Monday, February 14, 2022

America's Greatest Enemy

Our imagination has not fully prepared us, for what lies ahead. As we journey into darkness, to arrest this Evil. That has left this Nation, beaten and bloodied. And my spirit broken.

Confronting us, are an army of (thousands of khaki clad FBI) Traitors. Real actual Traitors, engaged in real actual Treason. With a crushing two handed grip, around the throat of Lady Liberty (and a couple of pipe-bombs, with kitchen timers. In their back pocket).

Six legged creatures, devoid a soul. These locusts now exiting Satan's anus. Are enroute to devour this Nation, as quickly as they can. Before they can be driven from the Garden (Durham is only the very tiniest start).

What are the current totals of dead Americans? Whose lives have been erased by the engineered Bioweapon fauxdemic. Or … its Frankenstein, even more life destroying mRNA antidote (delivered via hypodermic needle).

With not a second thought, or the slightest regret. North of half a million Americans, have been murdered. M U R D E R E D. Flippantly. Then casually discarded. Those were human beings. Past tense. And this slaughter continues apace, this very minute.

The Fourth Reich will have Zero compunction, continuing upon this path of large scale human slaughter. There is NOTHING they won't do, to keep feeding their insatiable lust for power. And of course, avoid the penalty that awaits them, for Treason (winkity).

Fake insurrections, fake wars, fake pandemics, fake elections.

None of this is fiction. But that it were. Sadly, it is all too real. And if we are to save the Nation? We must stand, we must face Lucifer, and not turn away from the searing blast of Hellfire.

The only Higher Power that they recognize? Is that which they can smoke, in their Government issued crack pipes.

The Nation's survival, is in question. Everyone need take stock, do an inventory. And devise a plan of individual and family survival, in the atomic. As well any possible contribution they can make, to the effort to save the Greatest Gift Ever Known.

Saving America from the Greatest Enemy, she has ever known … Obama and The Fourth Reich.


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