Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Rod Serling's Magnum Opus

This dark monolith of Fascism, now occupying the whole of the sky. Petty, little Tyrants ... now hover over the whole of our lives. Night and day.

Grasping what is taking place, is not instantaneous. Because it doesn't seem possible, let alone real. 

But what is at its core … thought or reason? No. There is nothing Human in the Evil they are. They lust only for power, are fall down drunk on it. Are in love/lust with their gluttony. Like a young lizard, dropped into a small paper bag, with a dozen meal worms. The lizard won't stop, until every worm is frantically consumed.

The IslammoCommieJunta, the Fourth Reich, and the Fake News Industrial Complex, are going to take this to its (il) logical conclusion. 

They will not stop for anyone or anything. No matter the damage done, or the lives lost (babies are starving at the altar of their towering political derangement). They will stop, only when others act.

Chatter is, even if Midterm Election predictions come to be. That nothing much will then change. The do nothing GOP and assorted RINO's, having proven themselves worthless time and time again.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just realistic. The Fourth Reich has run the sims. They will do whatever it takes, to stay in power (rather than go to jail, for the commission of actual crimes). And the Junta, with the Reich's support. Will continue with their Evil and depravity.

I cannot predict everything. Only that this boy h'yar, is telling you … There is a Big Bad, Drooling Wolf headed right this way. 

How many lives will continue to be fed into the gaping maw of this evil beast?

At least ten thousand elderly were murdered, in New York nursing homes, by Cuomo (as well at least one other State). With the flick of a wrist/swipe of a pen.

With Cowardice rarely seen in America, thousands were left behind in Afghanistan, by Obama/Junta. Those who were unable to escape, were then savagely murdered by the Taliban.

Hundreds of thousands were horrifically murdered by Libturd Doctors, using respirators and steroids. Instead of being properly treated with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or monoclonal antibodies.

Hundreds of thousands more have been casually murdered by the same Doctors, using the Frankenstein non-vaccine.

And the now thousands of victims of the vertical uptick in crime. And the yet hundreds more deaths/murders.

That's a lot of people, people. The Left are deranged lunatics … stone cold killers.

Although if any vic was White, their death is not enumerated ("ten dead Black, in Buffalo"). Or of course, if any perp/shooter is Black. That Capital Crime is also never mentioned.


Victor Davis Hanson …
'Imagine the Unimaginable'

"facing looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we’ll see over the next few months"

[And I would add prosecution and imprisonment of citizens, using manufactured/planted evidence. To his list of what to expect].


And if you have the sixteen minutes? Tucker's discussion of of the macro view of Navarro, is worthwhile.

As in, there are no boundaries the Fourth Reich hasn't crossed. And we now are in uncharted territory. At least not traveled in the last 250 years of this Nation.


I guess the Truth itself, is now history. And basically, it is every man, woman, and child for themselves now.

"Multiple former FBI officials are coming forward with information suggesting the bureau is 'purging' employees with conservative viewpoints"


We know they are going to continue to attack. Continue to hammer away at the foundation. They have been quite successful at destroying much. How much more will they destroy?

Collectively what they have torn asunder, is great and grievous. All of the various aspects and segments of energy, manufacturing, food, industry, and society. We now have coalescence. As they plow ahead, leveling everything. Leaving nothing (an excuse for Martial Law. And the cancellation of the Election?)

More perfect storms of destruction are enroute. The callousness, the cold hearted decapitation of the Rental Housing Market (wide open/non-existent border, BlackRock monopolization of millions of units). Its cruelty, its proud cruelty is a badge they wear.

How events unfold? 

How much is destroyed?

How much is saved?

Rod Serling is writing the scripts now. This is his magnum opus. And quite rather creepily, we are living it.


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