Friday, March 04, 2022

The End of America ... Obama's Endgame

That is the only goal of the Foreign Born Fay Mooselimb Traitor. There is nothing else. No different than during the eight years, that he stunk up the White House.

The only pause? Is when the optics of election politics, intervene. At its heart, decapitating our military, is his and the Junta's only interest vis a vis confronting Putin. The only view through which they see participation, in the Russia Ukraine War.

By participating in this war. They can destroy this Nation's readiness. Using up weapons systems. Using up supplies and war material. Using up personnel. And replenishing none of it (that's the key, if you are paying attention to the gestalt of this post?). Leaving Trump to inherit a completely neutered Army. Our Nation defenseless.

Same as arming Iran. And forcing Israel, to expend great energy, and resources. Obama is a sick f*ck. Who IS demented and deranged. Though his Joohate, is the very air that he breathes.

Wait, watch, see. The Junta WILL find a way, to participate in this war. In a fashion that diminishes our military preparedness. And our Nation in general.

Ron Klain, Turdmonkey Extraordinaire. Won't stop the flow of dollars, to the Russian war machine.

Klain: Sanctioning Russian Oil Would Hurt Unity That’s Made ‘the Sanctions Work'

In so doing, he can prolong the conflict. Increasing the likelihood of our direct participation.

The Junta cares not a whit about the people of Ukraine. They are beyond expendable props/pawns.

As we are, you and me. In the Fourth Reich's march across America. Until nothing remains. Except the mosques, and the fortress' of the Reich.

And if you cup your ear? You can hear the Junta in ecstasy. As they melt everyone's mind, in order to melt the world …

'Stage Two of Mass Psychosis Taking Hold'

And through this clusterfook of clusterfooks. The people of Ukraine, are being slaughtered. 

Yes, certainly … they deserve our support and our help. But the absolute very closest eye, must be kept on the Traitor Trash …. Klain, Biden, Milley, Austin, et al. Who will be administering any of that aid. Kept on the very shortest leash. Or it will rapidly devolve into the purest insanity, we have ever witnessed. CAUTION is the ONLY word.

The end of America, is Obama's endgame. Please don't hand him the noose. This war, a crisis that they will not let go to waste.


Saturday, March 5, Two a.m.

"See something, say something"

I couldn't possibly be the only one, who is really creeped out, by this radio spot?

Teaching, indoctrinating, raising an entire generation. To be snitches for the State. F*cking Nazis! To any of your cawksugging maggot faces? I'm done with you filthy deranged lunatics. Finis.

The only difference between then and now? The flames of the giant industrial ovens, haven't been lit … yet.

Although different methods of mass slaughter, were evaluated by Hitler's executioners. Until the final methodology was settled upon, to bring about
the final solution. 

In some instances, merely very large scale dispensation of gunfire. Like the below, chilling video from Ukraine. In this case, reporters from Sky News, traveling in a car.

While the video is not as ghastly as a jihadist beheading video (there are no deaths). Readers are strongly cautioned.


Saturday, March 5, Seven p.m.

Hold Me Mommy

Lots of coverage, of this unbelievable savage war in Ukraine. And of course, far too much of it fabricated.

It's has been trying, to sift through. Separate the dross. Far too easy to be deceived. A 3D chess game, horrific. Death, destruction, outright murder. And of course War Crimes.

'An uprising in Kherson'

Allah does seem to lend some clarity, with this well written above post (he was always among the top three wartime bloggers. Dating back to GWBush/Iraq).

The worst part of this unhinged madness, is the illegitimate, illegal Traitors. Who currently head the Government, of these United States.

Who themselves, are waging war, on the citizens of this Country. Via countless different means and measures. And the future here? Does portend violence.

For however mad, deranged or disconnected is Putin? The IslammoCommieJunta here, matches him vile insanity to insanity.

The wheels are coming off the whole damn World. I'm no spring chicken. I seen a few things in this life. But this sh*t is starting to scare me.


Monday, March 7, Three a.m.

Suck It Up

As you are he as you are me and we are all together

STOP with the divisions among Conservatives. That is their game. T h e y are the enemy. There are a million facets, to Putin's terror onslaught. Whatever can be done, what will be done, what should be done? We can all agree or disagree, on every single facet. 

But who we are, at our core, to our very bone. Is not turning our back, on the people of Ukraine. There are no easy choices, let alone one large button to push (marked easy). To fix the problem.

The unelected Government, currently in power, here in these United States. Is responsible in large part, for the Macabre Dance of Death. Now playing out on the World stage. Having abdicated global leadership.

By concentrating solely, on the war at home. Against American citizens. Who oppose the regime (you know … terrorists). As tens of thousands of brave Russians are arrested. For protesting against their regime.

We are only going to have one chance, to save the Republic. What takes place this year, will determine if the Nation survives. Not all of us, will make the journey. We will lose some along the way.

Like Fox News. Listening to the lede and the opening stories. On their hourly radio news spot, late last night. Hearing about Kamala Harris' continued war on Whitey (visiting the South, before flying to Poland).

But zero mention, of the People's Convoy. That billion dollars, in Covid bribes, having a lasting effect. I gotta believe they would have already terminated Tucker. But for he would take ALL their viewer's, with him.

It's a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.


Tuesday, March 8, Five p.m.


Remember when? You believed in something. Had something to believe in. And felt pride, enormous pride.

I was reminded of that, when seeing a trending story, on Gab, this morning. Of six year old Bridger. His face torn to shreds, taking ninety stitches. While heroically saving his four year old sister, from a dog attack.

They only problem? The story, while trending on Gab now, is two years old.

The Deranged Lunatic Left, has destroyed everything. Including time. And will continue to destroy this Nation. Its Constitution. Even the citizens thereof. And just like Putin, trying to destroy Hope as well.

Part of that destruction, is the truth. Information whole. The Truth is absolute. Reality just is. Y'all know what to do. You know exactly what to do. Yeah, you do. Get busy.

Yeah, my words are cheap. Certainly. But then they are all I have (as my health goes, this week will be as bad as it gets. Rough ride ahead). You on the other hand, may be able to bring a little more to the party.

Maybe you can give us all, something to believe in? You won't be given a badge, a medal, or a ribbon. But you will receive the Greatest Gift Ever Known. We will get our Country back.

There are 200 million of us. Each one of us has a skill, a talent. An ability. What's your's? You just have to be willing. Like six year old Bridger. Without fear, without any consequence whatsoever.

Believing in yourself, in G*d, and Country. The pride in answering the L*rd's Reveille? Will be tattooed inside your heart, throughout eternity. No one will see it, no one will know it's there. No one will ever be able to take it from you.

36 second video, simply amazing aerial drone footage of the (stationary) Freedom Convoy (with emotive music soundtrack). Must watch, must see vid of individuals who merely bring their truck's to the party!


The Coward Mark Levin (Tuesday radio broadcast)

Not man enough to call out those he disagrees with, by name: "these elitist commentators"  "who don't know what they are talking about" "hanging out in the green room between segments."

On and on. Anyone who isn't racing headlong into war, in Ukraine? Is personally responsible for the genocide there. What a (fascist) little creep. 

Joe Biden can't change his own diaper. And Levin is in a race, to have demented diaper boy. Manage a War, against Russia. And we're ignorant, lacking in expertise. Riiight.

Little coward Levin, unable to call out by name, Tucker. But thinks it Einstinian, to pom pom cheerlead Lindseed Graham Crackers (by name)!

You don't have anything better to do Mark? Really. 

How dare Carlson not genuflect before the Great One. And kiss the ring of the Supreme litigator. The nerve!

Can you even imagine a Country, where people aren't only entitled to their own individual opinion. But they are allowed to express it? Yeah I know, it was a long time ago.

And it will be a very long time. Before I waste the time listening on the radio, to that crap again.

What a clown. I'd say it's that time of the month. But why waste the breath, jiminy.

Wasn't bad enough, Kamala Harris, giving a platform and lending credence. To those would call this Jew, an ethnic genocider.

Now I get little lord fauntleroy, doing their same exact thing. Hey Mark, f*ck you.


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