Friday, February 04, 2022

The Nightmare is Just Beginning

I'm watching Tucker last night, and I only get half way through his eleven minute opening. And I have to stop. I am overcome with fear and trepidation. Fear, for the life of Mr. Carlson. I have z e r o  doubt, that the Fourth Reich has run the sim's on his murder. Countless times.

Trying to figure out the likelihood of their success (by various/different methods)? And what are the odds of their escaping arrest? (It would look suspicious, if he somehow met his demise while fly fishing).

Or of course, some unimaginable "accident." Where Joe Rogan's tongue, is actually ripped out of his mouth (if they are unsuccessful in stopping the distribution of his podcast).

Power. Raw naked power. Beyond hideous, Satanic power. To keep this manufactured pandemic going, with all of their fascist edicts and mandates (that were part and parcel of the Great Reset).

And in his opening, Tucker discusses Youngkin, and his election. And after being sworn in as Governor, Youngkin keeps his campaign pledge (imagine that). And tosses his State's mask mandate in the garbage, on day one. What the voters expected, in return for their vote.

The State's deranged lunatics however, are now fiercely battling to keep Society entire, masked. Including the young schoolchildren. And of course, that battle is now in the Courts.

So Tucker is asking, who is in charge. Who is running the State. Those elected, by the Voters? Or various other non-elected factions and entities, i.e. Bad Actors.

That's when I got scared. And realized how far down this path of destruction. The Nation has actually traveled. And how there will be no compromise, from the Left. There will be no rapprochement. They won't be rejoining us here, back on planet earth, anytime soon. Likely … not even in my lifetime.

These mental midgets, think nothing of stealing our Freedom and Liberty, destroying our Country. Taking these gifts, given unto us by G*d (Gee oh dee). Just like, exactly like the Chinese Commies ... live on Dutch Television, at the Olympics. By force, carting away a Dutch reporter, at the Olympics during a live broadcast. Mindless bots, Jackboots, fascist thugs. Insects defending the hive.

And thusly, the future portends a cataclysmic upheaval. A massive fracturing of Society. More force, more open violence, more bloodshed … they are just getting started in their lusty, blind embrace of Evil.

Like the numerous turdmonkeys, who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse. Either from behind, or while he was down on the ground (while he was holding a lethal weapon). WTF did they think was going to happen? Could these imbeciles be more disconnected from reality. But hey, they mean well, right?

Zoo Tiger Shot And Killed After Biting Man Who Put Hand Through Fence

Nice little kitty … here kitty kitty. Umm no, it's a freaking tiger you moron … a tiger!

Mass Formation Psychosis? Ok, sure. But we are also dealing with Mass Formation Idiocy. People no longer possessed of the most basic logic (1+1 no longer equals two. Because Math is racist!).

We can't reach them, far out on Planet Whackjob, nope.

1) The signals don't reach that far.

2) They don't even speak our language. NYC High School students, can't even read English!

In one current Senior Class, of around six hundred teenagers. Only twelve, twelve …. read at grade level. And a  l a r g e  percentage of those six hundred? Read at first or second grade level. But yes, they are ALL going to Graduate, every single one is going to receive a Diploma. 

So the teacher's unions, can't teach America's children to read (and yet they still get paid. And for the last two years, they didn't even have to show up for work!).

But they were able to teach them to hate. Hate Whites, Hate Jews, Hate Asians, Hate America. Hate, Hate, Hate. The Foundation of their Dystopia. The proscribed basis of their Constitution. 

With Dr. Jill, leading the demented diaper boy around on a leash. As the cawksuggin' commie ho from Cali, waits in the wings. Expect the worst. Because that is exactly what is headed our way. The Dream is over.

Today, oil is now at $93 a barrel. And a whole host of bad actors, seek to make things even volatile …

'Oil terminals disrupted after European ports hit by cyberattack'

Add in the Secretary of Transportation Gregg'sButt. Attempting to install a massive Nationwide camera/drone system, to spy on Citizen's travel and movements.

And it is all too plain, all too obvious … they want blood. Lots of it. And they will do anything to bring about Ground Zero Day.

Resulting in a Declaration of Martial Law. And the cancelling of any future Elections.

To quote Douglas Adams …. Don't Panic! Just get ready, as best you can. As quickly as you can. The Dream is Over.

The Nightmare is Just Beginning


Sunday, February 6, Eight p.m.

My first idea, for titling this link was: "Words Fail." As things go, from bad to worse.

'Biden Regime Continues Its Suicide Mission of the West — Releases $29 Billion in Frozen Funds to Radical Islamic Regime'

The Fourth Reich didn't just remove some/many sanctions on Iran, the other day, no. That just wasn't good enough for them. Nope. They had to give the largest terrorist organization in the world, another $30 Billion. In addition to the $150 Billion, previously given by Hussein in the Membrane.

If any of you need any further confirmation, that Obama is the ideological hand, up the Biden puppet arse? Whomever or whatever other evil factions, that Chucklehead Odorama is wedded to (?).

Obama, The Greatest Enemy This Nation Has Ever Known.

And now? He is competing with another infamous insect. To see who History will confirm, as the Biggest JooHater of All Time?

Other than loading a few of our own (advanced) Nuclear Warheads, and the ICBM's to mount them atop. Heck, even tossing in the fuel/propellant. Shoot ... even the technicians. Loading everything on a ship, and then delivering all of it, directly straight to Iran?

There is little if any difference, to what the Fourth Reich is now doing. In delivering Thirty Billion Dollars in cash, to the shii Caliphate. Which nearly instantly provided Israel's enemies, with thousands and thousands and thousands of rockets, after the last cash disbursement to Iran (by Obama).

As well as not resupplying Israel, with now dangerously low Iron Dome supplies. Or not filling a pre-existing order, for aerial refueling tankers. Or of course, supplying any bunker buster armaments.

Evil is as Evil does.

And the Fourth Reich wears their JooHate, like a shiny badge they do. Generally, I tend to avoid identity politics. Finding it a smidge shallow. I cringe when I see a person in front of the camera, being asked for their opinion. Specifically because of their melanin content. But Bless them none the less. For their lack of fear. Truly.

Maybe one day, the time will come. When people are judged by the content of their character? But I won't hold my breath.

My political journey/transformation began around twenty years ago. When I was confronted with individuals, who weren't Jewish. Who were strongly defending the State of Israel.

And I had to ask, what gives? They weren't just defending Israel, no. They were actually willing to take a bullet ... for me, because I was Jewish. Me, a complete stranger. And thus began my (continuing) education.

And so I had to at minimum, learn wtf was going on in the world? And to stand, identify, and be counted as a member of the tribe. Out of respect, for those who had this stranger's back. Anything less, would have been cowardice.

I know not what History will say, of these times of great peril? But I am not a blind man. Even if prudence dictates, I not speak my mind. Lest a couple dozen highly armed Gestapo, in armored vehicles (with a CNN film crew, and aerial camera platform), bash my door down at three a.m..

I'm not paranoid in the least. Reality just is. And I'm so f*cking lucky, really. That I didn't go to DC, and protest the theft of the 2020 Election. Can't do the time? Then don't do the (made up/fabricated) crime, in the new police state.

I simply don't have the health. Mine is gone. Not looking for sympathy, just the cards I've been dealt.

I'm not a martyr. Even if they are crushing the very lives, out of those locked away, in King Hussein's dungeon, in DC.

Obviously, I'm not optimistic about the future. I hope and pray that more come to see the Evil, that now holds sway. And will expend the effort to save the World entire. For truly it does hang in the balance. And the Fourth Reich, has tipped the scales. The side of Evil, is now $30 Billion heavier ... today.

Sure, we could use the L*rd's help, you bet. But it is our job. And if we fail? We lose the World entire. Truly momentous times, of the Greatest Peril. Few moments in History, match this calamity now unfolding.

Words fail.


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