Thank You France, Love Elmo.

Can you believe it? For more than five minutes .... for more than a day. No talk of marching frogs. No talk of CIA d*ckweeds. Instead .... we get a few minutes respite. A little change of pace. A revelry in the domestic social and political misfortunes of our bestest buds in the whole wide world. France.
Thanks You France, Love Elmo.
Breaking News 9:37 p.m.
Wire reports are citing unconfirmed sources as saying that U.N. troops have landed in Paris. Unconfirmed.

Can you believe it? For more than five minutes .... for more than a day. No talk of marching frogs. No talk of CIA d*ckweeds. Instead .... we get a few minutes respite. A little change of pace. A revelry in the domestic social and political misfortunes of our bestest buds in the whole wide world. France.
Thanks You France, Love Elmo.
Breaking News 9:37 p.m.
Wire reports are citing unconfirmed sources as saying that U.N. troops have landed in Paris. Unconfirmed.

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