Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Rubicon Express

'Canadian PM Trudeau announces legislation to "freeze" handgun ownership, buy back "assault-style weapons" '


××× Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday that his government is introducing legislation to "implement national freeze on handgun ownership" throughout the country. 

"What this means is that it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in Canada," Trudeau said at a press conference.

"We recognize that the vast majority of gun owners use them safely and in accordance with the law, but other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives."

Canadian Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino also said that a mandatory buyback program for "assault-style weapons" will go into effect later this year if the bill passes, calling it Canada's "most significant action on gun violence in a generation.

The legislation will also create new red flag laws that will allow courts to remove guns and suspend licenses for people who pose a threat to themselves or others. Magazines that hold more than five rounds will also be banned under the new laws. ×××



Divide and Tyrannize

Instead of taking a step back, Uvalde is just another crisis not wasted. Another opportunity to hammer home the Left's beyond deranged ideology.

Beto O'Rourke? Like the scene out of the Truman Show. Where Truman asks his wife: who are you talking to? When she clumsily attempts to stealthily peddle household products, for the millionth time.

The small little lives lost mean nothing to Beto or his kind. Only the political points to be scored, upon their pools of still warm blood. He and his ilk, have no empathy for the craven horror the children faced, or the unimaginable suffering of their families.

Beto is an insect, who does not have the capacity for thought. Automata, a bug who has been pre-programmed by nonstop propaganda. To function as our better, our overseer, our Master. Beto our Messiah, we must genuflect before.


Mark of the Beast

Twice I've seen it in the atomic, with my own eyes. And a third instance, unseen/unknown [the Mark was hidden under a shirt sleeve (once playing penny ante poker, with Fred Kort)]. Crude black serial numbers, tattooed on the forearms of visitors (free railpasses!) to Nazi Death Camps.

Doxing/Boycott-Divest-Sanction/Blood Libel, are all just contemporary versions of the Jude Yellow Star.

Kamel Amin Thaabet (on Twitter)

This is blood libel. He is claiming that Israel targets journalists for death.

May 19
“Israeli forces have killed 45 … since 2000, injuring many more. These crimes are part of a pattern of violence, harassment and intimidation against Palestinian journalists…”


Ruffalo parrotting, word for word (all too easily disproved) propaganda from the Baby Raping Moongod Death Cult. No different than many of the brain dead In Hollywood. Who have sold their souls to Satan, for thirty Bitcoin. Ruffalo (and others) drunk, guzzling the Palesplodian Kool-aid.

Was sitting the other day, having a late day cuppa joe [while you can still actually buy coffee (I've got maybe three or four months in the larder [note to self: put in way more coffee!!])].

Hollywood, now some of thee biggest JooHaters on the planet. And while sitting in the dark, having my coffee. Couldn't help but feel like I was trapped in an attic. Hidden atop a row building … in Amsterdam.

As the minutes of the clock tick tock, on the evening of August 3, 1944. Before the Gestapo surprise tomorrow, and load me into a cattle car … headed straight to Auschwitz.

Now I get it. Why so many Jews, for a number of decades after the War. Bobbed their noses, and changed their names.

Never again? Seventy seven years later, guess what … never again has arrived.


I have to admit it, I've never watched Skeery Poppins sing (I just didn't want to go blind or deef). But dang if some major disinfo,  popped up on the radar (where's Skeery when you need her?) …


(From above link)


The NHS deleted key excerpts from its website stating monkeypox is:

"usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment" and….

"it's very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people."

They also added an isolation requirement×××


There isn't any evil that Zuckermaggot won't defend or support …

Facebook, Instagram Employees ‘Censor or Delete’ Protests against Iran


××× Former and current Facebook and Instagram employees are shedding light onto the “fact checkers” that are censoring vital content such as protests against Iran. “According to a report by BBC Persian, these employees admitted that at all levels of the company, the Iran regime’s influence has infiltrated, leaving biased and pro-regime content monitors to restrict, censor or delete posts about the current protests in Iran” ×××

[And the latest (stealth) TV commercials, for Meta, are downright creepy. Zuckermaggot, a legend in his own mind]


It Used to be Called Treason …

'Disclosed: How Obama Administration Officials Conducted Shadow Diplomacy With Iran To Undermine Trump'


"The document is the firmest proof to date that Obama-era officials were engaged in back-channel efforts to keep negotiations with Iran alive, even as former president Donald Trump and his administration worked to isolate the regime."


Destroying the Nation from without (above link). And from within … by "Honoring the Memory of George Floyd."

Building monuments and staging memorials. To the piece of garbage who massively overdosed on fentanyl. And took an entire Nation with him?

But not before he, George Floyd beat, bloodied, and robbed a pregnant woman of her rent money. While shoving a gun into her abdomen.

What a hero! Maybe we can posthumously award him the Congressional Medal of Honor?


"Random attack"?

I'm sure if you look into the software that the bug (perp) is programmed with? You will find there is nothing random about it. An endless stream of propaganda, has inculcated an entire generation. And filled them with nothing but hate. This is just and only the beginning of yet more madness.

 Hate, the Left's new religion. The very air that they breathe: Kill Whitey!

'The masked suspect was dressed in all back and was seen getting off a black E-bike before he randomly stabbed a stranger in Manhattan'


And if you haven't noticed? These "random" attacks, are now a common daily event. Black on White Hate. Hate. Hate.


'Kill Switch And Detentions': Bush-Era FOIA Docs Reveal Government Plans For Apocalyptic Events


Various PEADs ("presidential emergency action documents") authorize the president to enact measures such as suspending habeas corpus, to detain "dangerous persons" within the country, and to censor news media.


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