Friday, January 28, 2022

The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich

As a boy, I had one dream. Which was derived simply of my own personal atomic view. Of the low mountains, to the North (of the SFV. That's right, I am OG … b*tches).

And once in a great while, those small peaks, would have a dusting of snow. Not very often. And gazing at those purple hills in summer, I would daydream about a different set of existential circumstances. 

And while that dream did in fact come true. It was nowhere near in the manner which I had dreamt about. Oh, and it came to pass thirty five years later. Let no one say the Sky Pilot doesn't have a sense of humor.

I glance back to those times of youth and innocence. And how I've always been possessed of a bright spirit, and positive outlook. Always (yes, muh *ss was kicked a couple of times by depression).

But these days, as I grasp at straws. I am hit with a Louisville Slugger, upside the head. And if those 200 million other Americans. Who can see AND smell the Treason. And know and understand the immediate danger we face. But still do nothing?

Bam! That hits hard. Fearing the Nation may not arise. Or that the response is too little too late. We and the Nation, truly are in mortal jeopardy.

Up until now, most all of the greatest Evil. Was known to us, through books … of History. The nature and color of this current, illegitimate Government's Evil? Is equal to the staggering Evil, that was put down a little over 75 years ago, in History books.

Today mutha fuwkers … today. You must enlist in G*d's army of the Righteous. And you must suit up, you must show up, and do your f*cking  job. Whatever that may be? But act you must.


The engine of their ginormous killing machine, hasn't been running very long. But tomorrow, it will be too late, many more will perish. Directly by the hand of the IslammoCommieJunta/Fourth Reich (and their supplicants).

It's not fiction. It's not conspiracy theory. Or whatever doodie prattles out of Cucksaki's odious pie-hole. They have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. With the creation of the bioweapon, and then its release. And the forced Frankenstein injections, which followed. Plus millions of people, around the globe. Murder. Taking human life.

They are killers. Stone cold. That is a lot of people. And that is not fiction. This is what they actually are doing. It doesn't make them men. But it does put them in company of History's absolute worst creatures. Adolf Hitler, and the Third Reich.

Get busy, get to work. At least try to save the Nation. Please.

Yeah, it's so easy to say it isn't your job. Buried in your own existential dilemmas. Even to block out all of this unbelievable bad news. And completely disassociate, in front of your mambo 4k screen. Watching the latest kwap/drivel from Hollywood.

Life won't be worth living, once they finally snuff all the life out of Lady Liberty. And then there won't be anything you can do about it. Their power grows with each passing day. As Lih-bear-tee grows ever more pale.

What can you do? That's for you to decide. There are 200 million of us. If everyone does something, anything … we might have a chance.

This is for everything that ever was. And time is running out …

I'm not a quitter. I'm not going to give up without a fight. Whatever the outcome. Let alone lose the Country, to people with such microscopically tiny minds.

Those of you on the Left, can call me whatever you like (you're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny).

On the Right? I also don't care what you call me either. Just don't call me late to President Trump's Inauguration. Because then I will be angry. And you won't like me when I'm angry.

And that crap weasel, Trudeau. Calling Canadians "unacceptable" and a  "fringe element."

On the Deranged Lunatic Left planet, that Trudeau lives on. Freedom and Liberty are unacceptable. And people who believe in Freedom and Liberty, are indeed a fringe element.

A neighboring Nation, led by a figure of such Historical Cowardice? Such incredibly dangerous times that we live in.

It's so hard not to get caught up in all the partisan mudslinging. But too many Leftists, are indeed j o y o u s willful executioners. The people fed into the Junta's wood chipper, aren't abstractions. And the number of them, hundreds of thousands of Americans, is not a fabrication. 

How many more are going to be murdered?

Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with “Never Before Seen” Rubbery Clots

How long?

Before the Fourth Reich, is relegated to the dustbin of History, where they belong.

How long?

6:00 p.m.

“500 or 600% Increase” – Funeral Director in UK Reveals Increasing Number of Thrombosis Death in Vaccinated Young Adults

[Thrombosis deaths, blood clots blocking veins or arteries].

“So, what we’re seeing is an ever-growing number, particularly of thrombosis deaths. Heart attack, aneurysm, or stroke, and they’re in unprecedented numbers. I’ve never seen as many deaths."


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