Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Stand and Deliver!

Now Mofo's, now.

It's the End of the World … And I Really (Really) Don't Feel Fine

G*d help you, if you are in the clutches of Obamacare. Socialized Medicine, w i l l kill me yet.

It's purpose (beyond control of society. Destruction of Democracy), is also to marshall and conserve the (Medical) resource. And not to expend it, not to use it for its intended purpose. The treatment, health and well-being of any person or patient (but you can register to vote, at/with any Obamacare provider).

Yeah, things are v a a s t l y improved, from the absolute horror. Of big city socialized medicine (here in small town AZ). Doesn't mean politics, never enters the picture, or in other environs across the Nation.

We have Joe Manchin to thank for Obamacare. Spineless jellyfish, the definition [though I won't check Wiki (snarf to taste)]. And of course …. John Roberts. Who would readily destroy an entire Nation. In the blink of a skew, hinky creepy eye. Than he be publicly exposed …. as a baby raping pedophile.

Obama only needed to threaten him with his own eye's. During his SOTU. That was all it took, to crush and vanquish Freedom and Liberty in America.

The Coward (it's a tax) John Roberts, breaking and shattering Scalia's heart. Which quickly lead to his final demise (imagine that).

And now with runaway inflation, the by the minute norm. Coupled with ceaseless manufacturing and supply chain disruptions. One now lives in a real paranoid nightmare. Not a projection or fantasy. Though dreams it does actually destroy

One which becomes more breathless, with each passing day. And one is forced to purchase and inventory many months of FOOD! As an absolute minimum. Prepared for what lies ahead in the dark days yet to slap and bruise our spirits. Pummel our soul. And test the measure of our endurance. Pressure the strength of our defense against Evil.

Add in interest rate hikes? And the fissures and cracks in society, become grand canyons. Trapping the weak, the poor, the unprepared. On the other side. Alone. To die. But hey, I'm pretty sure … it's the Joosfault.

No longer does one have to read between the lines. To decipher the return of the hatred that never dies. And to make sure, that everyone gets the message? The Foreign Born Fay Mooselimb Traitor, spends a million dollars of taxpayer's money. On messaging of same. Boycott, divest, and sanction them filthy, greedy Joos!


The attack on G*d, Country, and Whitey never ends, EVER. As I'm listening to the FM, classical music late at night (NPR). And the flow of music is interrupted, by some skank's diatribe, against white patriarchy. And how the poor put upon composer (of the next piece), had to suffer because of.

The easiest offramp, for most? Is to accept the hate of your fellow Americans. And then in a linear fashion, join in. Divide and conquer.

I'm sorry, hate is not me. Never will be. You can keep it, all of it. Every ounce of it. Enough of this sh*t. I will never become them. Doesn't mean I don't wish Hellfire upon the insects of the IslammoCommieJunta, the Fourth Reich, the Creepfilth Tech Overlords, and the Fake News Industrial Complex. The Hate Brigade, guzzling … swilling the Hater-aid.

Though yes, I can work up the spit, for the mindless bots, of the Deranged Lunatic Left.


There will be blood … will there ever.

My G*d … look what they have done. The nonstop selling, the preaching of Hate. Becomes so much joy and rapture. Not so much a religion, but the very air that replenishes their lungs. Enabling them to devour the Greatest Gift Ever Known. With nary a burp or hiccup. 

Hate whitey, hate whitey, hate whitey. And so it's only natural, this will be followed by kill whitey. Who is not even allowed the questioning, of the teaching of Hate:

They are not sated, they will not rest until they have gang raped Lady Liberty to Death.

Smoke em if you got (been four years for me)? And free glass crack pipes for everyone else (with a side of Fentanyl) …


We don't want to link you to death. But Truth MUST out. And when it's done with precision and clarity? (Via Doug Ross).


Oops, another linky (also via Dougie)

And, I'm posting it, so I can tell the FBI, yet one more time. To Lick My Durdy Runny Butthole!


Another link (also via Doug). Even though this boy, been cryin' wolf, for the longest time. Seems I've got company. Yeah, things really ARE this bad. Who ya gonna believe. Me, or the fake digital construct we now live in:

Michael O'Fallon …

'The chaos that is about to be unleashed is unlike anything that the world has ever seen before'

The time is now. Get off your knees bitches.


As the only sound we hear, from the faceless borg machine that churns and grinds us to pulp. 

Is chem, chem, chem. Which will turn out to be another self fulfilling prophecy. As in, we now are on the very precipice. Of World War Three.

I'm not ready. I hope you are. War, global thermonuclear war. They aren't just selling it. It's what's for breakfast. I'm guessing Zuckermaggot has iodine pills, in his underground city, in Hawaii. Mebbe I should get me some too? I'll ask, next time this smelly shops at Walliemart.

Thursday, March 24, Nine a.m.

MUST SEE one minute vid, of MEP Christine Anderson. Bitchslapping Fidel Trudeau, back to Tuesday. Thank You L*rd, for one more righteous soldier, Thank You!

Unable to directly link individual post (likely captive platform BS). But definitely worth scrolling!

Five p.m.

Remember When?

The term bandied about, by the Deranged Lunatic Left. To describe Right behavior, was: Dog Whistle.

Because people on the Right, don't think. They just act, they respond instinctively to A N Y T H I N G racist. Because of course, it's in their DNA.

So, I'm a little taken aback. That the Foreign Born Fay Mooselimb Traitor, is trotting out the bald faced lie, once again (via Biden in Belgium). That Trump praised Nazi's. 

A sign of desperation? A sign of fear? That Obama/Rice/Plouffe, Klain … et al, will be turned out. And of course, many going to Jail.

Or is it something else?

It is sickening, it is revolting. And it's leads only one place. In fact, it now guarantees violence. YES IT DOES. What an evil smelly turd Obama is. The Greatest Enemy America Has Ever Known.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” 

Joseph Goebbels (Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany)


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