Monday, January 24, 2022

Against My Better Judgment ...

I tried to embed the Rumble video console (unsuccessfully). Containing the Silence Music Video. As past experience has shown, that some hosts will sometimes change the default. To something else, something entirely different. I'm not saying that they will. But it has happened in the past. So I was taking a chance, betting against the future. 

I tried to do so for a number of reasons. One of course, is it is a landmark work of political art. Due in no small part to the skill and integrity of the filmmaker. And those who worked on bringing it to our World. As well the sharp simplicity, the clarity of the script/content. 

Two, is the wonderful performance of April. And the musical production. I'm a sucker for harmony. And the layering of her voice, is truly a mighty sword indeed. 

Three, and paramount. Is the political neutrality. Apolitical even. No axes ground.  Showing how easy it is to get sucked into empty, base partisanship. Becoming them (the Deranged Lunatic Left). I'm not much for forgiveness. But the video shames me into seeing, that a goodly number of these victims? ARE innocents. And were not acting in furtherance of their own political agenda (in getting the Jab). But got steamrolled over, by the Great Reset. 

And even after their lives have literally been destroyed? They aren't engaged in political retribution. Against the Fourth Reich, who have taken everything from them. They now living alone in the wilderness, discarded. And begging, with what little strength they have left, for help. 

Only the most vile and evil cowards on the planet (Vimeo, Brin & Page, Zuckermaggot, Jackwad Dorsey) would dare turn away.


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