Monday, March 28, 2022

This Isn't a Game ... This Isn't a Drill

"How to Kill a Jew" … Palesplodian propaganda, from a few years back. Showing a human torso, its anatomy. And where upon to specifically attack, in order to successfully take the life of your chosen Jew.

I never looked. I dismissed it as more hopeless knowledge. Whose life do I need to take?

Well, bifurcation of this Country all to rapidly approaches. Some States seceding. Other major metropolitan areas joining, in a loose confederation. No longer part of the Union as well.

So deep is their hatred of their fellow Americans (across the political aisle). That they wish upon them death and destruction (Ginni Thomas). That violence is not an abstraction. But their duty to their Religion of Hate.

All too soon the fabric of this Country will tear. And as the cloth tears, it weeps …. blood.

I usta be concerned about the citizens ability to rise up. Their strength and fortitude. The Country having collectively grown flabby and soft (only the non White Supremacists of course).

But no more. Flyover country is not amused. Nor have they been drinking the Kool-aid. Obama+Reich4, like Putin, has miscalculated. The strength and willpower, of those they have mortally attacked.

Me? I'm gonna study the (Palesplodian provided) anatomy chart. For this Jew ain't walking into your ovens. Nor will I surrender under terror attack, by the (poof buzzcut) Gestapo. I don't claim to be a Journalist, let alone a registered professional.

Having said that, you Dear Reader would be more than surprised who visits here. Or even who cribs from it (no bragg, just fact). And in this  e v e r y o n e  is cautioned.

Loose Lips Sink Freedom Ships.

Mum's the word. Keep your more serious thoughts to yourself. Anything tactical? Is never mentioned, never spoken. 

Zelensky is right. WWIII has begun. But America is the first target.

I do not welcome events unfolding. I do not celebrate the killing sprees yet to be. They do. They cannot wait for their date with their Fascist destiny …. Kill Whitey.

As many posters have reminded, stock up on food. It like language, and health care, has been weaponized … Against You. Just as easy to starve you to death, as drive or fly to your hood. And fill you full of lead.

The Supply Chain Crisis Is About to Get a Lot Worse

This isn't a game

This isn't a joke

This isn't a drill


I don't know squat about Macron. But the picture of him looking sideways, askance at Demented Diaper Boy. Sez it all. As Macron and Biden, walk side by side in Warsaw. The whole World knows … Biden's a very stale leftover fruitcake And why we are where we are.

Macron (silently) saying to himself:  "what a f*cking idiot!"

And Biden looking far beyond pitiful.

When did life become a daytime Soap Opera? A sick, twisted, macabre opera. How sick? How twisted? Will Smith, bitchslapping Chris Rock, is Trump/Whitey's fault, dontcha know …,hp1r

While the tributes to Madeline Albright pour in …

Tain't me Mum's 'Merica no mo.


Nine a.m.


Serves us not. I Thank G*d, I never surrendered my critical thinking. And received their Clot Shot. The latest data? Suggests a level of evil not seen since the National Socialists and the Final Solution. To any of you Traitor scum face's? 





12 Noon

Yeah, we pimp a few links here and there. A few vid's. It's what we do, as an editor. Maybe saving you the trouble. Or letting you glance at something of import, that you might have missed? I am duty bound. I have zero choice in the matter. 

Back when, I worked (unofficially) for you know who. I was at the console four hours a day. Midnight to four a.m., seven day's a week. And was ON, completely, totally another fourteen hours, out of every day. Monitoring all other forms of media (even atomic print. How I stumbled upon the pure insanity of the Ivanpah solar clusterfook).

A certain honcho, of said Top Level Domain, called it pathological generosity. Nope, sawry .... wrong answer. The definitive answer? You can have my Country, when you can pry it from my cold dead fingers.

If you watch only ONE video, this year. This be it. A whole seven seconds long.



The epic battle between good and evil commences. It WILL cost some of us our lives. They cannot have my soul. Let them try and take my life.

Never surrender. Never give up. By Grabthar's Hammer, Ashli Babbitt will be avenged.


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