Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hold the Line

The Deranged Lunatic Left, are unreachable, they are lost in space. Free of any tether, adrift in a G*dless cosmos. No cord, no cable, no wire attached to their EVA suits. Connecting them to the command module.

So there is zero point in reaching out to them, across the aisle. Across the vast reaches of empty, vacuous, ideological space. There is no compromise, don't even waste the time. Their towering delusions are laser etched, inside their two inch thick titanium skulls.

Disconnected from the atomic, from reality. Completely and totally … lost in space. No oxygen, no gravity. Nothing that connects them to Planet Earth, in any way.

Sure, some restoration would be nice, some return to normal. But that just isn't going to happen. WE are Americans. With a belief in G*d and Country. And that's makes us, their enemy. Their mortal enemy.

The glorious past is no more, as the Deranged Lunatic Left rewrite history. While they try to destroy the future, at the same time. Erasing all Hope.

Events in Canada, defy any belief. (Paranoid) Conspiracy Theory, has now become real. All too. And the ease, and the speed with which a large independent Democracy, has been subverted? Is also unbelievable … astonishing.

The path forward? I am no longer able to speak my mind, and share my thoughts. Our Constitution has been revoked, including the First Amendment.

I can't do the time. For I do not have the health. To be proximal to or associated with, any of their made-up, fabricated crimes. Which now include Thought Crimes. Like the woman trucker in Canada (forty second video: "Chinada"). Who decided not to fly a large Canadian flag, on her truck's cab. And possibly/likely face arrest, or confiscation of her truck for so doing (flying her Country's flag).

But I will say this …. to the filthy members of the IslammoCommieJunta, and their power base, the Fourth Reich. F*ck you, and the granny stomping horses you rode in on. Allzewayup, wit a wed hawt pokah.

I have nothing left to lose. But then I'm repeating myself. They have already taken, that which is most valuable to me …. my Country.

There is nothing more you can take from me. Nothing more you can do to me. But if in your sheer derangement, you want to also take my dignity, or my Freedom?

Good luck with that. I don't give a f*ck who you are. Or whatever fascist dress uniform you are wearing. G*d is my wingman. I take orders from him. And he told me to hold the line. 

With my very last gasp of air, I shall.


Times of Fascist Doublespeak.

"The U.S. Capitol Police said last week they were aware of a Canada-style trucker protest coming to Washington, and are making plans to F A C I L I T A T E (the) First Amendment"


"working with law enforcement agencies and the D.C. National Guard"

"Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have (also) been closely working together"

"the National Guard will create strategic road blocks throughout D.C."

"National Guard troops are encamped"

"Pending DOD approval, DCNG stands ready to provide support … as directed by the Secretary of Defense" 

Maybe it's just me? But I don't think the Fourth Reich understands the meaning of the word facilitate. Seems like they are going to eff ewe see kay … the First Amendment (in the arse). Rather than "facilitate" it.

And that is their end (locus) game. No telling what they have up their sleeve? During the next eight days, of The People's Convoy. While the Convoy is enroute, to DC. Starting tomorrow morning Wednesday, in Adelanto, California.


I'd bet dollars to donuts, that Helicopter Gunships, have been part of the discussion, by the Fourth Reich. And how they can further help 'facilitate' the First Amendment.

We're not in Kansas anymore. And these monsters and beasts are real, they are not make believe. This is no Country for old men.

Those Americans that the Great Reset could not kill, with the Virus, or the Vax? Disposing of them, with volleys from an aerial gunship? Is possibly an option. In which case, there will be blood. Lots of it.

Hold the line.


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