Thursday, January 20, 2022

Damn the Torpedoes, Full Fascism Ahead

Normally, one pays a modicum of attention to the electorate, before an upcoming election. If you are running for reelection? Even pandering a little here, a little there. Or even pandering … everywhere.

But not the IslammoCommieJunta. Nope.

They are planning on winning the upcoming Presidential election, WITHOUT the support of voters. Yes, you could surmise, they know they are going to lose. And are merely doing as much damage as possible. Before the AMERICAN Voters, shove their boot, all the way up the Junta's *ss.

But they believe they will not be dislodged. Their actions are in fact telegraphing two things.

'Biden Admin Withdraws Support From Israel-Europe EastMed Gas Pipeline'

"The move strengthens Russia and Turkey’s stranglehold on Europe’s energy supply"

1) They will commit all manner of election fraud, again. Or will use any and all other means, to stay in power. Up to and including using the U.S. military. Not just the FBI and CIA, as they are currently doing.

And in thus, they are immune to any pushback by voters. For ANY of their actions. No matter how absurd, ridiculous, criminal, or deranged those actions are. Or how antithetical to America, Americans, or the Constitution.

2)  The Junta's actions also clearly telegraph, who is actually running the show. Who is really in charge. And that would be the Biggest Joohater of All Time.

Buraq Hussein Obama (in collusion with the Deep State/Branch 4).

King Pigsh*t can't help himself. It is in his Mooselimb blood. It is in his heart and mind. Like every other Islamist on the planet. Kill da Jew.

Whether it is stopping resupply of Israel's Iron Dome. Stopping the sale of aerial refueling tankers, to Israel. Or not providing other conventional munitions. That prudence dictates, we give to our allies (bunker busters/MOAB's).

Biden Admin Obstructing Dozens of Congressional Investigations Into Iran Nuclear Talks, Sanctions Relief

"One year into President Joe Biden's administration, 'Iran is richer, stronger, and closer to a nuclear weapon' than ever before … allowing Iran to greatly expand its atomic weapons program."

It is not possible to find someone who hates Jews more. Obama wears it proudly, like a badge.

His VERY FIRST course of action. The first official act as President, when he was first sworn in? Was to call Mahmoud Abbas. That was the very first thing he did, as President. Mere minutes after the Inauguration.

But credit where due. That walking talking, six foot tall piece of feces. Has done what no one else was able to do, in 250 years.

Destroy America.

It remains to be seen, what will transpire in the days, weeks, and months ahead. 

Whether the traitors are brought to heel, brought to Justice. And the Republic restored. Or we fail in the most important task of our entire lifetime.

But do not be deceived. They WILL kill anyone they have to. In order to stay in power. Do not disavow such. Merely because lil elmo said so (I swung a pretty big d*ck. When I was defacto co-editor of Dr*dge, in 2013-2014).

This is happening. This nightmare is real. A real conflagration. Our world really is on fire. And unless they are stopped, they will burn it all down … to the ground.

What did you do in the War? Huh … WTF did you do?


Friday, January 21, Eleven a.m.

Of course, it could all be known in future History. As the Vaccine Wars.

Normally, generally … I don't pander. And I also try not to do/be maudlin. 

Yes, I often swing a large hammer, sometimes wildly. Trying to smash their deranged ideology. But I still try to avoid the melodramatic. Letting actual facts on the ground, do my speaking for me. Reality just is (but of course not for the Deranged Lunatic Left, the IslammoCommieJunta, and DSB4. Or of course, the Fake News Industrial Complex).

Because I want all of you, to think for yourselves. Do your own analysis, reach your own conclusions. Whatever that may be?

"Silence Music Video on Vimeo"

Punch that into Duck Duck.

As actually linking the video, on Vimeo? Or rather trying to, will produce real, actual paranoia. And that's something which isn't in my repertoire.

Though we have tried numerous times, to link the vid, in this post. Without success. And with quite skeery results.

Though I have had success, copying and pasting the above link, into my browser.

I make an exception here, to no maudlin. I being an inhabitant of a musical sphere. And the beauty of this woman's voice. Wields more power, than I ever could. And after watching the linked vid, am moved to repeat that which I have said before:

Go ahead and try. Try and shove that needle in my arm. Go on. And then you get to find out what happens next? This isn't a game to me. 

Chatter is, video should have already been taken down, censored, disappeared. So, watch while you still can … if you can?

And here is a second locale, with the video (that also fails to hyperlink, in JotterPad. And I'm confident that is also no coincidence/accident).

Whoever saves one life, saves the World entire … even if merely by haunting melody only.

11:01 a.m.

Both hyperlinks obviously, are active (are we having fun yet?)

12:00 Noon

The singer's name is April.  The song is written by Julie Elizabeth. And without the video, can be heard at the Real Not Rare website. And for a few minutes anyway, the video is up on ScrewTube.


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