Sunday, October 23, 2022

Oh My What a Shame


For There's Nothing You Can Say When It's Over

And There's Nothing You Can Do When It's Done

There's No Battle You Can Win

And There's Nothing To Begin That's Not Begun

(Don Mclean/Oh My What a Shame)

I was listening to a (repeat) talk-radio broadcast, this morning, for a few minutes. And a number of callers from the other side, called in (that day, Friday). And gleefully stated their belief in the truth, joy, beauty and righteousness … of The Fourth Reich.

That "January 6th," was the closest this Nation has ever come to being under attack, by squadrons of nuclear armed, hypersonic Soviet bombers ("I saw it on TV!").

And if it weren't for Nancy Pelosi's Praetorian Guard? Shooting Ashli Babbitt, in the back. All five feet two of her, and her backpack … containing a sweater and a scarf.

Then we would all be speaking Russian right now (WHEW ... that was close!).

Their belief in the propaganda unshakable. You couldn't pry them from the/that fiction, with a three foot steel crowbar. SuperGlued/epoxied to it they were.

And in such, this Nation will NEVER again share common ground. Will never again share a common belief in the Brotherhood of Man. For they have seen the enemy. And WE are them.

The well has been poisoned for this and generations to come. Differences are painted in neon dayglo paint. And illuminated with a million lumens of hyperlight. Amplified with ten thousand watts, feeding an array of eighteen inch loudspeaker cones, and three foot wide horn tweeters.

The Union is finished. Whatever shape the State's borders take? Whatever manner of Government remains, or is implemented. It REALLY is over. Propaganda works.

Further … looking at the smiling faces of them previously mentioned Gyno-Feebs, resplendent in logoed uniform, on bended knee. Saluting BLM [and receiving Official commendation (and Very likely promotions and raises)].

These are members of the Highest Law Enforcement Agency, in the land. Thousands strong, and VERY well armed. And now nothing more than the GESTAPO.

(Via Bing. I've completely given up on Quack Quack blows).


  1. the German secret police under Nazi rule. It ruthlessly suppressed opposition to the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe, and sent Jewish people and others to concentration camps. From 1936 it was headed by Heinrich Himmler.

You would have to be BLIND, not to see … the future is dark and filled with foreboding. And it isn't just the Union that is in trouble. The entirety of our lives, our very existence.

How many tears have I shed. For witnessing the cold blooded murder of Lady Liberty, in realtime. How many more will I shed, bearing witness to Her burial.

I would more strongly allude to specific past events. And the methods then used, to correct wrongdoing, by out of control Law Enforcement. Engaged in criminal acts against the people.

But then I would be placing myself in direct Jeopardy. For what purpose? To what end?

The First Amendment IS gone. History, past tense. And in thus, so is the Republic.

What is to come? What is to be? I know not. Only that things WILL get worse.

Whatever little hope remains, with the upcoming Mid-term Election? The likelihood of things spiraling out of control into actual, not make believe Anarchy, is great.

If I thought for one single moment, I could by my hand. Shave but one of these gangrenous pustules, that Cancers our world? You would have already read about it.

There aren't that many of them. It can be done. But will it? Does the will exist? Are there enough Heroes? 

I am NOT afraid of them. Not in the least. And I am not afraid of dying. But I will not throw my life away, in an empty pursuit. I know my limitations. I know my abilities.

But as of today, I will re-evaluate what I can achieve? Words are mighty cheap. If I can actually bring about one single measure of change? Then I will cast my fate to the wind.

"I'll die on my feet before I'll live on my knees!" ... George Washington

Life, this glorious gift. This great land. It all now is meaningless. There is only ONE thing left.

Saving the Republic.

However much can be saved. The battle ahead will dissuade many from trying. Even more will be dissuaded, from even thinking of trying.

Hey FBI … yeah you …

Lick my Durdy Runny B*tthole.

And While You are Down There?

S*ck My Balls Too!


Three p.m.

Link Dump

(All Via Rantingly)

Internet Sting Operation "J6 DELETED" Exposes How Twitter Manipulated Jan. 6 Narrative "In Real Time"

Good read. Notable for the Treason taking place, in real time. In all strata of Media. By Traitor Filth, like Jackwad Dorsey, and his ball licker, Pig Greywall. These are Evil Beasts. FiMTH-FOSA'S (Frothing Maggots That Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus). Insects. Scum. Truly.


The Junta/Fourth Reich, will do ANYTHING to stay in power. In whatever manner they can corrupt the Election. In what ever manner they can corrupt the narrative, or manufacture a false one.

Which just might include Global War? Followed by whatever edicts to control the Citizenry. Or postpone the Election. You know, never let a crisis go to waste. Even if they have to create one. Monsters are real. And they walk among us.

US military forces 'fully prepared' to cross into Ukraine

+++++ U.S. military forces are "fully prepared" to cross into Ukraine at a moment's notice to fight a war against Russia.

The Army's 101st Airborne Division, which boasts the "Screaming Eagles" moniker, has been deployed to Europe for the first time since World War II, practicing with live tank and artillery rounds not far from the Black Sea, across which Russia has taken territory from Ukraine, including Crimea, at a forward operating site on NATO's eastern flank, according to CBS News.


Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!  

Sieg Heil!

Firmly click black boot heels together, while thrusting right flattened palm skyward.

Kamala lies in TV interview, claims she didn’t support fund to bail out George Floyd rioters in Minnesota… and it gets worse

+++++ Kamala Harris has just scored a hat trick of buffoonery. While we are accustomed to her embarrassing herself virtually every time she speaks extemporaneously, her verbal tomfoolery may be keeping pace with the accelerating dementia of her boss, Joe Biden.

We’ll start with an outright lie, committed during an interview with Esme Murphy  of WCCO-TV in Minneapolis. (Powerline readers are familiar with Ms. Murphy’s awkward relationship with the truth.)

The Vice President of the United States called claims that she supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, established to bail out rioters arrested during the first round of arson and looting following the death in police custody of career criminal George Floyd, "misinformation." +++++


And years past, we had a fairly low opinion of the immediately above linked website. But, they have improved their content, in the last few.

But I really can't see myself reading or linking in the future. Due to their churlish internet tomfoolery. Anyone who has such a low opinion of their readers?


Sunday, October 23, Five p.m.

Good News/Bad News

There is no good news. Only the potential for things, ALL things, to spiral out of control. Not even controlled chaos.

Whatever pop culture law (?), that the simplest or most obvious? Can usually or most obviously fill in the blank (the why's and wherwfore's).

Nature abhors a vacuum. Meaning she despises the open space in diaper boy's cranium.

(Via Freep)

Ukraine Latest: Russia Presses Warning of ‘Dirty Bomb’ by Kyiv

+++++ Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu called his counterparts in the UK, France and Turkey warning of a drift toward “uncontrolled escalation” in Ukraine and the potential for Kyiv to detonate a radioactive “dirty bomb.” +++++

Freep link, with comments …

What we are witness to? IS an actual gestaltic escalation. War is like that. Especially when you have a demented puppet in diapers, being led around by a Foreign Born Mooselimb Traitor.

I told once before. And I WILL repeat myself.

Get strapped.

Get strapped in.

It's going to be a rough ride.


As usual ... comments are closed [we simply don't have the huss. To host any blog discussions (Ace always had en pointe participants/discussions)].


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