Tuesday, January 25, 2022


'Abrupt' FDA decision sparks shut down of monoclonal antibody treatment sites


"the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rescinded emergency-use authorizations for two particular treatments for COVID-19.

The FDA announced on Monday that it is no longer permitting the use of bamlanivimab and etesevimab (used together) as well as the combination of casirivimab and imdevimab known as REGEN-COV, or Regeneron."

What the F*ck?

The IslammoCommieJunta shutting down treatment, of those infected or seriously ill with Covid? Disallowing use of Monoclonal Antibodies (with Florida, immediately shutting down their treatment centers).

What other proof do you need? That these people are subhuman. Are bugs, insects who have crawled out of Satan's anus (that is not hyperbole).

If they are D I R E C T L Y attacking the health, safety, and very lives of American Citizens? Just because they aren't using bullets. Doesn't make it something it isn't.


Plain and simple.

The Fourth Reich has now opened BOTH evil eyes.

I hope and pray you know what to do. That you have a plan … to protect yourself and your family.

And you also have a plan, to stop evil from taking anymore lives. 


And if you have a problem with the words this Jew is using? Tough t*tties. Too f*cking bad.  Because words are all I have.

How you go about stopping this Holocaust now underway?

Lead, follow, or get the f*ck out of the way. People aren't dying. Men, women, and children are being slaughtered … as we speak.

Some indiscriminately. Others, many … because of the color of their skin. Still others because of their belief in G*d.

If you don't have a plan? Formulate one today. Or we shall all perish of this earth. The Kingdom of Satan is arisen. 

The illegitimate Biden Administration IS The Fourth Reich.

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!


One p.m.

Croatian MEP: 'Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty - Murder is Murder'


“In the last 80 years since Nazism, fundamental human rights have never been so severely violated…” – MEP Mislav Kolakušić


I'm not a prepper or survivalist. You'll have to look elsewhere, for help in that regard.

Nonetheless, there are some practical common sense things you can do t o d a y. To prepare for some likely scenarios or eventualities.

Yep, money is tight. And BidenFlation helps not. 

1) Communication. Already in evidence, is the power they have to control the flow of information. Even shutting it down.

So go out and buy (four minimum), some handheld two way radios (once known as walkie-talkies). Avoid the cheapest, but you don't have to buy the most expensive.

Stock up on batteries. Buy a number of battlepacks at Costco or Sam's (hint: if you have any personality, they will give you a one day courtesy pass).

Practice using them with family, friends, and neighbors. At minimum, discover their actual range yourself. Or areas/rooms in your home. Where the signal is weakest.

2) Small portable terrestrial radios. AM/FM, and Shortwave. And if you have the ducats? Higher power transceivers as well (though a cheap, second hand, old school CB radio won't hurt to have around either).

3) Alternate power. Yes, a generator, even the cheapest is much better than nothing. And if you do have the money? The more expensive, higher quality name brands won't be a regret. If you have critical needs? Either common replacement parts on hand. Or even a second, stand alone unit, will keep you from going Afib.

Commie monkey Newsom, is currently in the process of outlawing generators in California. But very safe to say, not at the Governor's mansion!

As well a quantity of fuel, in a number of tanks or containers (generators are available in gas powered, as well propane). Fuel stored away from residence. And not in direct sunlight.

4) Automotive power inverter. Not a replacement for a stand alone generator. But heaven sent, in an emergency. Again, avoid the cheapest (and if possible, check before buying. That it will even fit your automobile cigarette lighter. Laugh if you must). Also a second car battery, stored fully charged (trickle charger), on a piece of wood. Not stored resting on concrete or metal.

5) If you have money to burn, you can also grab up some measure of small solar unit as well.

6) Go bag. Ready and prepared, to bailout at a moment's notice. It isn't going to get hairy out there. It already is.

That includes cash, coin, AND silver. You won't get very far, if no one is taking plastic. Let alone gubment funny money.

Car fully fueled. At ALL times. With some extry fuel stored safely. 

Yeah, you have other things to do today. Bullsh*t. Your family is depending on YOU. Get busy.


Wednesday, January 26, Ten a.m.

Hurry Little Bug … Scurry … Scurry

Once upon a time, they gave out the Nobel Prize. To individuals who advanced Medicine, Science … even something abstract … Peace.  And in many instances, the recipient of the Award, was deserving. That of course, was in the WayBack Machine.

In Literature, they bestowed the Pulitzer Prize.

This fifteen minutes, of Tucker Carlson's opening segment, last night … Tuesday evening. Is meritorious, of a truly great measure. In service to G*d and Country. And is quite worthy of your interest:


We are losing the Country. She is slipping under the waves. We need more lifeguards, of Tucker's stature.

Copy the video and or send the link, to others that you know. And see if any agreement, any common ground can be reached, during a discussion afterwards?

I no longer think it's possible. And likely other's reaction, will confirm. The Country is torn apart. And she isn't coming back together again. It is even possible, you will be met with anger. Rather than any inquiry, regards any openings, in the lifeguard department?

Anger often preceeds violence. My interest is not in seeing harm come to you. Only a confirmation, that it is too late for any rapprochement.

That even plain simple truth. Incontrovertible reality. Not only has no value, to the Fourth Reich. But is a danger to its further ascendancy.

And members or supporters of the Reich. Will disown you, shun you, cancel you. Or of course report you, to the State Police (Gestapo is not a frozen Italian desert. And … they don't make vacuum cleaners, in the Hoover Building).

Truth can be an effective weapon against Evil. Shining a light unto the darkness, causing their six little legs, to trundle themselves away.

We desperately need more lifeguards. But if Tucker is flying solo, we'll give Thanks nonetheless. And I won't waste the breath. Mentioning the preening, hissing Cunts (male), on the Right. Whom I myself have heard, dismissively backbiting him (on the radio). The last couple of days.


Wednesday, January 26, Nine p.m.

‘Fauci Is The Greatest Mass Murderer In History,’ ‘Hellspitals Are The New Concentration Camps’



The measures taken by the federal government, to “stop the spread” of the COVID-19. Is actually a ploy by “Nazi Fauci,” to institute a one-world government. Warns Dr. Ben Marble, a Florida-based Family Medicine Specialist.

"Nazi Fauci is the greatest mass murderer in the history of the world. He needs to be arrested and on trial for Nuremberg 2.0 along with Bill Gates and George ‘Sarass,’ Nazi Klaus Schwab – all the billionaire elite."


Gates, Fauci, Daszak & UK Officials Accused of Crimes Against Humanity


Above link, reads like fiction, simply unbelievable. And yet ... much of it is true. It's like Butthead Biden, saying: "only a little incursion."

It doesn't seem possible, that these monsters exist. But they do. And they are completely destroying millions of lives. Actually murdering them, by premeditation. Then flippantly discarding them, like so much worthless refuse. Bloodless slaughter, and with others doing the dirty work even … administering the injections.

Destroying Society, even Civilization right along with.

So who's crazier? These madmen, who are engaged in this monstrous scheme of mass murder. Or me … elmo, knowing that what I'm reading, is not fiction (with whatever smaller percentage, of the larger total is?).

It's like you need optical, Polaroid filters, in order to see. To be able view the atomic. Able to see the evil in our midst.

And why the Silence Music Video, was so effective. We could see … with our own eyes, the shattered lives. Real sentient human beings, with a soul and a spirit. Not just mere words on a page, abstractions. In the video, you can actually see the needle and the damage done [F*ck you Neil Young! (Old hippies don't die. Their minds just fritter away)].

But then who are you going to believe, huh. The Fourth Reich, or your own lying eyes?


Thank You L*rd

For what you so kindly bestowed upon us. Thank You, to all the Great Americans, who brought forth This New Nation.

Thank You too all the Great Americans, who fought to preserve it. Over the last 250 years.

I've come this far, because of you. Because of your generous gifts. Some of you giving everything. 

I cannot offer my life in sacrifice or martyrdom. Nor even in gratitude. And I will not. Though I will not surrender it, should they dare come. And try to take it. Whatever I have left, however much time I have left. Is now given over to the ceaseless struggle, to preserve G*d's Country (you can keep the sh*tholes L.A., S.D., S.F., Portland. Seattle, Chicago, NYC, D.C., Baltimore, Minneapolis).

Living life for anything else would be a lie. Invalidating the gifts of those who have come before. I myself, personally benefitting (indirectly), from the wonderful post-war generosity, of a highly decorated World War II, Major.

Whatever we can save? How many States survive? The debt I owe, will be paid.


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