeited any and all rights, as Citizens. There are lies, and then there are damn lies.

And then there is the pure evil, inherent in spreading such false, scurrilous, malicious, and hideous lies. For mere empty, partisan political gain. 

And they continue to pound that racism nail. Into their own skulls. As they do, the deranged lunatic Left, who reside in major metro areas. Are the only ones who believe it.

The rest of America? Know it for the malodorous shite it is. And why the Dem's have zero chance, in 2024. Without resorting to a repeat of major election fraud. And they are working on that as we speak.

So Newsom, bringing forth a new law. Changing all California government language, concerning illegal aliens. To another term (and I have no idea what they have substituted, in its place).

But Commie Monkey Newsom, then gets up one his high horse: "we are reflecting California's values."

Yeah f*ckface …. 

NO fair and reasonable taxes.

NO laws.

NO borders (unless you are white and unvaccinated).

NO free and fair elections, ever again.

NO rights for whites.  

NO protection of Citizens, by prosecuting and incarcerating dangerous violent criminals.

Yeah f*ckface ... NO values whatsoever.

Keep your State, and your hate. I'm out of here ...


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