Tuesday, November 22, 2022

We Can Do This!



These fish heads are really starting to stink the joint up … 

There are 200 millions of us. That's a lot of people, people. Time is running short my friends.

Think DOS … Denial of Service.

Overwhelming their insect brains. 200 million, at the same time?

They aren't as smart as they would like to think they are. And their power isn't unlimited. No it isn't. It only seems that way.

But the longer we await? The more entrenched, the more omnipotent they DO become.

Pick a day. All of you. Pick a day in the not too distant future. But yet sometime soon. And do YOUR part to restore this Republic.

This thing, this magical thing, given unto us by G*d Almighty. And preserved lo these many years by American Patriots.

Preserved with their sweat and toil. And too much blood. And too many lives.

Unfortunately … once again, it will take more sweat, more toil, more blood. AND more lives of American Men and Women.

Ashli Babbitt already gave her's.

Give just a little? Get back a whole bunch. This Nation. This wondrous gift. A little while back, I called it the Restoration Project. See if perchance you might help them? 

Cliché alert …. Think Outside the Box. But think you must. And of course, NOT out loud.

We Can Do This.

We Must.

It's on our shoulders. The task falls to us. But try we must. For if we do not? Then horror beyond imagination will be ours. All our days. 

They ARE ready and waiting.

Sh*t, they even key off of me. No bragg, just fact. Shove your balls in their face. Get busy. Get t h i n k i n g. 


I know you can. We all can.


Below, from above link:

"The Biden Administration is looking at all options to build up the National supply." (Of diesel fuel)

+++++ Just blow your f*cking brains out. ALL of you. That would easily be a truly great start. And readily the best way I know of, to get the Country headed back in the right direction. Fairly confident that it will QUICKLY increase fuel supplies.

Be sure and insert the barrel all the way in. With the tip pointed up, towards the back of the skull. See … uh … you have to get it right the first time. There aren't any do overs.

And while you are at it? Here is a list (in on particular order), of those who might actually consider doing same. And joining you, call it … THE RESTORATION PROJECT:

Larry Brin
Sergei Page
(Fake/pretend Jew) Mark Zuckermaggot
Jackwad Dorsey
Pig Greywall
Manboobs Gates
Susan Rice
Samantha Power
Ron Klain
Chucklehead Odorama
John F'ng Kerry
Greater Tuneberg
George Soros
Klaus Butt Swab
Yuval Noah Harari
Fidel Trudeau
Gavin Newsom
Upchuck Schumer
Nancy Pusslousy
Dizzy Lizzie Cheney
Adam Kinzinger
Ingrown Kamel Hair
The 51
(Apologies if I left anybody out. It was entirely unintentional). +++++


Wednesday, November 23, Eight a.m.


That the Deranged Lunatic Left's destruction of America, isn't by design. By any means possible. From within. Or from without.

(Via Bongino Report)

China is winning the Russia-Ukraine War amid massive US, Russia war expenditures

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has put China in a strong position


+++++ The two tigers are Russia and the United States, both considered by China to be its top adversaries. China is the wise monkey patiently waiting as Moscow and Washington are eroding their respective combat power, fighting a proxy war over control of Ukraine.

An unnamed defense official told the Wall Street Journal the stockpile of 155mm combat rounds in U.S. military storage has become "uncomfortably low," suggesting it wasn’t sufficient "to go into combat." +++++



(Via Ace)

Kitty video




(Via Bongino Report)

Report: Biden Is Cutting Medicare Benefits Thru Inflation Reduction Act


+++++ Two economists reported Tuesday in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that President Joe Biden is cutting Medicare benefits through the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which cuts payments for prescription drugs for seniors.

President Biden has accused Republicans of scheming to cut Medicare. In fact it is his signature legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, that will lead to benefit cuts and premium increases for seniors. Medicare’s popular drug-coverage program ("Part D") is headed for a painful amputation.

In 2025, under the Inflation Reduction Act, government subsidies are scheduled to be cut sharply. +++++



They have gamed this, run the sims.

Actual (not fake or make believe) insurrection, is the only possible path the future can/will take.

BY PLAN, BY DESIGN … this is where we are headed.

Having already gamed this, their plans include massive slaughter of American Citizens.


Whacko Conspiracy Theory?

We're not the deranged ones.

Your current budget MUST include the purchase of body armor. And professional grade gas masks.

They are playing for keeps.

Hope I'm wrong. We will all pray I am.

Unfortunately, this arsehole has been batting a thousand. No bragg, just fact.


Just now have begun thinking about dabbling in/on Twitter. Maybe get my toes wet?

Never have before, ever. Avoided it like the plague. Just like Facebook, My Space, Linkedin, Youtube, TikTok ... ad infinitum.

The likelihood of Brin and Page completely shutting us down? Is great. If you saw this Blog's numbers, before shadow banning commenced? And then after. You would understand.

Not being beholden to those Filch? In any way. Would have a wondrous calming effect.

If you saw the metrics, for the biggest traffic draw here? You would laugh. A picture of a horse's rear end. Traffic coming from the Eeeeslamic Middle East. Sometimes numbering in the thousands. Yep, I'm a bestial porn provider, COURTESY of Google.

The rest of the content? Not so much .... well actually zero. What unbelievably small minds those filch have.



There's nothing funny in/on/about this link. We have much better things to do, than debase ourselves. Dancing on the graves of other human beings. It's all so sad, so heartbreaking … losing the Life of this Country. The Greatest Gift Ever Known.

(Via Freep)

DC man who pushed "justice reform" bill shot dead on the day it passes


+++++ There was a tragic bit of irony taking place even as the measure came up for a final vote, however. One of the people who had been actively lobbying and promoting the “justice reform” measure was Kelvin Blowe, a 32-year-old activist with DC Justice Lab.

On the night of the City Council meeting, Blowe was driving some colleagues home from his job as a security guard when he was caught up in an automobile accident. He exited his vehicle for reasons unknown and was promptly shot dead by someone on the street. Police say that no arrests have been made and the case remains under investigation. (FOX 5 DC) +++++

+++++ Kelvin Blowe sounds like he was an admirable if troubled person. He served in the Marines but was diagnosed with PTSD after being discharged. He fell into drug abuse and eventually spent some time in prison because of it. But since being released, he had reportedly stayed clean, kept a job, and volunteered with civil rights groups.

But the “reforms” that the group was pushing went much further than that. Under these new rules, it will be virtually impossible to keep suspects behind bars for anything less than second-degree murder. +++++


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