Sunday, November 20, 2005

OSM's First Eulogy?'s latest post titled:

Too Late, I Think It Already Has

Private Radio asks “Could OSM Start A Blog War?” As the title says, I think they’re too late. This was going to be Update#2 to my last post, but it started getting a bit large ..............
.......... LaShawn Barber says by inferrence that I’m an outsider who is jealous of the OSM bloggers. I’m a little confused by that. Since I’m blogrolled there ...........
.......... until LaShawn carelessly lumped me in among “jealous outsiders” and made some really foolish assumptions about the reasons for all the criticsim the OSM is getting .....
..... I realized this ship was in serious trouble of a spectacular foundering. And I elected to state my opinion about it, forcefully .....

I’m not going to kid anyone .....

There is more, recommended

Addendum 5:02 p.m. Alice in Texas has a nice little lament called:
selling coffee machines


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