Friday, March 25, 2022

Frothing Maggots Flying Out of Satan's Anus

Hell is Here

Obama spouting this Trump/Right are Nazi's sh*t (via Biden in Belgium), isn't just loathsome and tired. Disgusting and evil. It is pure fabrication.

Trump brought us the Abraham Accords (remember those?).

Obama/Biden/Klain/Plouffe/Rice …. have done everything to destroy them.

Trump brought the Mullahs to their knees. Slowed the spread of evil incarnate.

The Fourth Reich has emboldened, empowered, refurbished, and rebuilt in its entirety … Iran's terror machinery and infrastructure.

You filth in the IslammoCommieJunta, the Fourth Reich, the Creepfilth Tech Overlords ARE Nazi's. Yeah, you too fake Jew, Zuckermaggot. And not just the embodiment, the reincarnation. But you revel in your hatred, and now actually are drinking the blood of Jews.

To any of your faces?




I do not bow before you. I will never allow you to terrorize me, ever. You Gestapo have crossed far over the line, with Project Veritas.

Go ahead. Keep this sh*t up. If you don't think that the day will come. That you will face Justice for your High Crimes and Treason?

Y'all "think" just like the bugs in the goatf*cker hive. Permanent jihad. Thoughtless mindless communication, via stink/smell. F*cking bugs. 

ANY of you insects in the Junta+Reich4, want to call me a Nazi?

To my face?

I double dawg dare you.

Bring it the f*ck on maggots. Bring it the f*ck on …


Saturday, March 26, Four p.m.

It's Worse Than Anyone Thought!

If you aren't scared? Them you just haven't been paying attention.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Interference Chief Now Runs Joe Biden’s White House Tech Team


Sunday, March 27, Eight a.m.

They Take Paradise … And Put Up a (Fascist) Parking Lot

Truth vs fiction. Reality versus fabrication. What's really going on?

The most obvious, the simplest? The current Government, heading the United States, were not elected to office. They assumed power through outright massive election fraud.

They do not believe in Freedom or Liberty. The Constitution, to them is gritty toilet paper.

They, with the help of the Fourth Reich (FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS, NSA, DOD, Creepfilth Tech Overlords, and the Fake News Industrial Complex …), installed this Junta. And are destroying America. As quickly as possible, right before our very eyes.

Their target date, is destroy anything, destroy everything before Tuesday, November 8. Or face expulsion from their massive power base.

Forget Russia, Ukraine and the possibility of global thermonuclear war. Our Country is now at War, and is being destroyed from within. Yeah, it r e a l l y is.

Does Ukraine survive? Who the f*ck cares anymore. The Junta is killing my Country. She is hemorrhaging copious humour at an alarming rate.

Job 1?

Stop the bleeding. ANY way we can. NOW. Now, now, now.

Step 2? 

IF (big f* cking if) we take control? Fire the thousands of Traitors. Arrest and prosecute the Leaders.

Including Obama, Rice, Klain, Plouffe, Comey, Brennan, Samantha Power, Zuckermaggot, Jackwad Dorsey, Bozo Bezos. Throw away the key. I hear there is plenty of room at Gitmo.


Install citizen/public oversight and control, so that it NEVER happens again. This of course takes for granted, the complete,  TOTAL, absolute destruction of the FBI. 

Every cubic centimeter of the Hoover Building. And every khaki maggot with a badge and gun. Stripped of their Citizenship!

Adios, goodbye Mofo's … goodbye. Play stupid fascist games? Win citizenship in stupid fascist countries.


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