Wednesday, July 06, 2022


Remember Happiness? Do you … it was so long ago.

The Junta AREN'T Americans. Head of the Junta, Chucklehead Odorama, WAS born in Mombasa [and you don't have to have a borderline genius IQ, to figure that one out (no … really)].

The Junta hasn't a f*cking clue, what an American actually is. They wouldn't know. I mean, if you grew up in a third world sh*thole? And we're raised by a gay transvestite nanny, would you.

And yet, they really well and truly believe … they will take the Republic from us, by force.

 I cannot predict if the Treason Monkeys will ultimately succeed or fail? In (completely) destroying the Greatest Gift Ever Known. L*rd knows, the damage already done, may in fact already be fatal.

I'll tell you this, if they continue on this path, this collision course. And EVERY indication is, they will. Then they w i l l be tasting sum der own medsin. 

Oh no … elmo advocating vy oh lents? Umm no. Just putting the developing Polaroids, in front of your face. So YOU too, can actually glimpse the future.

Once 'pon a time, in the randomness of the universe. I had more than one friend who was La Pee Da. I didn't admire them more, or less, because of their employ. I merely admired them for the person they were. Men of character, faith, and integrity. Human beings. The real deal. The quality of their being, having an outsized impact on my spirit.

The past is now over … and the future? Well it's so bright, I need to wear welding goggles.

Yeah, the Junta/Fourth Reich are that conceited, that deranged. That they believe they can put down TWO HUNDRED MILLION Americans. With their b*tt f*cking pronoun army.

Good Luck …. Real Good Luck. Yes, it is going to get real hairy out there. Like tripping in and out of the hole, on the drillfloor of an offshore oil rig. Hands and arms are going to get ripped off. People are really going to die. Lots of them. And you know what? It's gonna happen sooner, rather than later. Geebus.

This is the path that Starship Commie Enterprise has charted. It goes straight to Hell, Tres Grande Vitesse … no stops.

I wish it weren't so. But that would be a wet dream. Reality? She's a real b*tch. A bloody mess aproaches, the likes of which we have not seen since 1775, or 1861. Now 2022.

For all the good it will do, pray that I am wrong. But you simply had better prepare for what is on the (immediate?) horizon. And prepare well.

Lead, follow, or get the f*ck out of the way (and that would be a good chunk of Conswervo media. You pud's know who you are!).

For the last f*cking time ….

This is not a game

This is not a drill

This is for everything that ever was. Or ever will be.

You remember joy, beauty, music, and art? Remember Freedom and Liberty? You remember happiness? They may never return.


If'n tain't your game? You still gotta have something. The soupa premium, kiddee T-Ball aluminum bats, at Walliemart for sixty dollars? Will in fact bring it. Yes. Really.

Next? That of course would be the Buck #120. A seven inch (yep) fixed blade, that is truly quite artful. And at two bills, compares favorably, with even designer offerings at six or seven hundred dollars (but without the purdy color scheme or marbled/hammered/folded blade). And if you scrounge? Used examples of the "General," can be had for a yard.

Myself, I found that carried … tucked in the waistband. Made me breathe a whole heckuvalot easier, when walking at night to the corner market. Even serenely calm and peaceful. In the big sh*tty L.A. Especially in a weakened condition, a week after my last (failed) surgery, a couple of years ago [two surgeries are already scheduled for this year. Which will bring my total number of operations, to sixteen (nine of them abdominal!)].


Another bazillion links to sort through, and glean those concise data kernels, for presentation here. And well, I'm off my game. So I'm not going to try today (tomorrow?). Been bushwhacked and sandbagged, by a number of different medical providers. Hitting me from behind, both high and low.

And after fighting some epic battles with same. Politely told the Obamacare offenders, to go fook demselves (in so many words).

I now see a specialist, two hundred miles away. Who accepts NO insurance of ANY kind whatsoever. Cash/plastic only. And without Bank of Brother? I would be a dead man. Much gratitude here.

I really don't know if the Country will get through this. Let alone we smelly deplorables, get through it alive? The Fourth Reich is ready to kill. They are itching for it.

But without Lady Liberty, I am nothing. I don't want to die. I want to live. But without the Constitution. Without the rule of law. And without a civil society. My beating heart IS dead.

I will not surrender. I will never surrender. If this be the day I die, then so be it. Say my name ….



Yeah, what I said (before being overtaken by stress. And losing some mental agility) …


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