Thursday, January 06, 2022

Batten Down the Hatches

Another war, for the very life of this Nation? Upon its own continental shores, would be the third such occurrence.

I would be lying, if I said I was confident, that the Nation will arise … this year, in 2022. Or anytime soon.

Throwing off the yoke of tyranny, fascism, and communism.  From these venereal warts, in khakis. Many thousands of freaky deaky little Gap Mao's (with Ford Idea Bureau badges)].

Been lots of hot air and bloviation. Chest pounding and theatrics. Assorted thrashing about [accompanied by the usual book sales (surprise)]. But I haven't witnessed anything that gives me confidence, that the nightmare will end soon.

To the contrary.

I don't get paid. I'm in no one's pocket. Never monetized this site. Never took one single nickel … in seventeen years of blogging. Not one (though yes, a charity did pay for my first pacemaker). Free to speak my mind. Nor did I monetize the World's best tonearm (Home Depot Unipivot/Eargasm!). Publishing the design, for all to copy.

A higher power, is the harmonic melody I march to. I feel duty bound, to not obscure or obfuscate. That which my eyes see? That which informs my heart? Is not something of commerce.

250 years, nearly. This Republic, has been kept intact, and survived. Miraculously.

It now, is under attack from within. By forces dark and conspirational. And the continued survival of the Republic, truly is in jeopardy.

As a wide cross section of America, has grown flabby and weak. Soft in spirit, character, and drive too. Possibly the mind's eye is less sharp as well. 

I'm not a pom pom wielding, rah rah (Let's Go Brandon!) cheerleader. Though that most certainly is the (loud) internal dialog, when I'm shopping the empty shelves, the unbelievable prices, at Home Depot (or Walliemart). Witnessing first hand the Junta's vulgar destruction, of a once functional, booming economy. 

While I try to prep a recently purchased acre ($200 month). In advance of delivery, a new prefab home ($125 month). And I fail miserably, completely …  "supply chain." And the stress, just crushes me … to pulp.

We are long past vulgar. It's obscene. The Junta are pure evil, destroying just about everything, with impunity. And whence presented with accurate portrayals of themselves, or a pointed inquiry? A ready, thoroughly dismissive cackle is heard.

I almost expect Peppermint Jen Cucksaki, to exclaim: "Off With His Head!" … at her next presser.

As some cartoonish steroid Steve, dressed up like as a comic movie Genie (in a bottle). Lops Doocy's head clean off. With one supersonic swing, of a razor sharp curved hammered/folded blade ... whoosh ... kerplunk.

You will all have to find your own inner spark. While tensioning your own spine. Unleashing your own fury, into the darkness. And unto the bugs who have vanquished the light.


The future, in its entirety, is in doubt. We hold the World entire, in our hands.

If no one does nothing, we will be left with nothing. America will perish from existence. Evaporate from/through our grasp. And disappear into the virtual pages of History. They've already jaggedly nicked the jugular … red rivers now flow.

Act accordingly. Please. It's going to take more than three percent, a lot more [being that most members of Patriot groups, are actually undercover agents! When the current Reichstag fire (J6) burns out. I have to believe they have another prepackaged incendiary, ready for delivery].

They are not possessed of rational minds. Their conceit and delusion frightful. Deliriously higher than kites … on their own flatulence. January 6th, the Musical, really? They are higher than high. Hundreds of Americans, rotting. In the IslammoCommieJunta dungeon, is Broadway entertainment?

The Deranged Lunatic Left have neither a soul … nor a connection to the sky-pilot. Placing themselves above the Almighty. As unreal as all of this is? This isn't fiction, let alone bad fiction. And this is not a drill. R E P E A T

Over 250 years, many have died keeping Lady Liberty's torch afire. Today, it is our task.

I myself … didn't sign up, I didn't volunteer. I simply have no choice in the matter. None. It is the only manner of life I can live. Free … as G*d above, bequeathed. Gee oh dee … not gubment. Gawd.

And I  don't need any of the insect's permission to breathe. I didn't vote for Zuckermaggot. But if I did, it would be off the Planet. 

Nor do I need the FBI's permission, for A N Y T H I N G.  Take your Feeb badge, and shove it up your fooking *ss. Dare to take freedom from me? Riiight … I have no sympathy for the Devil (who thinks he's G*d). None.

After a long while, years … finally no longer amused, 200 million will send a horrific shudder. A fixed beam of G*d's pure white blinding light.

Pray … that G*d's Light faster approaches. 


The NMF (Nazi Mutha Fuwkers) … more commonly known as the FBI. Will go yet further afield, of G*d and Country. Their derangement will grow, increase, expand. It's what Nazi Mutha Fuwkers do.

And in such, they will push, they will shove. They will proudly flex their NMF muscles, yet even more. Destroying more lives. Countless more lives.

And as they do, will light the fire of their own demise. People will finally have had enough of Evil's abuse. And that will not be pretty. Did I say G*d is no longer amused.

Batten Down the Hatches. Tis a long rough road ahead.

9:00 P.M.

I haven't read this link. Haven't even peeked. I only just spotted it, and was taken aback. All I can say is Truth will out.

In this instance, it was the cold blooded murder, of one Ashli Babbitt (among a number of Americans killed by the Junta, that day).

And now, we can more clearly see, the size and scope. Of the conspiracy to steal an election, and overthrow the duly elected Government, of these United States.

The length of planning, its depth. Its infinite number of facets. A complex  and truly massive conspiracy, with so many parts.

It's no coincidence that Kamel Hair was in the building, in the same time frame, as the placement of the pipe bomb. It fits in with, runs parallel to the pre-planned script. Of a heinous bloody attack (equal to Pearl Harbor). Against the (ever so) popularly elected President, and Vice (by who else ... White Supremacists).

A plot story line that was never used, or introduced by the Junta and the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex). But is now available, in a reel of outtakes. That were left on the cutting room floor.

And for my money, gives ME proof. That J6, in its entirety. Is the beginning, middle, and end. Of an FBI/ CIA/NSA False Flag operation. 

A Nazi Mutha Fuwker, Reichstag Fire.

Sunday, January 9th., Nine a.m.

The Union is Over

Obama/Rice/Klain, sh*tting on the (spinning at warp speed) grave of Martin Luther King Jr.

It's all so unbelievable. But in the context of who they are? And what they are currently doing? Is par for the course.

Only the most Deranged Lunatic Leftist, can defend this action by the Junta.

Flies in the face, of the (now nonexistent) Constitution. And one doesn't have to be a conspiracy theorist. To understand its true meaning and intent.

Rotting Bag of Bones Biden … the Great Divider. And all of the hands, up the ancient puppet's *ss.

The only question that remains? On which day does open warfare commence?

War IS what they want. And sometime in the future, they will get it. The Union is over. America is no more.


Tuesday, January 11, Seven p.m. (Solar Time. Arizona does not participate in Daylight Savings Time).

Filthy maggots ....

‘Minority Report’ Becomes Reality – DHS Will Arrest You Before You Commit A Crime

"We live in a world where every day the line between fiction and reality seems harder and harder to distinguish. It is nowhere more true than in regard to this desire to use AI to identify those who must be subjected to the power of the state and arrested before they can act. Precrime is becoming a reality, and we will all pay the price."


Here's a prediction ... scum. If you drop the soap? The FBI ... W I L L ... f*ck you in the *ss.

I gawrantee.

You don't need any intelligence, (artificial or otherwise). Any intelligence at all. To be able to see. 

The raging hardon, the buzz-cut bros have for middle-aged white guys (jiminy ... what is it with the Libturd nation?).

How deranged do you have to be, to participate in this Satanic debauchery? 

It is now a crime. To believe in America,  G*d, Freedom, Liberty, and the Constitution. That is no joke (bozo).

I'm not a criminal. But you fascist FBI turd monkeys? (The choking stench of you evil filch). And the endless Crimes you are commiting.  Will one day be brought before judgement.

Laugh all you want. There are 200 million of us. You will have to kill us all. Who precrime analyzes the Ford Idea Bureau ?

Reality is now like those vintage film reels. Of two steaming locomotives, racing headlong. Towards each other. As life itself, isn't often difficult enough. We have to deal with this complete inversion of reality.

And be forced to go toe to toe. To bump uglies, with the one and only Lucifer.

Fear me Satan. Fear me. I will never surrender unto you. Punk *ss b*tch.


Wednesday, January 12, Ten p.m.

They are Only Just Getting Started

Approaching 35,000. The number of people murdered, in Mexico, last year.

Thirty five thousand.

That's not a statistic, it is wholesale slaughter. A large, vast, ceaseless killing field. Everywhere the eye can see. Those with eyes wide open ... that is. Which of course requires a mind that is open … for business.

Enabled in part, by the very Fast and Furious hand of Black Supremacist, Eric Holder. And his partner in crime ... jug eared King Hussein ... Mooselimb in da Membrane.

And our Southern border, with Mexico? That is wide open. There is even a welcome mat, with a concession stand dispensing gourmet coffee and luscious donuts. Even first class air travel for many, to their new home. 

Much better treatment than some American soldiers got, from the Red Cross. When they were walking back from the front. In double ewe double ewe two. And weren't able to scrounge the coin. In order to buy food or refreshment from them. No money, no coffee.

None of this is by accident. We are being terrorized, by the IslammoCommieJunta. Literally and figuratively. They who have seized power, staged a coup. In these formerly United States of America.

There isn't anything they won't destroy. Whether it is in the atomic or the virtual. Past or the present.

Upside down, inside out … they are on a mission from Satan. To destroy. We are getting pummeled,from all sides.

The survival of the Republic is in doubt. The are capable of the most desperate evil. The most despicable and heinous acts. There are no limits. The have cast a pall over the Universe entire.

And as they destroy this Nation, the anchor which holds this Universe in place. Is torn from its mooring.

And as we helplessly drift through the Galaxy, the Chinese and the Russians, the Shii maniacos, the Nork dorks, as well the Tali-banana's.

All ... are gleefully polishing their doomsday machinery. Awaiting the moment it gets to open its infrared sensing eye. Looking to deliver it payload of misery. Among this once sea of tranquility.

The IslammoCommieJunta did all of this? In less than twelve months. Cucksaki has only just begun to laugh.


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