Friday, January 28, 2022

Bull (Milker) in a China (Owned) Shop

The Country is fast disappearing, well and truly. Being destroyed by the minute, by the Deranged Lunatic Left.

While the weenie GOP, RINO's, and too much of Conservative Media. Are pretty much doing nothing (other than peddling their latest books. Or huckstering magic relief potions and skin creme). The Republic hangs in the balance. And for the above, tis merely business as usual.

I'm not well versed enough, in inside baseball. To know if Mitch McConnell, has enough juice. To burn a fast one across the plate. And stall Biden's Court pick, until after the MidTerms?

But if he does, he may throw the game instead. And support Biden's pick, for the Supreme Court. Serving his own divergent, personal political interest. And not that of the Citizens, who cherish the Constitution.

We know that he is ideologically corrupt. And a slew of other Congresscritters, are financially corrupt as well.

The forces arrayed against us are many and great. The Deranged Lunatic Left, the IslammoCommieJunta who have stolen the White House. With the direct help of Deep State Branch 4 (DSB4) … aka the Fourth Reich (FBI, CIA, NSA, DOD, DOJ, State Dept., IRS). With the additional help of the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex), the CTO's (Creepfilth Tech Overlords), Hollywood, and John Roberts.

And among all those forces, are the CCP, The Chinese Communist Party. Who get free handjobs for life, from Joe Biden. And from every other corrupt Libturd politico, whom they own as well. And not forgetting the Davos Dingleberries/WEF. Who are also at war with G*d and Country.

The odds against us stopping them all, are incredibly long. And the damage they have already done, is incredibly large.

In 2022, this year, the wheels come completely off Democracy. How bad the crash? How big the fire? How much is consumed by the flames, how much if anything is left … to be pulled from the ashes.

I'm not Captain Negativo. I obsess about staying connected to the atomic. Living in the real world, in this moment. This very one.

But the chance is very real, we could lose it all. Everything. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just doing my job.

I've been tempted of late, to open/restore comments. But I just don't have the huss, to moderate, or reply. And t h a t ? I do find disrespectful. So please don't project that I'm being disrespectful [as a big(ger) time blogger once spouted]. I give what I've got. I can't give anymore than that.

There are plenty of political spots in the blogosphere, to sit a spell and pull a pint. Chatting, and tending virtual bar is a job. Requiring time, labor and energy. Which I have not anymore. This here is all I got. But that it were more (I'm no stranger to hard work. I was 'on' eighteen hours a day, when I hauled most of Dr*dge's water, in 2013 and 2014).

You don't need my permission, to pitch in and lend a little extra bustle. In whatever manner you see fit. Wherever you may find Satan, and maybe give 'em some spit. But a wooden stake is what we're driving at. Though I'm no expert at fencing with the Dark L*rd.

It's now a crime in America, to be White. Or believe in G*d, or the Constitution. Or of course, daring to go to D.C., and express your displeasure. With the 100% fraudulent election. And the Junta, who have seized power. But shooting a cop? Not so much …

NYC teen charged with shooting NYPD cop walking free on bond

"A 16-year-old, up-and-coming rapper (named C Blu), charged with shooting an NYPD cop in the Bronx, walked free on bond Thursday."

How many are still rotting in the fascist King's dungeon, in D.C.? You know, the Insurrection. While 200 million just stand around, with their hands into their pockets.

If no one is going to do anything? Then it IS over. My G*d, it really is.

P.S. ….

There is a fifty fifty chance, this will be Biden's Supreme Court nominee:

Bet you think I'm joking …


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