Thursday, March 10, 2022

Everyone is Losing Their Mind

Thank You L*rd. For this life. For the many blessings, bestowed upon me. And for this once great Nation.

As my chassis self destructs, in my early sixties, in real time [yeah, I lived pretty darn fast. Not a bragg, just the path I ended up traveling. Wasn't by plan, just fell into the Sporting Life. What's to complain about, I rather enjoyed the ride. I ain't a preacher, just a man who is human, like the rest (that of course does not include the Deranged Lunatic Left)].

I will still not give up. I will still try. For what have I left to do, in this life? But help in any way I possibly can, to try and save this Nation

And Thank You for the tireless, fearless soldier, Tucker Carlson. The last starfighter. Who takes no kwap from anyone, feels no need to sling it. Only the need to do his part, to try and save the Greatest Gift Ever Known. A man amongst scurrying scurvy little mice.

Truth just is. And what he delivers. Why so many are afraid of it, and him? Why so many seek to destroy it, and him? Thank You Mr. Carlson. Truth will out!


Evil, why have you destroyed so many hearts?

Jessie Smolett, getting five months in jail? And of course, will serve nowhere near the full punishment, awarded by a Judge, at all.

For such a heinous, bald faced act of Treason. To not just plant seeds of hate. But fertilizing them, raising then to tower over all of us. What a disgusting, despicable little insect. Five months, for Treason? And all those who championed this Evil. Celebrated it. I spit on you (ooh what a hater you are).

Society has become an explosive minefield. Watch where you walk, where you stray. One misstep?

Whether it's the woman who had her brains beat in (for her handbag), with a hammer no less. Descending the subway steps.

Or cautioning our fellow Americans, about the dangers
that lie ahead. In prosecuting a war, against another murderous madman.

Putin isn't one man, with a solitary hammer. No. Summa ya's mouths, are writing checks. Which when cashed, may doom us all to Hell.

Help the people of Ukraine, certainly. But destroy ourselves, and the World whole in the process? 

Biden and Harris, are a rather unfunny comedy duo. They are not leaders nor military commanders. Or that maggot, that is largely supervising his third term, Obama.

To the IslammoCommieJunta, the people of Ukraine, are background actors. Nothing more. Upon the Junta's deranged political stage.

Whether they live or die, matters not in the least to them. Only how much political capital they can accrue. And how much political damage, they can inflict. On you, on me, this Nation. And all our future's. That is it. That is the all, the everything. The only thing.

And I won't bother slagging those, who cannot see it. For what purpose, to what end?

And for my efforts, my hard work and dedication. You would attack me?

Maybe you should read through the body of work, that I created over the last 17 years! For no pay.

Or the year and a half, 2013-2014. That I was the defacto co-editor of Drudge. Also for no pay (attribution or accreditation).

Let's see how you stack up? I don't sell books, or endlessly pimp my media empire. I serve G*d and Country. Deal with it. And yeah, if I actually had the health. I would be honored to fight on behalf of the people of Ukraine. Not a bragg, just fact. 

So spin your little slag machines all you want. You folks racing to bump uglies with Putin. With someone else's kids. Couldn't carry my jockstrap.

Stop selling this War, criminy (I actually watched cable TV today, for the first time in one whole year). And figure out someway to END it! F*ck me, everyone is losing their mind.


Friday, March 11, Twelve Noon

It's All Just in a Day's Work

Well, we won't play the (Deranged Lunatic Left) game, of transference and projection. As we have already seen, it's Trump's fault (no fact check required). There is no lie too big, that they won't tell. And they are neither embarrassed or ashamed, of their 24/7 nonstop deceit. Not in the least, it's not even a second thought. Let alone a passing one.

Now on autopilot/lie like a rug. Cucksaki reminds me of Eva Braun. Though of course factually, closer to the poor misunderstood dancer … Leni Reifenstahl. The stench of that bint, is knee dropping.

Brass tacks: who is to blame? Putin? Yeah, sure. But without the fraudulent stolen election. Without the successful Coup, perpetrated by the IslammoCommieJunta, the Fourth Reich, the Creepfilth Tech Overlords with the Fake News Industrial Complex. 

Putin would have never contemplated this attack on all that is Holy. At all. It would still be a fantasy dream. This endless, wholesale, indiscriminate slaughter of now countless innocents. 

So at the risk of devaluing my innernut street cred. I will place blame right where it is due. The Foreign Born Fay Mooselimb Traitor, Obama.

Stolen elections have the most dire grievous consequences. In the Junta's lust for power. In their bloodlust for the death of Freedom, in this Nation. They have managed to destroy it in others. And taking thousands of their lives, right along with.

Obama, Klain, Rice, Samantha Power, Blinken, Garland, Kirby, and all the infinite Traitors in the FBI, CIA, DHS, IRS, DOJ, NSA. Are guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity. For without their direct actions. This Country would still be a functioning Democratic Republic. With capable leadership and an actual deterrent army.

To the Fourth Reich, life now has become so cheap, that it actually amuses them. Brings them to uncontrollable laughter (Kamala in Poland). Talk about Evil.

A nightmare rarely matched in the entire history of this Nation. And we pray that the world whole, does not also succumb. In a world now constructed nearly entirely of lies. We also pray that there is a sliver of truth. To reports that Naftali Bennett, has advised Zelensky, to trade land for peace. 

It doesn't get any crazier than that. How cruel, how twisted. But then there isn't anyone more cruel or twisted than the Junta+Reich 4. Who dared take and destroy, the Greatest Gift Ever Known. Killing a Country, which lead to the killing of many thousands of Ukrainians. For Satan's henchmen, it's all just in a day's work.


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