Thursday, November 10, 2022

Alternative Universe

Any doubts you may have? That these insects inhabit their own universe entire. Can be dispelled, watching this four minute vid., of NBC talking heads.

(Via Rantingly)

They actually believe people voted for the lump of biomass, Fetterman. In a free and fair election. That somehow he won (in no surprise … Pennsylvania).

And further? Katy Tur, is floating the idea of Fetterman, at some point in the future. Running for President.

These people are dangerous. No different than the psycho you walk around and avoid, on the street. Who is muttering to themselves, while contorting and shaking violently.

The difference? The haircuts and the clothes they wear.


And while Spencer does allow the real possibility, that Fetterman was elected due to fraud (and brings receipts).

He makes the greater argument, that Pennsylvania voters, are mere insects, in the Deranged Lunatic Left hive.

(Both Via Doug Ross)

How Could John Fetterman Have Won? Every Possible Answer Is Bad in a Different Way.

+++++ It’s hardly even believable: the stuttering, sputtering John Fetterman, a stroke victim who only rarely manages to utter a complete sentence, coasted to victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race.

Like Joe Biden, Fetterman is so clearly unfit for his new job that no sane person could possibly think otherwise; it boggles the mind to think that any Pennsylvania voter could have seen any of Fetterman’s incoherent ramblings over the last few weeks, both in his debate with Dr. Mehmet Oz and in his campaign rallies, and thought, “That’s the man I want representing Pennsylvania in the Senate.”

But Fetterman will show up in the Senate in January — if someone can guide him to where it is — and all the explanations of why this ridiculous charade is set to happen are bad in different ways.

The immediate possibility, of course, is that Fetterman’s victory is due to chicanery at the ballot box. +++++


And it appears that Jim Hoft, is the only biggie internet Conswervo, with a pair.

Calling the Election victory what it is. Fraud.

BLOOD MOON BLOODBATH… Democrats Steal Midterms, Communism Comes Home to America… Crime, Inflation, Record Gas Prices, War, Open Borders and Corruption WIN BIG

+++++ In a normal time, in a normal country, voters would reject record gas prices, record inflation, record crime rates, war and corruption.

But not today.

Once again, Democrats proved they can survive anything as long as they have their fraud.
Americans reject every single dish the Democrats served. Yet, shocked Americans on Tuesday to win the US Senate, steal battleground states, and possibly keep the US Congress in Nancy Pelosi’s control, one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians in US history. +++++


And I'll repost this snippet, from my last Sunday post. In case anyone has ANY doubt, that the Fetterman victory was fraudulent?

(Via Bad Blue)

Watch: Trump Fills Pennsylvania Airport for Dr. Oz as Obama, Biden Rally for John Fetterman Features Empty Seats

Chucklehead and Diaper Boy .... playing to an empty house, in Philly. Despite attempts by the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex), to use a moving camera, in order to hide the empty seats.


Eleven a.m.

"Why were the realist Republicans called Putinists and fascists when they argued for the same thing the Biden administration is doing?"

Umm .... because Mark Levin is an idiot and a blowhard.

(Via Bad Blue)

$66 Billion In, It’s Clear The Realists Were Right About Ukraine

I told you from the VERY start. Our involvement only serves the Deranged Lunatic Left.

Their transparent attempt to emasculate and decimate our Military. And they have succeeded.

While at the same time, lining their pockets with gold.

Samantha Power, controlling the purse strings. Of BILLIONS of dollars of Ukraine aid?

She and Obama, have been lighting their cigars, with $100 bills. Since this debacle began.


Three p.m.


Winsome Sears, Who Worked To Reelect Trump, Says She ‘Could Not’ Support Him Again(Et tu Brute?)

+++++ Sears was on “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” on Thursday discussing whether Trump needs to step aside.

“Voters have spoken, and they have said that they want a different leader. And a true leader understands when they have become a liability,” Sears said. “A true leader understands that it’s time to step off the stage, and the voters have given us that very clear message. Because this is about America.” +++++

I'm so sick of small minds. I'm so sick of self serving two-faced politicos.

The stench of so much filth, emanating from the swamp. Is overwhelming.

They get to D.C, and get onboard that corrupt money gravy train. And ride to a big house in the burbs. With a big safe, filled with all that they have pilfered.


+++++ I could not support him. I just couldn’t, because we have seen, for example, in those states where he has endorsed the candidates in fact, Republicans on the same ticket who he did not endorse, over performed whereas his candidates totally underperformed by as much as 10 points. We have a clear mission, and it is time to move on. +++++

Move on?

Isn't that quaint.


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