Sunday, November 20, 2005

Bush Bashing Reuters' Style

Locked doors thwart Bush's bid to duck question
Sun Nov 20, 8:49 AM ET

BEIJING (Reuters) - Irked by a reporter who told him he seemed to be "off his game" at a Beijing public appearance, President George W. Bush sought to make a hasty exit from a news conference but was thwarted by locked doors.

"Respectfully, sir -- you know we're always respectful -- in your statement this morning with President Hu, you seemed a little off your game, you seemed to hurry through your statement. There was a lack of enthusiasm. Was something bothering you?" he asked.

(Bush responded).

When the reporter asked for "a very quick follow-up," Bush cut him off by thanking the press corps and telling the reporter "No you may not," as he strode toward a set of double doors leading out of the room.

The only problem was that they were locked.

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Here's a better Sunday morning read
(thank you very much)
Sunglasses, gloves and helmet on, he rode away before the other riders had even pulled their bikes off the rack. So Bush — who usually rides out of sight of reporters or cameras — made a few wide loops in front of the waiting media crowd and joked about being a showoff.


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