Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Battle Has Only Just Begun


Overconfidence in the outcome of the upcoming Election, WILL be the death of us all.

Yeah, sure … indications ARE very positive by any metric. And THE PEOPLE appear to have thwarted most all their plans to scupper a free and fair election.

(Via Freep)

Midterm elections outlook darkens for Biden's White House


+++++ WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has lowered its earlier optimism about the midterm elections and is now worried that Democrats could lose control of both chambers of Congress, administration officials say. +++++

None the less, we are still two weeks out. And in their cornered desperation, anything can and will happen.

And ALL indications are, they have back up/contingency plans … up the ying yang/hairy wazoo. Yes, I'm getting quite rather repetitive. But they WILL do anything to stay in power. ANYTHING.

Facing a loss of power. Facing a loss of the spigot that spits out cubic dollars, into their greedy hands, via their corrupt enterprises.

Facing a loss of freedom. Whence the doors of the Federal slammer, slam shut? Or the (prestretched) hemp rope, gets to sing a mighty strummed tune, due to their Capital Treason?

These rats are cornered. And they will claw their way out. They will attack. They will gnaw off their own claws, to avoid incarceration and the Justice to follow.

I used to all too often wonder, why so many in Nazi Germany, did not flee? While they were able. While they still had a chance. Now I know. Now I understand.

They simply could not believe that Satan had arrived, that he WAS real. And that he now walked among them. They could not believe the Unreality.

Whither victory or defeat in the upcoming Mid-term Election? Makes ZERO matter. Post election, they will exert all of the power they still have in their hands. To thwart ANY attempt to hold them accountable. To bring them to Justice. To restore the Constitution. To return the Republic to the people, to return it to its glory.

I beg you. I beg you to heed my words.


Forget everything, I mean it. All the stupid piddly sh*t. All the nothing nonsense that makes up my day, your day. This minor distraction, or that (minor distraction).

We are living History. And if we all, everyone … do not suit up, mount up, and ride?

Then the Republic IS History.

The Battle for the life of the Republic?

Has only just begun …

My Brothers and My Sisters … Won't you join me?

I cannot do it alone (snarf to taste). But that I could? YOU have ideas. YOU have skills. YOU have abilities. 

Join me in this epic battle. This Holy War against the Forces of Darkness. For everything that ever was, or ever will be.

Freedom … remember Freedom?

It wasn't that long ago … why it only seems like yesterday ...


Wednesday, October 26, Eight a.m.


MILLIONS have already been fed into their Great Grand Machine of Slaughter. Their Covid bioweapon, and its sister killer the vaccine.

The number of Fentanyl deaths, is now hovering around 125,000 a year.

Killed. Murdered. Slaughtered.

And a VERY high percentage of them, mere children. Utterly defenseless against the onslaught of beyond cheap, more than widely available, fully lethal recreational drugs.

Defenseless against the Cartel's attack against them. Left defenseless by the Junta/Fourth Reich. Who in normal times, would be their protectors.

Now enabling their death. Facilitating their murder. Blood libel you say?


And now, yet even more will die by their hands. Murdered in blood so cold. It won't be long now. All you have to do is wait. FOR IT IS COMING.

(Via Doug Ross)

New Border Patrol Numbers Show an Alarming Number of Terrorists Entering the U.S.


+++++ New numbers released in a calculated, late Friday night news dump over the weekend show an alarming and increasing number of suspected terrorists are entering the United States through the southern border with Mexico. +++++

And globally, the picture is not any better. Nope. These psycho clowns may yet be the death of us all. 

And that my friends, is not a recurring meme. But a stone cold reality.

(Via Doug Ross)

Russia’s ‘dirty bomb’ claim lights the nuclear fuse


+++++ Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu called his counterparts in the US, UK, France and Turkey on Sunday to warn that Ukraine could be preparing to use a “dirty bomb.” Is Shoigu also warning that the Russian army might be pushed into using nuclear weapons? +++++

Happy Wednesday Dear Readers … Happy Wednesday.


Wednesday, October 26, Five p.m.

It actually WAS a great day. 


Because they had Jif brand peanut butter, on the shelf, at Walliemart.

Stupid me ... I only bought two "jars."

And so it goes ...


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