Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Dirty Mofo's Everywhere

'Report: FBI Has Maintained "Secure Workspace" Inside Dem Law Firm Perkins Coie Since 2012'

(Very highly edited)

××× “The Democrat party … (has) this special access, this special portal to the FBI …  the DNC/FBI (now one and the same) using DNC opposition research for FBI law enforcement counterintelligence purposes,” he said.

Carlson agreed, saying, “you can’t politicize the country’s biggest law enforcement agency. That’s completely third world.” ×××

Haven't watched the opening of Tucker's broadcast, from last night, yet (and Tucker is the only reason I bought an 8" 4G/LTE tablet, six months ago. Not having cable or satellite). 

So it's a given, that the FBI is dirtier than Pig Pen (I gotta believe the owners of Charles Schulz' copyright, have cancelled that character?). And we indeed now are a Banana Republic [and f*ck all the clowns/surrender monkeys (really), who loudly trumpet: it's still the best Country on earth (cuz well … Satan isn't so bad once you get to know him … right)].

But the (big) Question is … how is it possible, that no elected officials have done a single damn thing about it??

And I can only surmise it obvious. They are just as dirty (if not more so). And the FBI would gladly expose their soiled laundry, should they attempt to rein in actual Traitors.

Dirty Mofo's here, dirty Mofo's there. Dirty Mofo's everywhere. The swamp mutates and grows ever larger (think McQueen/Blob), devouring everything in its path.

The banality of Evil …


The lies continue on Fox News about '2000 Mules'

××× The title "2000 Mules" was finally uttered on Fox News the other day.

No, it wasn't spoken by any anchor. It was unintentional. It was bravely mentioned by a guest on a program. The film is being censored by Fox. ×××

No brag (tyvm), but I warned about Fox's decline, m a n y years ago. More specifically as relates the grown children of Roger Ailes [ed: that of course would be Rupert Murdoch, not Ailes (terminal brain fade)]. And their lack of allegiance to the most basic values and principles of Journalism (and I'm certainly no fan of WND Farah's long irritating practices/peccadillos).

Way back when, Fox started using AP Wire services, for their scrolling (bottom of screen) news ticker. One could argue they are too lazy or cheap (rather than merely the Leftists they are). So they are simply farming it out. But the end result is watching them flush the Network whole, down the toilet.

And well if you are within earshot of the radio tagline: "America is listening to Fox News" ?

Then no doubt you have heard (with your own ears), the vertical decline. As the last little while, Fox has gone far out of their way. To showcase ANY audio clips from Joe or the Ho. During their regular short, top of the hour, minutes long summary. 

As if he won the Election. As if he is actually President.

Fox is done … put a fork in 'em. And I'm sure that when Tucker's contract is up? He has already purchased a parachute, and has scouted landing zones.


No comment. None. I won't cheapen myself. Or the life of Mr Kormelis.

Chicago homeless person 75, is expected to die after thug, 27, doused him in gas, and set him on fire


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