Saturday, November 05, 2022

Hey Jackwad ... Crawl Back in Your Hole

 (Via Freep)



Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Apologizes to Employees

+++++ The co-founder and former CEO of Twitter is remorseful after the platform fired half of its workforce in one day. +++++

+++++ The time for remorse has come. 

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter  (TWTR) , made a rare public act of contrition on Nov. 5, after the dismissal in one day of half of the platform's 7,500 employees by his friend Elon Musk. +++++

The stench of you ... jiminy. 



Sunday, November 6, Four a.m.


Go to sleep early? Well … you wake up early (imagine that). And well being homeless, living in my recently acquired used van (and you better believe I'm mighty grateful for that!). You have to make some serious adjustments, when the cold weather hits [cargo van, with z e r o insulation (yeah, we'll have to get on that). 32° the other night].

And most days, after waking up. At the top of the hour, I would listen to the radio news summary. Years past of course, that would have been Fox News. But it now literally turns my stomach. The stench of the Murdoch's, is overwhelming.

So …. old school … National Propaganda Radio. Who never disappoint.

This morning? I lost track of how many shouts of heated F*CK YOU's, I launched back at Goebels' grandchildren.

The sickest tidbit of NPR tripe? Was a celebration of a gift from on high, from our glorious overlords in the Fascist State.

A reduction, from $85, to $78 (yep, we ARE saved). For the cost of a five year, TSA pre-screening pass.

"Allows passengers to board with less physical interaction with security screeners."

Let me get this straight. If I pay the GESTAPO … $78? They will keep their filthy mitts off my junk?




(Via Rantingly)

In embedded forty second Tik Tok vid:

"No diesel fuel for fifty miles around."


(Via Freep)

Is Big Tech Funding Literal Migrant “Roadmaps” To Enter The US From Central America?

+++++ The medical aid nonprofit Doctors Without Borders is providing and distributing maps for migrants that show routes through Central America to reach the United States, according to a new report by the Daily Caller.

And the kicker? The organization providing the maps is funded by “a number of prominent tech companies”.
Called “shelters for people on the move” in Spanish, the map lists clinics and aid areas along routes to the U.S. +++++

The Underground Railroad?


The Pedo-Pathway.

The Junta/Fourth Reich/CTO's … the Greatest Sex Slavers, Human Traffickers.

In recorded history.


(Via Bad Blue)

Watch: Trump Fills Pennsylvania Airport for Dr. Oz as Obama, Biden Rally for John Fetterman Features Empty Seats

Chucklehead and Diaper Boy .... playing to an empty house, in Philly. Despite attempts by the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex), to use a moving camera, in order to hide the empty seats.



It might actually be time, to buy one of those small card packs of iodine capsules? That I see advertised all over the internet.

But then I'm really pretty much completely burned out. On internet commerce [remember instant gratification? You went to a store. And walked out with your fix. Myself, cash strapped these days. But I still go shopping quite often, at the local pawn shop, horse trading. I come up fairly short on the deals. But still come out way ahead. NO EBAY! Of three recent deals, that I swung? One, a vintage Japan, seven inch, Cold Steel Tanto. Sweet].

And well if you are planning on surviving a nuclear blast? I might suggest doing a little more, to perhaps prevent same (winky, winky).

The Danger of a "Sleeping" Nuclear Deal: Stronger Russia, China, North Korea, Iran

Comprehensive read, not too dry, not too long. Very Good clarity. Worthwhile. Though I actually would employ a more alarmist Title. Though not up to the task this morning.

And well, I have been banging the Iran drum … FOREVER.

I will say, the complexity is daunting. Without adding ANY further comment (loose lips sink ships).

+++++ "Prevent" Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons? The reality is quite different. Iran is acquiring nuclear weapons -- rapidly -- with a deal or without one. Any "deal" appears simply a bribe to the Iranian regime please just not to use their nuclear weapons on the Biden administration's watch. +++++

+++++ The nuclear deal will reward Russia by allowing it to cash in on a $10 billion contract to expand Iran's nuclear infrastructure. Russian President Vladimir Putin will most likely have a stake in the $10 billion contract. +++++

+++++ Any nuclear deal with Iran will not make the world a "safer place". It will provide the Iranian regime with billions of dollars, help it to send more advanced weaponry to Russia to inflict even more damage on Ukrainians, pave the way for the ruling mullahs to legally obtain nuclear weapons, and strengthen America's other adversaries, Russia, China and North Korea +++++

+++++ Now, why would the Biden administration want to do that? +++++

Good question. But the answer has been obvious forever and a day. In repetition, Biden wasn't elected anything. He isn't the President of his own bowels.

The biggest Joohater on the planet, Chucklehead Odorama is driving the ideological bus. Of the fraudulently installed Junta.


As usual ... comments are closed [we simply don't have the huss. To host any blog discussions (Ace always had en pointe participants/discussions)].


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