Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Money and Power


I'm nobody, and nobody special. None the less, this life gifted to me, has been the most incredible fantastic journey. Yeah, I could write a book. Doesn't mean I am going to. My ego will do just fine without.

In 2013, and half of 2014, through the wonder and random  of the universe. I ended up being the defacto co-editor of Drudge. Never met the man, and think he's a creep. Never even exchanged a single communication with. Ever. And I haven't visited the site once, in the last seven years (and I hear it's a real toilet).

It was merely, entirely a synchronous accident. And I won't waste any time discussing how it came to pass. Suffice to say, I thought the site was lacking. So I started sending links. It progressed from there. No pay, no attribution, no accreditation. But carry major tonnage of the site's water I did.

 I got to make a contribution to the effort to save America. For which I am most grateful to Joseph Curl. Who was driving the bus (as in the proprietor wasn't behind the wheel). And who let me stand atop his shoulders. Didn't have to, but he generously did.

The point? The feeling of power was tremendous. Like being at the helm of the beyond ponderous Exxon Valdez. It would curse though your veins. I never thought it made me special. And once you glimpsed the ease and simplicity of putting an edition to bed?  You realized lots of people could do same. Though yes, was indeed very hard work.

But I understood the great responsibility. And was ever watchful of my person.

Elon Musk?

And this little dustup?

Musk engages in autofellatio. No different than Zuckermaggot, Jackwad Dorsey, Pig Greywall, or Manboobs Gates, blah blah ad infinitum.

The money and the power go their heads. And they think they are G*d's gift to the whole world. Tech Messiahs, descended from on high.

Musk, what a pathetic little twerp. A child slaver no less (sue me b*tch). Don't let the door hit you in the *ss, on the way out the stage back door. That is if you and your ego manage to pass through the doorjam.

Though I suspect he will be chasing the spotlight, for many a year to come.

I've met, crossed paths with, or chatted with a number of people, all more famous than Muskrat (self) Love.

Sporting a stern look, Sinatra mildly chewed me out at a party, at Cubby Broccoli's house. Spent the day with Paul Newman. And pal'd around with George Harrison, at a Formula One race (we both superfans of the Grand Prix). We had a great chat about Lauda and Enzo, in his limo on the ride back. I got the measure of a good number of people, all more famous than Muskrat (self) Love.

They were authentic human beings. As in humble … their ego's not worn on their sleeves.

I'd say ignore the lil weasel.  But he WILL find a way. To stay on the front page. What's the old saying? We're nawt as smawt as we'd like to teenk we are …


"Now the Gateway Pundit is predicting that the Democrats may intend to arrest former President Trump in October prior to the fall elections. Sources talking to AND Magazine have reported they are hearing the same thing from inside the January 6tth committee"


D-Day minus 119 and counting.

Make NO mistake, the fraudulent, unelected members of the Junta, in the White House. Have plans in place, to put down by force. ANYONE who disputes the outcome of the upcoming fraudulent election. That is if they do not first declare Martial Law.

Blood will flow. This war will become hot. And no, I don't want to be right.


The Fourth Reich Now Opens Up BOTH Evil Eyes


=== That issue is anonymous U.S. officials consistently leaking information to the media about alleged covert Israeli operations against Iran, from targeted killings to explosions at nuclear sites.

"It's a sign of extraordinary incompetence and unprofessionalism from Biden and his foreign policy team," said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst who also served as a senior staffer on both the House Intelligence Committee and the National Security Council. "It's outrageous they would leak this kind of information."

Unnamed officials recently told CNN that Israel has ramped up its covert attacks in Iran and is largely keeping the U.S. in the dark. ===

Nooh …. don't listen to me. King Pigsh*t was weaned on JooHate. It is his all, his everything.

The very first thing Hussein da' Membrane did, after taking office?

The FIRST thing … was call Mahmoud Abbas. Mere minutes after fraudulently being sworn in, as President of the United States.

A hard rain is going to fall. And Do NOT rule out Obama moving against Israel, militarily. Bet you think I'm joking.

Soon enough, the whole world will be on fire. And yes, that was the sound of Obama in goatf*cker rapture.


Thursday, July 14, Five p.m.

I'm so sick of the Frothing Maggots Who Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus.

I'll tell the filthy insects in the Fourth Reich … ever lay hand on me? It WILL be the last thing you ever do. I'm not playing anymore ... I'm NOT marching into your ovens.



Friday, July 15, Ten a.m.

There was Mengele, and then there are these f*cking

M O N S T E R S.

Me, I haven't thumbed a thesaurus in years. But somehow "insane" just doesn't cover it.


(Do the linky or I will beachslap you).


And this Evil, this sickness is pervasive throughout most all of medicine. The few rare exceptions, proving the rule.


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