Sunday, April 17, 2022

Make No Mistake, the FBI is the Enemy

'Abolish the FBI or Face an American Putin'

"Contrary to the many dramatized depictions of the FBI, the Bureau solves an INSIGNIFICANT minority of crimes in America."

"Following the death of Stalin, the Soviet secret police pivoted from heavy-handed mass arrests to a subtler, but still sinister, system of mass spying and accumulation of 'kompromot,' or compromising material, on its citizens."

"We’re now finding out that the FBI in America has a similar program of mass surveillance of similar targets. And, as with the Soviets, much of the spying has nothing to do with investigating crime."

"According to a Justice Department internal audit report, the FBI maintained an active caseload of 24,584 cases during the 18 months between January 2018 and June of 2019. A grossly disproportionate share of those cases involved surveillance of influential Americans such as candidates for office, public officials, journalists, religious leaders, and political activists."

Tain't like your intrepid blog host hasn't spewed similar. Numerous times over the past months.

I'll never get tired of saying it … hey FBI, lick my durdy runny butth*le.

Above linked output IS a long read. But do show some respect for the worthwhile hard work of the Author. We are at a crossroads in the life of the Republic. Anything can and will happen. Know your enemy, for he most assuredly knows you.

And make no mistake, the FBI is the enemy. Of G*d, Country, the Constitution, and the Citizens.

Me, I'd go ahead and quote the Preamble to the Constitution. But then I'd be labeled a Revolutionary. And then cockroaches be rappelling down ropes, from Black Helicopters, flying overhead in whisper mode.

Seven a.m.

Here's what those "stones" that Faux/Fox (radio) news, merely alleges [as in they don't exist (who ya gonna believe, the Fake News Industrial Complex, or your own lying eyes?)]. Here is what they actually look like (hint: they aren't pebbles):


Monday, April 18, Seven a.m.

You Think Things are Bad Now?

Not Another Penny to the U.N. Dismantle the building in New York, floor by floor, brick by brick. Or just blow the f*cker up.

Twist and turn my stomach, while eating breakfast? This sick sh*t, by the Boys in Blue. Has gone on long enough.



Starving children 'as young as NINE forced to give UN officials oral sex to get food'

And you dear reader, will forgive me for even posting it. The Boys in Blue, have been at this beyond evil game, for a long time. Enough. 

Let'em try that sh*t in Nigeria!
Not funny? Below link (file under: you just can't make this sh*t up)

Plans to castrate rapists and execute paedophiles in Nigeria are condemned as 'draconian' by UN

Just because you aren't paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you …

Muting your mic reportedly doesn’t stop big tech from recording your audio

There isn't much the IslammoCommieJunta hasn't destroyed:

A booming economy

Energy independence

Food security

The rental housing market

The retail home sales market

National unity

National security

Domestic security

And soon enough, the entire economy will crater and collapse.

Are you ready?

Don't get mad. I know, not easy. If you aren't filled with rage? You just aren't breathing. But please, just get busy. PLEASE.

You think things are bad now?

(I'm not Kamala) But the time is now. No coulda woulda shoulda's. It's in your hands, my hands, our hands. This is it. For everything that ever was.


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