Saturday, January 22, 2022

Are You With Me?

I've seen some evil in this life. Way back when, in my early thirties, when I was in the mix. Seeing someone pimping two young women.

A person so disconnected from G*d. That another human being, is property, only chattel. And that they outright own those women, and can do as they wish. Because those women aren't human, they are merely objects. To be sold, and then resold.

I'm reminded of that pure evil, when I look at video, from The March for Life, in D.C.. Just the other day.

And I see DOZENS of FBI agents, in their matching (brown) khaki Halloween costumes. Pretending to be members of some fictitious group, The Patriot Front. Marching in formation with Plexiglas shields. Absurdly ... ridiculously shouting, in rehearsed unison. With their faces completely covered.

And if that link doesn't bring it?

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Told you the feds would be at the March for Life today

As if the FBI are fooling anyone? But sadly, they are. Tell a lie. Tell a Big Lie. Tell it over, and over, and over again. And it becomes the Truth.

Pure F*cking Evil.

Like seeing all of those children, in the Silence music video. Whose lives have been destroyed, shattered ... completely turned into dust. By the vaccine. For their parents sadly believed the Lie. That it is for their innocent children's protection. That it is for the common good.

There is no difference between the FBI, and Hitler's Brown Shirts. None.

Only now? Mass mechanized slaughter, is done with a hypodermic needle. And not poison gas. But mass extermination has begun.

Make no mistake.

To your (masked) G-Man face?

Anytime. Anyplace ... maggot. I do not fear you. You are Evil. And soon, pray G*d, you WILL fear us. You filthy stanknasty little bugs.

The time is now America. This can only continue if 200 million of us do nothing. Yes, some of us are going to die in this War against Evil. Many in fact.

But how many American men, women, and children have already been slaughtered?

Starting with the Tens of Thousands of weak elderly, in nursing homes. At the beginning of The Great Reset.

And now ... how many with the vaccine? And how many more in the next days and weeks.

We didn't start this War. We didn't ask for it. But I will not turn, I will not cower, and I will not walk away. No I will not.

I have little time left on this earth. My health has evaporated into nothing. And my dreams have been shattered by the rise of the Fourth Reich (Deep State Branch Four).

I do not welcome the battle. I do not look forward to my own demise. And I have so little to buttress this assault on Lady Liberty, and on all that is Holy.

But I am an American. And they a r e Nazi Mutha Fuwkers. Whatever they think they are? Whatever they believe they are accomplishing? Whatever it is they see, when they look in the mirror?

I take my orders from G*d. I'm not a deserter. I'll not abandon my post. With my last breath I shall stand, and I shall deliver.

Are you with me?


Sunday, January 23, 2022, Ten a.m.

Any Doubts?

That it is in fact the Jug Eared Mooselimb, pulling the ideological strings, in the White House?

South Korea pays Iran’s UN dues with frozen assets, restoring Tehran’s voting rights

"The payment was made Friday in cooperation with the United States …"

"Last week, Iran was the ONLY nation to oppose a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly aimed at combating Holocaust denial."

Reality Denial …

'Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.'

"So imagine how you can conflate the vaccine effectiveness stats if you dump all the COVID events (cases, hospitalizations and deaths) that occur subsequent to infection within 14 days of the first dose into the unvaccinated."

"Almost half of all COVID hospitalizations of the newly vaccinated occurred within 14 days which means they were treated as unvaccinated in the stats."

"So, it turns out Alberta has suddenly scrambled to remove the incriminating data from their website."

Goebels lives, Goebels breathes, Goebels walks among us. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Everyone of you must N O W be on ACTIVE WARTIME FOOTING.

Yes, stock up on canned goods and non perishables, most certainly. As well bottled water and (small packet) powdered milk. But, as important is asset reallocation. Dumping stocks. Dumping some precious metal. And HORDING lead (and stainless lead holders. But keep it in your pocket, please. You'll know when to whupitout).

Possibly … we are minutes away from the Fourth Reich, opening up BOTH evil eyes. Be ready. 

Later ... pray G*d, you can laugh at me. That would be the best outcome. And I also pray that I am wrong. I hope I am. But I don't think so. And it is my sacred duty to try and save whatever is left of these formerly United States of America.

Just because I'm n o t paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get us all. They are deranged, they are delusional. And they have already proven there are NO limits, to the voodoo that they do. 

You have been warned. Wake the f*ck up and smell the murderous fascism and tyranny ...

One p.m.

"I love working for President Obama"

I'm sure you do, Cucksaki. Back in the day, those like you? Were known as *ag hags [ooh .... what a hater you are elmo (kill him, kill him now!)].

Normally, I completely avoid ANY website, of any stature. That has pop-ups, click throughs, or other manner of insult to one's intelligence (remember floating interstitials?).

Avoiding them like the plague. NEVER reading a single durn article, let alone linking. I'll make an exception, just this once (for above thirty second video. And even then? The audio editing is over the top amateurish).


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