Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Now We Pray ...

As we travel upon the Wings of Heaven. As the first major battle, to save The Greatest Gift Ever Known, gets underway.

Take this Nation, and rescue it from out the cloven hooves, of the Satan beast … Obama+Reich 4.

Operation Overlord, the Allied advance upon the beaches of Normandy (held by the regime of the National Socialists). Synchronize watches …. February 23, Barstow, California.


Some of you Enlisted, have already made plans. Some of you Officers too. The rest of you?

Your orders have just arrived: ANY and all material support, to the Convoy to DC 2022.

Whatever you got? However much, however little. Virtual or atomic (deliver gift cards, or cash … D I R E C T L Y to participants IN the Convoy, in person. Avoiding any virtual interference of any kind).

Or you and family and LONG time friends, band together. And set up roadside aid stations … food, water, First Aid, propane, diesel (or card), clean clothes, blankets, toys, pet food, batteries, phone chargers/cords.

The beach landing zone, is three thousand miles wide. We will take major casualties, I'm Sorry. Professional Medical Personnel are strongly encouraged to request back-up, from family and friends. So that they can be available, on standby 24/7, for rapid deployment.

They cannot stop an idea.

But they can physically attack … the Righteous … with batons and bullets.

We now Pray …

Battle Hymn of the Republic …. Angela Primm, Choir



Thursday, February 17, Eleven a.m.

The Sound of Breaking Glass ! ! !

Yeah, I bought a copy of Hans Fallada's, Every Man Dies Alone (three or four years ago). But actually reading it? It's a thick dense read (in quantity and quality). 

And it's such dark and morbid material, to understand. But it clearly shows, without any question. How it really was possible, how the unthinkable actually came to be.

That a Country, an entire Nation … could completely lose its mind. And collectively, descend into an unimaginable Hell. Yet here we are once again, for everyone to see. That process is repeating itself, today this very minute.

Jeff Bezos' Washington Post, doxxing individuals, who donated to the Canadian Trucker's Freedom Convoy. Via the hacked donor list, to the Trucker's GiveSendGo account.

And Canadian banks joining in, willing participants in this Fidel Trudeau hypersonic rocket to Hell. Gleefully destroying the lives of people, who don't kneel and lick Dear Leader's boots.


Public shaming, scapegoating. Initiating a widespread response atomic, to those who would dare honk their horns in protest (those vermin!).

Anyone unable to see the direct correlation to Kristalnacht? Even if you don't actually hear the sound of breaking glass. These fascist events, ARE a mirror image of the Night of Broken Glass. These souless bots ignoring evil, are a clear and present danger to us all. Hitler's Willing Executioners. We now are living a waking nightmare.

I should be confident, that I don't have to nudge you to read the book. In order for you to determine your own personal course of action. But sadly, I am not.

I am confident however, that the undiluted insanity that I see, is all too real. Though still it is hard to grasp, how so many millions of Americans, have completely lost their minds, in 2022.

The wheels are coming off, all the way off of Society's wagon. So far down this road to oblivion, we have traveled. Which should be enough of a fright, enough of a scare, to prod us all into action.

But alas, many have become numb from the incessant pounding. Of these heavy fascist nails, right into our skull (the Gelato proprietor in Canada. Who quickly surrendered, under the massive onslaught of violent threats).

I myself, have way too often used the excuse of my vanishing health. To rationalize my frozen atomic gestalt. I mean, how much time do I really have left? Two years, three, five? I can't see it possible, I have much more than that.

I don't have cancer, I don't have AIDS. Or this or that illness, that portends a rapid demise. But taken together, the quantity and the nature of all that ails me? All my sh*t is broken. The cards I'm holding, aren't a winning hand … that's that.

What's your point elmo?

What little is left of me, what little time I have left. Is no longer an excuse, to rationalize my sittin' wit my thumb up my bum.

As much comfort as I would take, ignoring this now hideous world. Curled up in a ball on the floor. Me, and my future puppy (the only dream I have left). I earned a rest, some peace.

Too bad … ya little crybaby ... too bad. The L*rd already gave you blessings mighty, elmo. Gave you so much magic and joy, and wonder.

Now? Now there is glass to sweep b*tch … grab a broom.


Saturday, February 19, Four p.m.

Ian Miles Cheong, video, thirty one seconds:

"Justin Trudeau’s SQ (Quebec provincial police service) officers removed their identifying names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa"


And the nameless, badgeless  (Canadian) Gestapo, all lined up in attack formation. More closely resemble caricatures, from a science fiction movie (THX-1138). Than real world human beings, in the atomic.

This sh*t is getting to be scary. Those on the line, those holding the line. Are G*d's Righteous Soldiers. And I salute you.

Is there any difference between Cadesha Bishop, violently shoving from behind, 74 y.o. Serge Fournier, to his death. Off the the front of a Las Vegas bus, while he was standing with his walker, waiting to exit?

And the Ottawa police, on horse back. Trampling an elderly woman, also with a walker, acting peacefully (video receipts on demand). Officers riding right on over her, while on horseback.

That's right, there is no difference. Murder is Murder. By premeditation. Though yes, the woman trampled by horses, is still alive (Thanks Given).

There are many ways to look at the event, where the police plowed through a thick crowd of calm, peaceful protesters. And trampled them willy-nilly, using a large group of riders on horseback.

Lessee … the order is given by a Commander, regards a large dense crowd of people. Forcefully bowling them over, with a herd of jittery horses traveling on smooth concrete. Concrete covered with snow, water, and black ice. Large horses, shod with steel shoes.

That cover it?


Sunday, February 20, Ten p.m.

Nothing Will Stop Me … Nothing

Dancing On Our Graves … That is what these six legged, fascist filch are doing. Whether it's Ottawa's new police chief, openly, tumescently threatening Canadians. With his/Fourth Reich's eternal wrath. They W I L L hunt you down (like a rabid dog). For months (and months) on end. And destroy your life, totally and completely. Leaving nothing, nothing at all. Not even your Freedom. And they seem hellbent on taking your dignity as well.

Leaders of the Freedom Convoy, in Ottawa. Today, taking that high inside fastball, and hitting it right out of the park: "not going to be a punching bag" (for the Gestapo). And disbanding the Ottawa action, post haste.

The Ottawa chief of police, threatening beyond peaceful protesters. Where ONE cop was injured, in three entire weeks of protests. One.

In the summer of 2020? ANTIFA & BLM, injured TWO THOUSAND cops. Two thousand. And did two billion dollars, in damage.

Some Ottawa cops are proud, giddy with laughter. At the elderly (Candace Sero, full blooded Mohawk?) woman. Standing in the crowd, with the help of a walker/rollator. Who they then mowed down, with their equestrian unit. 2,000 pounds of panicked horse flesh, a herd literally on ice. Punting her flat on her side,  horizontal to the pavement, her hands still gripping her walker. Looking more 2D, than 3D.

She's currently in hospital, with serious shoulder injuries. One officer quipping, that they need to repeat/practice that maneuver. For their amusement, not the public's safety.

Or Queen of the Turdmonkeys Keith Olberman, joining in the laughter and celebration ("lol").

Or the woman on the streets of Ottawa. Asking a group of officers. Where she can go, to get a cup of coffee. And the officers then verbally abuse her. Before assaulting her. Maybe they thought she was making some kind of donut joke? You got me. 

The totality of all this Evil and madness. Has left my heart black and blue (cue Louis). As we are on a continuum, with things progressing. And all too soon, spiraling out of control. Every which way but loose.

What you do, in the days, weeks, and months ahead? I know not. What you have to contribute. What you can bring to the party. And I will neither joke nor hint (jiminy).

But I do know this. In three days, on Wednesday, the Freedom Convoy gets underway. Enroute to DC, leaving from Barstow, headed to Kingman. And then after, continuing East on I40.

What you do, to save America? And there's a whole lot to be done. Boy is there ever. But if YOU are not somewhere by the side of (3,000 miles) of road. Draped in a flag, snapping a salute, when the Freedom Convoy rolls by? Then don't talk to me, stay out of my face.

Skin in the game.

Are you in?

Or are you out?

I got my radiantly colored, 3×5 flag the other day. And already fitted it with some paracord, and a sprung plastic handclamp (let the wind do its worst, no worries).

I never wore the uniform. That won't stop me from snapping MY mofo'ing hand. With precision and fury. Nothing will. You will have to kill me.


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