Thursday, February 24, 2022

War is Hell and Hell is Here

Twenty five images (in link).,hp1r

The pictures require no comment. As it is always so vulgar, to plant one's political flag. Atop still warm corpses.

"Pray" … sez noted commenter in the twitterverse. As the World is witness to Evil, currently slaughtering hundreds, in Ukraine.

And another? Notes the rapidly growing horror, that residents of large inner cities are forced to confront. Every single day now, in Biden's America.

And a barrel of oil, jumps almost ten percent overnight.

There isn't much that the IslammoCommieJunta, and the Fourth Reich haven't turned to shite. They, with the help of their handmaidens, WEF, the Creepfilth Tech Overlords and the Fake News Industrial Complex.

I gotta believe Xi, is now in serious contemplation, of moving on Taiwan. Putin, having obviously waited until the Winter Olympics, had put out the torch. Before setting Ukraine on fire. There are no coincidences. We wait, we watch, we see … what the "trigger" is, for China's attack on Taiwan.

Then the real war begins. Or in Biden's case, just and only time to change his Depends. The World is f*cked. And in linear fashion, so are we.

No pats on the back here. Something we studiously avoid (does anyone wear it well?). But we did strongly suggest, that everyone get on an active wartime footing, and quickly. Heck, common sense told you that. So the question is … wtf do we do now?

All we've got, is the People's Convoy. Making their very first overnight stop, in Golden Valley, Arizona, last night. And getting a most heartfelt welcome (six minute vid).

And all I can say is, that when they get to DC? They are really going to rock da f*ckin' joint! As now numerous smaller convoys, all across the Country converge. And join the whole, as it grows ever larger. And the sheer mass of trucks, W I L L  blow everyone's mind.


One p.m.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

As the (piddling) battle to place blame for Ukraine, continues apace. Back and forth, and back and forth. Frothing media ping pong …. Trump-Biden … Biden-Trump … rubber-glue. We get this lovely bit of leadership, from one of the (deranged lunatic) Junta's mouthpieces. And from his official gubment account no less!

White House deputy press secretary calls Trump a 'nauseating, fearful pig' who with Putin is 'rubbing their snouts together and celebrating as innocent people lose their lives

But no worries, noooh ... as bombs are falling in Kiev (and the first link in this post, of photos. Is very highly recommend). Another member of the Junta, is on the job, saving the day, saving the World … one John Fookin' Kerry:

"I hope President Putin will help us with respect to what we need to do to stay on track with the climate."

While all this idiotic, embarrassing juvenilia is taking place? There is a more dedicated, sinister undercurrent gathering force, the hatred that never dies:


That war in Ukraine, is driven solely by profits of some secret cabal, of Jews (dang, I never get invited to the meetings!). And this morning, I was treated to a new slur, that I hadn't encountered before …. Joobuki Theater.

Are we having fun yet?


Friday, February 25, Nine a.m.

Save Yourselves

Evil is Here. I've told you a hundred times now. 100. Get the f*ck out of the city. Get out … now. But no, don't listen to me. Noooh.

If you're man enough? Watch this snuff video. Of a 57 y.o. woman, descending the NYC subway steps. Attacked from behind, knocked down the stairs. And then is R E P E A T E D L Y struck in the head, with a hammer. Before the slimy insect with bloody hammer, departs with his trophy, her handbag.

(via BadBlue).

Hammer-Wielding Stranger Fractures Woman's Skull, Kicks Her Down Stairs in Subway Attack: Official

This forty second video is a perfect metaphor for everything that ails us. For everything that the IslammoCommieJunta and the Fourth Reich, are doing. To the Country, to the World, to you and me.

A "fractured skull and brain bleeding." 

Get out of the cities. Get out of New York. Get out of California (four months now, for me). Get out while you can. While you are still alive.

G E T   O U T !

I beg you. There is another world out there. A world where insects do not prey on human beings (ooh what a hater you are elmo).

A world of joy and beauty and light. Though Evil is here, you do not have to live in fear. You do not. You don't have to be a victim. Save yourselves.


Saturday, February 26, Eleven a.m.

We Got Us a Convoy ... Mutha Trucker

1:46 long Video, is vehicle mounted/moving camera, running the length of the convoy ("More than 1000 in New Mexico").

Ron Klain, Obama, and the rest of the Fourth Reich. Aren't smart enough to figure out what to do next? And how to counter truly massive peaceful, civil disobedience.

And in thus, the likelihood that people are going to die, by their hands. Is very, very high. Those are real human beings, real blood. Real murder. 

There is nothing they won't do, to stop its progress. Disrupt its arrival. Or cloud its message. Nothing.

They weren't elected. 81 million? Riiight. WE, the entire Country didn't vote for them (as the video clearly attests. And this scene will be daily repeated, all across America). And yes, after the Republic is restored. And after trials for Treason. Public executions are on the docket.

You Traitors know who you are. Enjoy your free trip to Hell, MuthaFuwkers. You've earned it! 




Sunday, February 27, Four p.m.

The Government is Working Harder to Stop the People's Convoy, than Putin

Summoning Satan. That is what the IslammoCommieJunta and the Fourth Reich, are up to. Klain, Obama, Rice, Blinken, Garland, Samantha Power. Plus all the horny butt-slammers at the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS blah blah ad infinitum.

I can't even begin to guess, what they have cooked up? In their effort to impede, stop, or destroy the People's Convoy. 

But try they will. And since they have shown no restraint, in their war on America. I do not expect them to be at all shy, in this continued attack on all that is Holy.

Maybe even a mass casualty event? Whom they can place blame for, solely on the Convoy. Something hideous, revolting, head turning. There are no depths that they will not descend to. And they don't want to screw this up. The Convoy has the potential to further disrupt their control of the Narrative. And that scares them more than anything.

I have to believe that currently, there are more people in (the illegitimate) Government. Working on stopping the People's Convoy. Than are working to stop Putin.

The Fourth Reich has already killed many hundreds of thousands of Americans. Directly, by their hand. With premeditation aforethought. With the Virus and the Vax. What's another fifty dead? A mere abstraction. Please do not underestimate their capacity for Evil. And yes, pray we will … that I am wrong.


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