Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Satan Does Not Pass ... Hold the Line!

It's only natural to experience some trepidation at events unfolding. I don't care how zen your life be. Anger, panic, despair, depression. 

As life events go, this Evil underway is as singular and challenging any life event I've faced and had to experience. Beyond any measure.

I remember the first time I read about the Birth Certificate. I rolled my eyes back in my head. Sniding they can't be serious. THEN, I actually bothered to read that first article. And could see dark, violent storm clouds on the horizon.

Henceforth all need be cognizant of their roles. Whatever that may be?

Though there be 200 million aligned with G*d and Country. Doesn't mean all of those will stand, in the blowback of Hellfire.

A million little david's will do it. Call 'em the point five pa'cent. If we can suit up, mount up, and ride a million? We can do this.

So every O N E will be running silent, running deep. Need a hand? O n l y someone known to you, and for a long time.

No central command, no virtual/parallel processing. Atomic, away from all microphone pickups (TV unplugged, batteries removed from remote. Cells left at least fifty feet away, etc.)..

It's all we've got. They haven't just hacked the Human Mind. They have hacked the entirety of existence. Let no man surrender their free will. Ever. Nor even contemplate.

Unless you are picking up someone's lost diamond ring. Get off your f*cking knees, stand. Show yourself the manner with which you face Evil. 

Every day now … Beelzebub will hear the same salutation: Go F*ck Yourself Freak.  Satan does not pass …. hold the line.

Tuesday November 8 … The Light returns. Or Darkness descends upon the Land. I know not which will be. 

Pray, sure. But prepare. Be ready.



The Horses we Ride ….

Self identifying as a Jew, is not borne out of any self interest. Merely the respect I have, for those on the Right. Who stood in defense thereof. Defense of the life of this stranger. Completely unknown to them (as they are to me). I could not in good conscience, remain silent. They stand for me? I genuflect before them. 

And so an issue that is tired for some. Is an opportunity for others. To show clearly, proudly the stripes they wear. As I've mentioned numerous times in the recent past. Joohate, is now on the menu. Loud and proud (in below thread comments):

How did we get here? And so quickly. For most of the Foreign Born Fay Mooselimb Traitor's life, thus has been his mission.

What do I know of Hitler? I'll tell you this … Obama's hatred of Jews doesn't match Hitler's. It exceeds it by an infinite measure.

It has been his continuing mission, to sh*t on Joos every chance he has. With every ounce of his being. 

If you also hate Joos? You be in ecstasy, that Obama is hand delivering the Bomb. To the shii caliphate.

Minutes go by, days pass. Soon the single solitary moment will arrive. That Israel has run out of time. And will have to slaughter however many Iranians, who by design. Are housed, live directly above, the factories producing the mullah's doomsday machine.

Tick tock … tick tock


Thursday, March 31, Seven a.m.

Without boring you, I've actually encountered worse than this. In my trek through the fully lethal minefield of socialized medicine:

Medical Student Says She Purposely Botched Procedure Because Patient Questioned Her Pronoun Pin


What Part About Pure F*cking Evil Don't You Understand? Imagine if Hitler had modern technology like this?


And the single most devastating video I have seen? I didn't bother saving the link yesterday. 9:45 long video on Gab, of Yuval Noah Hariri. Clearly laying out the WEF's deranged plans for global control (in a collection of a number of assembled clips). And the end of personal Freedom and Liberty. Turned my stomach, made me nauseous. Had to stop watching after only one minute.

As I'm watching the video, only one specific thought comes to mind. And prudence dictates I not mention. I imagine many have the same response to these insects (got Raid?).

Evil just is, and it is here now. Odds are very high the Junta+Reich 4, will try and schtupp us in de arse, on Tuesday, November 8. Their recklessness, a bright shiny badge they now proudly wear.

I do believe whence that occurs, blood will flow like rivers. I gotta believe America will survive. And the Traitors will meet their just rewards. Though there be many.


Without the rule of law, without justice, without our Constitution, what are we?

“Project 65” Seeks to Kill All the Trump Lawyers — By Canceling Them: The Progressive Left’s Latest Move to Destroy America


'Biden's Justice Department wants to hire 131 more lawyers to prosecute January 6 cases'


JINO's, Jews in Name Only.

Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Hariri, Mark Zuckermaggot …. these are not men of G*d. They are vulgar bugs, insects. They bear no resemblance to anything Human. 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


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