Sunday, October 30, 2022





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(Via Doug Ross)

France: At trial of Nice jihad mass murderer, jihadi’s relatives laugh at the victims’ families

+++++ Six years after the July 14 attack in Nice, which left 86 dead and hundreds injured, the trial started on September 5 in Paris.

The hearing the day before, outraged the families of the victims and the civil parties. Laughter from the room reserved for the terrorist’s family was heard. “It’s an insult, it’s unbearable,” lamented Alain Dariste, +++++

THAT is the Foreign Born Mooselimb Traitor, laughing at US.

Obama, whose only allegiance is to Allah. Everything the Junta does, is a tell. Betraying who is actually running the ideological show. Case in point? The release of another terrorist. Right back into the battlefield. Rested ... and very, very well fed.

(Via Rantingly)

US Releases Oldest Detainee From Guantánamo Bay After 17 Years With No Charges

As I retell the account of the President of an African nation, attending some confab there, also attended by Obama.

Shook that (non Mooselimb) Leader, to his core, to his foundation. As Obama paraded by, in front of this Leader. And strictly for his benefit, dunked on him. And gave the goatfrooger salute, there's only our guy and no one but. Waving one finger to the sky, and speaking aloud the salute.


I'd comment on the entirety of the Paul Pelosi debacle? But why bore you. The Deranged Lunatic Left has had their field day, blaming Trump, MAGA, ad infinitum.

But of course, this morning is noteworthy for Elon Musk joining the fray.

And dropping trou on Hildabeast.

It may take a while, and heck it actually may never happen again? But at least a few, WILL learn the basic premise of that Holy of Holies ... The First Amendment.

In Genuflection Elon.

G*d Bless You and Your's.


Sunday, October 30, Four p.m.


Like never. I mean ever. It's like the Steve Martin bit (on vinyl of course). Where he happens upon a pile of sheet, on the ground. And sez, well at least take a picture of me (with it).

So, amused or not … her latest droppings are noteworthy. For how far out in outer space. The Deranged Lunatic Left orbits.

(Via Rantingly)

Karine Jean-Pierre compares Paul Pelosi attack to Jan. 6: ‘We need to end this'

Yeah, leave it to the NAZI's, to outlaw homosexuals. I guess killing them is next?


Sunday, October 30, Nine p.m.

(Via Bad Blue)

Everyone Is Laughing at the Ridiculous Pelosi Big Lie

+++++ How dare you reject the Official Approved Narrative™ parroted by the regime media about the weird Schiff that went down at Casa de Pelosi the other night. There’s only one possible explanation, according to experts, licensed journalists, and our betters –

an underwear-clad MAGA assassin from a hippie commune in Berkeley who is best known for his nudist activism broke into the oddly unguarded mansion of the Speaker of the House, a wealthy woman who has her police force and has not been shy about expounding on the perilous peril she faces from murderous insurrectionists, 

carrying a hammer and encountered the wide-awake Paul Pelosi, also in his skivvies, who the intruder then let go off and call the cops wherein Mr. Pelosi referred to the guy as his friend.

Look, it’s pretty clear that this was just one more Trump-inspired attack on Our Democracy, and to fail to accept this wholeheartedly is to be a conspiracy theorist who is blaming the victim and doing Putin’s bidding. It’s also racist. +++++.

Requires no comment or snarc from me. Though yes, was tempted.

Schlicter's level headed response, to the continuing attack on G*d and Country, is admirable.

But level headed, is not where the Country is headed. Off a cliff, into the abyss.

In eight days we will find out. If we even have a Country left?


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