Friday, October 08, 2021

(There is No) Gate at the Barbarians

 The Baby Raping Moong*d Deathcult (B.R.M.D.), that is who is in the White House. That is who is currently running the show. Mr. All-huh, and his sidekicks … Moe, Ham, and Ed.

That is the mind (as it were) of Buraq Hussein (in the membrane). T H A T is the foundation of his "thinking."

It is misguided to think HE just and only, is a deranged lunatic leftist. Like all of his subordinates, in the Junta (who are).

It's off track to view this as a (hardcore) political scrimmage, Left vs. Right. Capitalists vs. Socialists/Commies.

Who is driving this insane murderous bus? It's not Obama (or even the Global Reset), but All-huh. Buraq has no thoughts of his own. Only how he, as head of the Junta. Can best serve All-huh. He, like all of the insects in the hive, is driven by pheromones. Driven to Kill.

And why those J6'rs, currently in prison. Are PRISONERS of WAR. Normally, POW's have humanitarian rights under the Geneva Convention. But Islamists don't recognize the Geneva Convention. Let alone a Universal G*d.

To the B.R.M.D., there is only All-huh. No other. They have no humanitarian allegiance, no need to provide any basic rights to infidels.

And so you have countless souls in DC, in the dungeons of a Federal prison. Intentionally left to rot. Without any charges, without any trial. Let alone a conviction. As if we are back in the middle ages. Peasants … indifferently ruled by an omnipotent King.

While a high school kid (over 18), in Texas. Opens fire on his classmates. And some of them are currently critical. And he's freed in a matter of hours. So that later in the day, he can throw a party at home.

Up is down, down is up, inside is outside. This isn't politics anymore. It is war.

War for all of mankind.

And Obama, just gave the Baby Raping Moong*d Deathcult, $85 Billion (that's with a B). Of the latest and greatest American military hardware. Sh*t, he even delivered it! That isn't fiction people, it really happened.

While at the same time, King Hussein in the Membrane is desperately trying to arm the shii, with a nuclear bomb (just like before. When he used to use the front door, of the White House). 

Seen through the lens of Islamism? ALL of this madness, and all of this insanity … makes the most perfect sense.

Everyone needs to be on an active wartime footing. Which includes all communication being encrypted.

Everyone of a Right mind, needs to evacuate, all of the Libturd sh*tholes … SD, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Miami. Immediately. And find safe haven elsewhere.

And with the panic buying subsiding, and production increases. We luckily are experiencing a return to normal. Hardware availability and pricing are dramatically improved. As well a greater supply of shells, with which to feed them (also at dramatically improved prices). Stocking up as budget allows … would be most prudent indeed. 

This War will go hot all too soon. 

Paranoia? Delusion? Man wouldn't that be great. F*ck yeah, would it ever! But reality is … all of this absolutely unbelievable madness IS currently taking place. This gobsmacking insanity isn't frightening fiction, it isn't a dream (though yes, it is a nightmare). On the immediate event horizon, chaos is the only possible outcome.

Uncivil Civil War.

Without too great a delay, there is going to be a vertical uptick in domestic terror. Courtesy of the now millions of unvetted, who have casually walked across the wide open Southern border (how many shii sleeper cells?).

Some of the Central and South Americans? Are bringing INSTANT death with them, without any delay … Fentanyl. And Carfentanil is even more lethal. By an unbelievable order of magnitude …. 100×!

And the hundred thousand unvetted Afghans, flown directly here? Too many are making plans, or crafting instruments of death and destruction, as we speak (using their $1,200 vote for Joe, stipend. Your tax dollars paying for their Uber disappearing act!)

I will not bend a knee and bow to the goat buggerers. Surrendering to the Baby Raping Moong*d Deathcult, is not an option either.

I have but one life to give for my Country. But you goatf*cker … you want my life? You will have to come and take it.


Tuesday, October 12, Eight a.m.

Onward Christian Soldiers ...

"When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -George R.R. Martin

OVER FACEBOOK POSTS: Australia police come knocking--at night

Not a joke, nor is it hyperbole. The (female) Aussie Stormtroopers, really did come in the night, knocking on the gentleman's front door (seen in video). And actually directly ask him, face to face … "is this your Facebook post" …. "did you write this?"

I'm paraphrasing, I only watched it once. But strongly recommend you also watch, at least once.

It wasn't staged, they aren't actors. It isn't a brain-dead, cawksuggin' ho Kamala Harris production. Nor is it in a studio, on a fake set (with fake windows). With lights and cameras, across the street from the White House.

It is real and it is happening. The First Amendment is doing a global Houdini. Courtesy of the (proud/remorseless) fascist goons (with badges and guns).


Internal Shadow Banning

I deleted my (20 year) eBay account, a year ago, maybe even two years now. Because of their truly egregious business practices. I simply got tired of being fooked in de arse (without even an offer of Vaseline). As someone who actually helped build the platform? It was thusly unstuck in my craw.

Last little while, I've been disposing of unwanted items, on that other platform. Well, this morning … I deleted that account too (and all of that hard earned feedback. And all of the current listings, representing a very large amount of work product).

Seems they are engaged in INTERNAL shadow banning. Which seems rather nonsensical. But then those running the company day to day. Aren't the owners or investors. It isn't their money.

If they spend their time in pursuit of their own personal jihad? What do they care. And who's to know. They still get paid. Just like all of the Traitors in the Deep State branch 4 (DSB4).

I feel so dirty. Having been that close to such filth. Even if only virtually.

The world is closing in. The National Socialists are tightening their grip. On those who won't comply. Scorched earth now, anything and anyone. Everyone who will not imbue themselves with the Mark of the Beast.

Myself, I try like the Dickens to keep an even keel. But I know many of the other 200 million, will not. Real actual War. Real blood in the streets. Is the ONLY possible outcome.

They keep pushing, and pushing and pushing. Some will no longer be able to contain their emotion. And WILL push back.

Milley says he/they are the ones with the guns. You all need to understand what it is that he is saying?

He is saying they have no compunction in using weapons of mass destruction. On the population. 

PLEASE keep your heads down. And watch your six. And I'll say it again. In case you didn't hear me the other 100 times.


My G*d … it really is.

Not just virtual. Atomic bullets. Atomic jackboot stormtroopers. Real death, real dying. The real deal. 

It's what they want. It's what they have planned for. They've already gamed this. They've already run the sims. Keep that in mind.

Know your limitations. And what you can actually reasonably accomplish? Think outside of the box. And under no circumstances, show your hand, to anyone, EVER.

Onward Christian Soldiers …


Wednesday, October 13, Nine a.m.

"Quarantine Facilities"

Massive camps now being built in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and Canada. At least those are the ones that we know about.

And inflation (for the month of September), is the highest on record.

1:00 p.m.

What is that awful smell? Oh .... it's that stanknasty, cawksuggin' ho Kamel Hair .... Descendant of PROUD slave owners.

Kamala, Descendent Of Plantation Owner, Scolds America Over ‘Shameful Past’

"Hamilton Brown ... a ‘prolific slave owner’ in the context of Jamaican society, owning more than 1,120 slaves. It further describes him as arguing in favor of slavery.


I wouldn't let that ho sugg my deek, nooh. I wouldn't want to catch anything!

8:00 p.m.

Tucker Carlson, National Treasure. And readily on par with the greatest. Whether it is stature, work product, or dedication and devotion. To G*d, to Country. To his fellow citizens. To his fellow man. To the truth. Y'all remember the truth don't you? I know, it was so long ago.

Without Tucker? How much more bleak, how much more dark. Thank You Mr. Carlson. For suiting up. For showing up. For doing your job. 

Tonight's yummy snarcastic break down, of the Let's Go Brandon phenomenon, that is sweeping America. Stilled my nervy heart for a spell. Like a soft warm blanket, or a sturdy cracklin fire in the fireplace. Giving not just comfort, or solace. But a glimmer of hope.

For there still is one other person left. Who hasn't given up. Who is quite unafraid of the Schutzstaffel. Even when he is clearly in their sights. Looming large on their radar screens.

L*rd, I beg you ... watch over Mr Carlson and his family. They killed Ashli Babbitt. And the racist trash, who murdered her in blood so cold. Lieutenant Byrd, was awarded the Iron Cross, for bravery. For shooting am unarmed gal five feet two ... in the back.

I gotta believe they have burned a lot of midnight oil. Devising a plan to kill Carlson. But while he still serves all mankind. While he is still among the living. Put your feet up, relax a spell. Take a breath, Tucker has it covered ...


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