Friday, June 25, 2021

My Spirit Bleeds

Sooner, rather than later. The Cackling Pantsuit, will supplant the potted plant, in the White House. As they now have run out of road, on this happy happy joy joy road trip. With Joe at the wheel, of the rented (stolen) transcontinental motor coach. Large Aviators covering his blank, low wattage, idiot stare. 

Those sunglasses aren't fooling anyone, nor hiding his pudding brain. Everyone knows he's got a freshly mixed box of chocolate Jello, congealing upstairs. I mentioned in earnest, more than six months ago, this is elder abuse now, as it was then. Their evil knows no limits. No constraints. Not even a second thought or a tiny wince. They take pride in their destructive power. 

Though yes, Kamala stepping behind Joe at the microphone, and pulling him back to the podium, before he went another step. Putting him back on his page (the Florida building collapse/100 dead?). Shows she has no interest in being his wet nurse. And she is making it clear, that Commisar Harris is just as capable of destroying America, as he is. Showing that he can't hold the stage. And she easily can. As well manage it. And it's time, time for him to go. 

The only saving grace. Is that she is less well liked than Joe. And just like Joe, only through massive fraud can she win an election. 

Where light once shown in the garden, now they rampage. Where light once shown, they now take the G*d given day, and turn it into a Satanic night(mare). No diff between Biden or Harris, in that regard. Both evil in their own special way. 

The question for them now, is how to milk the rapidly approaching "crisis." How to maximize Biden's physical incapacitation, if not complete failure. How to gain the most political yardage? Put points up on the board. Maybe some new state of the art, eco-friendly burial? That makes Greta Thunberg happy (for say half an hour. Then, after thirty minutes, it's back to Greta Doomberg, tightly grimacing once again. Like a Dr Seuss character, the Grimace). 

Heart attack or stroke? Followed by death. The whole pomp of a State Funeral (preceded by the lengthy drama of the race to the hospital. As a Nation is glued/frozen to their screens, waiting for news of Biden's death). And then Cackling Pantsuit, standing by, resolute (maybe even next to her Resolute Desk). Ready to helm the ship of State (and she has been working with a Court ordered, professional behaviorist, on her lethal cackle. Before anyone else is seriously injured). And continue the war on G*d, on Country, on Whitey (and his apartheid state. And on that other apartheid state, as well. A two-fer). 

In no time at all CCP Joe, will either kick off this mortal coil. Or commit a faux paus that is so off kilter. That no one will dare to defend him or the smell. And they themselves will call for his exit. His full on (assembled from multiple parts/passages) 25 seconds, Dementia whisper festival, was quite charming. We will wait and see how many encores it receives. Before they drop the final curtain on the SloJo Show?

Though SloJo [cribbing from elmo, like the Obamessiah before him (even Rush borried a little here and there from anechoic room, for that matter)] mentioning F15's and Nukes? He was acknowledging the Right's argument, for bearing arms (against government Tyranny). And stating standard weapons be ineffective, against. Ergo, we can do away with the Second Amendment, in its entirety. Because muskets are worthless against (the fascists and the fascist State), the Second Amendment is no longer needed. And no, you don't have the right to defend yourself against harm from an intruder/attacker either. 


Below, is a Fifty four second clip, of some leftist asshats (who obviously are clients of the same elite fashion/lifestyle guru/consultant, that Jack Dorsey avails himself of). Getting in the face of a uniform officer, while he is on duty. Pointing their fingers right in his face, and shouting some nasty trash. Stupid and childish, but still very vile. 

Noteworthy only for the clear view provided, into the empty mind, of your typical ANTIFA/BLM footsoldier. Paid professional anarchist. Sleeping in some of the finest hotels. And traveling in comfort and style, to each local racial fire. Where they have brung tanker trucks, full of high octane gasoline. 

There's no there, there. Empty space between two ears. Engaging in conversation with one? Would be like trying to have a conversation with a houseplant. Waste of your time, and only annoys the (potted) plant.


I can't tell you what to do. And I most certainly can't tell you what to think. Though I have strongly suggested on more than one occasion, y'all be thinking for yourselves. Myself, it is just too easy to lose track, of the serious nature of these times. Caught up in the minutiae of daily life (surprise car repairs, dddamn!). Forgetting that Satan is now in command. Rules the existential roost ... between now and eternity. Unless he is stopped. 

I have to constantly remind myself, that in order to come to grips with all that is going on. I should be on a war time footing. I would add, Active Wartime Footing. Failure to do so, is just simply failure to launch. 

The Goosey, black boot march, isn't just dependent on the deranged lunatic Left, for soldiers. But on the silence and acquiescence of too many, on the Right. Even both hands up in surrender, as a chosen path of least resistance. Hearts and minds need be kept on alert. Kept whole. Enjoy what beauty and joy they haven't already destroyed or taken away. In the strength of your mind, is our survival. As they seek to destroy the hearts and minds of the citizens. In order to bring the Country to its knees. 

Active Wartime Footing, includes defense of your spirit. Not just your physical being. Keeping your heart and your mind safe, keeping your soul intact. 

Intact during this heathen, ghoulish nightmare (in the the middle of the street. The murder of the happy, young Puerto Rican couple, dragged from their car. By a  l a r g e , swarming lynch mob. After the Puerto Rico Day parade. Raining down a blizzard of bullets. From a number of shooters). Keep our souls from being crushed, by the devastation of being witness to these daily murder picnics. In all these Democrat run cities. While Biden blames the licensed gun dealer (oh yeah, that makes perfect sense. But then it does to whichever overpaid flack is tasked this week. With scripting Biden's part, of this deranged, macabre stage play). 

So take a little joy where and when you can. But in general, let go of the frivolous. Dispense of anything that which you can do without. Declutter. Tighten your game, your grip. Keep sharp. Get your existential weight down to welter class. 

So you can't move the big heavy bag around, anymore (not that you ever could). And your knuckles haven't much firmament left. But at least maybe you can keep the speed bag waltzing (as you once rather enjoyed). And keep your mind sharp along with. Keep some rhythm to your heart and soul. As they disrupt the whole of life, in every way. 

As they continue in their war to destroy as much as they can. Before they are stopped. If ever. They are political killing machines.

In the image of Terminator/Schwarzenegger. And all of the other large scale, mechanized robot soldiers. On a smoky nighttime battlefield. Some in flight, attacking from above. An army of borg's, dispensing massive destruction. 

Even though millions have actually died, in the wake of their political mayhem. They will work their way up to actual terminations. Flesh and blood death, by their own hand, in no time. In no time at all, Killer Kamala, who hates Whitey more than Joe! 

They have shown no limit to their derangement. They have shown no remorse for any of the destruction that they have visited upon our lives, and our society. Upon the World whole. Death is the game they will now play. Their heinous recent past, was just the warmup for up close and personal.

After she is done suffocating the feeble Joe. Cackling Pantsuit, will be leading us down the primrose path. Towards a gathering of Satan's soldiers, draped in black velvet. And holding gleaming scythe, most elegant.

All roads now lead to death and destruction. To human slaughter. By the Left. The deranged lunatic Left. 

The last line of defense? Thought, thinking for one's self. Sharing those thoughts in speech. In support of G*d and Country. Dispensing truth, giving a clear view of reality. Even though purveyors of same, are now dangerous criminals, sez the beyond corrupt Judiciary. 

Rudy Giuliani, criminal. Not because he is, but because they say he is. Just like that, just like the rest of their endless lies and fabrications [is Jon Stewart really that dense? That he thinks the Dems, told just one, single solitary lie. One lie, only one time (Covid lab leak)].

****  (Giuliani) as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020," the ruling said. 

Those statements, the court said, "were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client."  ****

It's all so creepy. In support of their torrent of lies, they destroy the lives of people who expose the lies. And those whom they cannot intimidate? They will need to find a place, for all of the bodies that will pile up. As too many people won't believe the endless stream of lies, anymore. Having developed a level of herd immunity. 

They won't be able to build jails and internment camps, quick enough. Though you can be pretty sure, they will award no-bid contracts. For those that they do build. And it's a guarantee, that those camps will be served by rail service (they are already building a rail line in Northern California, as we speak. High speed no less. Toot toot!). 

I have never been in War. I have never been in combat. What is now here, what is now at hand. Requires no uniform. Requires no formal announcement. For it has already begun. Is already underway. Whether you are ready or not? They most certainly are. 

Turn and run, hide my head in the sand. Or stand and deliver. Many times I'm discouraged, and want to bury my head in the sand. Others, I lament the in pocket throw-weight. And daydream of having a little more, on tap. It all a scourge upon my soul. Never having been to war, it now has come to me. And though they have not yet pierced my skin, with their blades of war. 

Inside, my spirit bleeds.


Seven p.m. 

Gerge Floyd, DBC (death by cop) 

So, the Ford Idea Bureau, has hard, incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's Treason ($50M from the CCP). Literally, the hard drive (on Hunter Biden's laptop). And they have had it for years now. And in the absence of any movement, on bringing Traitors to justice, on behalf of the Nation. What does the Ford Idea Bureau do, instead?

The FBI, being bearded by the State of New York, is trying to lynch Trump ... (instead of joining us in the real world). For either not tipping the chauffeur. Or tipping too much/letting him take the limo home? Or some other silly nonsense like that. Circuitous and roundabout by the FBI, through local New York State prosecution (spelled persecution). 

Take your pick, either one. The classic indictment, of a ham sandwich. This is the current state of affairs, of the Deep State (and its' nearly unlimited power, through an unlimited number of however many different agencies. And in turn countless employees/operatives). Add in the pure derangement and criminal corruption of the Taco Bell Supremes. Toss in the end of the Free Press. And what do you have? 

You have history repeating. Some very dark history. That it is taking place, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Is breathtaking. 


In many years gone by. The man who sold the Fentanyl, to George Floyd. The Fentanyl, that George Floyd overdosed on (autopsy: 4x lethal amount). That drug dealer, would be prosecuted, in George's death. And certainly not the officer, who was derelict (by whatever degree?) for not recognizing the symptoms of a narcotics overdose (and in turn, pushing a Narcan inhaler, up his nose). 

And most certainly not prosecuted for murder! They never needed the testimony of the drug dealer, to convict Chauvin. And so the dealer was never offered immunity, and never testified. He wasn't a hard man to find.

Coincidentally, he just happened to be in the car, that George Floyd was driving, in the minutes and moments before his world famous death. When George swallowed four times the lethal dose of Fentanyl. To avoid those drugs being found on his person. As the police were pulling him over. 

George would rather die, than have to go back to prison for a parole violation. And he got his wish. DBC .... (death by cop). All Floyd had to do? "Was tell the cop, he was overdosing. But he refused to save his own life. Because it would have meant a return to prison. A horrific way to go. 

And I'm sure the drug dealer got a whole bunch of wishes granted. More than one. He had Santa Claus on speedial. Including a chunk of the thirty million dollars, the City of Minneapolis, gave to George Floyd's family (before Chauvin's criminal trial even began!). And the family and Crump (I assume without even checking, that Crump is involved), kicking a little of that back to the drug dealer. For preserving the image of the recently departed, Saint George. 


How do you spell insane? How do you spell unbelievable?

****  The Cusicks (arrested today, Friday) are two of 32 people arrested this month (June,) for their alleged participation in the protests at the Capitol building on January 6.

In a press release issued Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland boasted that 500 people have been arrested so far. “I assure the American people that the Department of Justice will continue to follow the facts in this case and charge what the evidence supports to hold all January 6th perpetrators accountable,” Garland said.  ****

While all of this insanity is going on. All of this glorious worship of their own Treason. One would think it obvious, that this great a diversion of law enforcement manpower and the Judiciary. Will only lead to an even greater increase in crime. 

With such a perversion of justice, and this much political persecution. Further breakdown of society will follow. Especially when the seasoned professional criminals catch on. That they have all been issued get out of jail free cards. Even hot coco and a free ride, to the location of their next crime. 

Knowing, understanding that the justice system is now more corrupt than they are! Call it systemic racialism. In order to make up for the previous centuries of systemic racism? We will now have to enact racist policies. To undo the damage of all that racism. 


You don't need a passport, to cross over the Southern border, of the United States. It's wide open. No documents, no ID, no medical records? Heck, even if you've got the virus, we don't care (just remember to vote for Kamala in the next election, Thank You). We don't care why you are here (hey moe-hom-ed, you dropped your quran, buddy!). 

Speaking of care. Some of you will get hotels. And free luxury jet travel to a number of wonderful destinations in the heartland of America. It's springtime for Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder. 

But if you were born here, and maybe you are an individual, with a mind of your own? One of them anti-vaccers even. And you don't have that digital vaccine passport yet. Oh man, you are to be shunned by all of society. And you will not be allowed to fly anywhere. Let alone take the train. 

I guess if you tell them that you just crossed the border, have no ID, and you don't speak English. You can travel carte blanche. Play your cards right, I bet you could even reach Maui. Tell them you have an invitation from Joe and Kamala and Chuck and Nancy and Mark and Buraq. Printed. 

Tell them that Trump. Is a bad man. And millions died waiting at the border. At the steel wall of death, built by the bad orange man. And Saint Jesus Joe has rescued them all from the pit of the Great Graxx Beast. As he was about to devour us. Joe is our Savior. He is the light, he is the way. And that b*tch really knows how to build Socialism back better. He did it the old fashioned way, with blood dripping from his iron fist (and there's plenty more where that came from). 

I'm gunna pencil in Joe for the Nobel, this year. And confident they will even award it posthumously. Should Kamala forget to set the parking brake, on Joe's wheelchair. While she momentarily stops, at the start of the down exit ramp. Ooops. 

At the ribbon cutting ceremony, for the King Hussein in the Membrane, presidential library. And here everyone was worried about Joe, and the sharp edges. On the giant pair of cardboard scissors.

Monday, June 28th, Nine a.m. 

Happy Monday 

Ten flags, arrayed behind a ten cent dictator. 

Having less than ten percent of his brain, left. 

The simple task of reading off of his teleprompter, exceeds his ability. 

The picture on the, main page (the other day), of CCP Biden, standing at a lecturn (doing the pinched finger gesture for teeny/tiny). The 2D compressed (well rehearsed) picture, giving Dear Leader the appearance, of being Angel Winged. With five pairs of flags. Arrayed in a staggered line of ten, behind his shoulders. 

Those flags were micro-positioned to the millimeter. That now is their only game. Optics. Though to some (Mara Gay), Biden's flag festival, makes him a hater. An extremist. But then their rules don't apply to themselves, ever. And they are making it up, as they go along. Everything is racist, everything. And in thus, we must kill Whitey [Euphoric Utopia to follow (72 virgins)].

The Junta does not lead. They do not serve the citizens. In any way, shape or form. Not even the/their true believers. None of that nonsense, of serving your community, your fellow citizens. Merely and only solidifying their grip on power. And maintaining/preserving it as long as possible. 

Preserving their power, so they can destroy even more of America. Even if it means tanks rolling on the Election audit rooms/facilities. The forensic audit that is now underway. Lest a sliver or iota of truth somehow manage to escape the building's confines. 

There now is only one way they will leave office. And give up the ghost.  They haven't any guilt, for any of their runaway criminality [every single last thing is Trump's fault. Past, present, and future. And I hear that the spread of the Delta Variant? Is my fault, because I'm a hesitater. Yep, White racist hesitater (kill him, kill him now!)].  

Their crimes, are many orders of magnitude greater than one would have ever thought possible. And as more people come to know, come to understand. That fascists have actually seized power, in a real ... not make believe coup. Shrieks will be heard, the land itself will rumble. The earth will clap a mighty thundercrash. 

It isn't possible for this macabre fiction to continue uncontested. It isn't. For the Constitution to be eviscerated, shredded. For every law to be ignored. For thousands upon thousands of children, to be hand delivered unto organized sex traffickers (with Zuckermaggot's platform, readily facilitating such). For truth to be twisted into a pretzel. Without any logic, other than power.

Something's gotta give. And I believe that will be the lives of the citizens who won't go along. In order to get along (with fascists and Traitors). That's when the real fun will begin. And it's going to start pretty dang soon. Bodies will be piling up in the streets. Believe that. 

None of this other insanity was thought to be possible. And yet here we are. Surrounded by horrors unimaginable. Large scale death and destruction is the course they have charted. And no deviation will be tolerated. It's Seig Heil, love the fascist State and Dear Leader, or kiss your lily white ass goodbye. 

That isn't to say that the virtual war will stop. High, low, inside out. Upside down. They will destroy as much as they can, as quickly as they can. As long as they can. Anyway that they can. Words and ideas erased, in service to erasing G*d, and erasing the human lives who defer to a higher power.

The freeze frame pic (in above link), of Kamala, a couple of miles from the Mexican border (as close as she got. As close as the Secret Service dare let her go. The Cartel would have demonstrated who was in charge of the border. If she got any closer). The still pic, which opens the video. Shows Kamala, clearly out of her element. But then they have already proven, that the requirements for the job of destroying America. Are not that stringent. 

And she will pass with flying colors. She has half of this more than idiotic droolspittle, well memorized (root causes, root causes, root causes). And will keep repeating it, until everyone's ears bleed. Next of course, will be that they are doing it all for the children (no, not the thousands who have already been trafficked. Or the thousands more yet to be!). 

Root causes had its beginning in the virtual lexicon, with the arrival of the French Riots [and at one moment, in the history of the internet. If you entered:  "Cause of the French Riots," in your Google search window? The first link shown/listed on Google. Was to a blog post here, at anechoic room. Of the same title (though damned if I can find the November 2005 link now!)]. 

So I was amused to see that Commisar Harris, has dug it up, resurrected it. That's what is in store for us. A fascist dictator, who is 



Remarkably Lazy 

Childish, stunted even 

And she can't wait to get started. As President of the United States of America. Chomping on the bit. Unable to wait for her turn, as the lead destroyer of America. . 

Her "visit to the border." Sent a loud and clear message, around the planet, that the border is open. Wide open. And the business of helping you to resettle, is in full operation. And it was also a way for the Junta, to thank the cartels for their help. In erasing the border, the rule of law, erasing free and fair elections, erasing Whitey whole. Erasing the Country built, upon the land that Whitey stole. 

Of course she was there for what, an hour or two? Stopping in Texas (for a can of diet soda, and some jet fuel). On her way to her California home (in a lily white neighborhood). So she lives and works in DC. Is paid well. Though what her work product is? And yet she's been home to Cali, four times already. 

I imagine she will follow exactly, in King Buraq Hussein's steps. And spend every waking moment of her term as president, flying around in Air Force One.  Campaigning for reelection. Every single minute of every day. Pomp and Circumstance, for breakfast lunch and dinner. 

Pausing only long enough at each stop, to get her airticket validated. For the requisite Affairs of State. In order to cover the entire travel costs of the entire campaign (hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. Now easily approaching a billion. With the staggering size of the entourage). I imagine King Hussein wore out an airframe or two. And however many engines. While campaigning nonstop for six years. 

An abuse of power that was all too obvious. But they couldn't wait to toss out all of the rules and regulations. In honor of the first foreign born, mooselimb, Traitor president. He's now drawing a sizeable pension and even larger executive expenses. Just down the street from the White House (that is when he isn't at his luxe digs in the Hamptons or over on the Vineyard). Not including his travel and security. 

Much of his secret government still intact. The unseen evil hands. They all lending succor to much of the evil in our world today. Murtilizing the world whole. 

Giving the bomb to the shii caliphate? Easily the most nonsensical thing anyone, anywhere could do (talk about playing on the freeway). In thus, their desire to hasten the Iranian ascendancy to becoming destroyer of worlds? Makes sense only in the context of their rabid, drooling Joohate. A demonstration of the lengths they will go to, to satisfy that lust (and yesterday's airstikes? Mere window dressing. A scene from their ongoing deranged kabuki theater. Just and only ... more optics). 

And all of Obama's henchmen are still on tap. Or have risen up the ranks. Whether they are in media, or in the Deep State. Even four star generals like Milley, themselves ask how high? When the Obamessiah tells them to .... jump. And I gotta believe that fourth star on his shoulder? Came from Obama, his very self. 

Happy Monday!


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