Saturday, July 09, 2022

The Difference Between Mengele and Fauci?

Watching a dino-network, proudly championing/promoting the deathjab for toddlers? My G*d.

What do you need to do? Research local and state laws, regarding the purchase and ownership of body armor.

And then research what is best for you (and your budget). And yes, a gas mask IS part of that equation. And yes, you can improvise body armor with (scrap) aluminum plate. Think (loosely) overlapping roof shingles. Each say a minimum of 3/8" thick (though 1/4" might bring it?). Drilled with two mount/attachment holes, top edge. Hopefully you have some on hand, from before. When aluminum wasn't considered exotic, highly controlled war materiel.

Paranoid? Riiight.

Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many have already been killed by the deathjab. By plan, by design.

Using other lethal modalities, against Americans who don't slobber King Pigsh*t's uncut meat?

They have already explored other methods of dealing with those basket of deplorable Americans. And will have no compunction in direct slaughter.  None whatsoever.

I used to wobble my head back and forth, and smack my forehead. 'Bout those in Germany, in the 1930's, who did not leave when they had the chance. Only to be literally herded like cattle, to slaughter.


Get ready as best you can.  And please, I beg you.

Do it N O W.

G*d is no longer amused. And He is only on vacation, if you do nothing to help yourself. Just because History IS repeating? Doesn't mean that you have to let it. 

Get busy, get to work. The life you save may be your own. And the lives of those you keep close, in your heart.

It all now is as serious as a heart attack. And that IS what they are attacking. The heart, soul, and spirit of the Greatest Gift Ever Known

This land, this Nation ….



Three p.m.

My G*d.

His name was Simmie. 3:25 snuff video. I could only watch one minute.

This is the world that the Foreign Born Mooselimb Traitor, King Pigsh*t has created. This is who is running the show, in the White House.

In the video, they aren't laughing, no. They are filled with joy and happiness. As if they have just found a big wad of cash on the sidewalk.

Money tight? Harbor Freight, has a Buck model #119 knockoff. For $25. That has a damn sharp edge. And is well worth the expenditure.

I bought it merely for the cheapie sheath. To use with my latest addition [which I wear enflagrante, at home (6"Henckels Twin Cuisine Friodor. Also recommended! Hint: bands of electrical tape on the handle, provide improved grip)].


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