Saturday, July 23, 2022

What the F*ck are You Going to do About it?

The very heart and soul of America, is now being fed into a meat grinder. Family pets are being surrendered to animal shelters, at an alarming rate. As people are being dumped out of their homes, onto the street. 

And what does the head of the Junta, Chucklehead Odorama care? To him, a dog is a menu item. The Porta-gee Water Dog, was just virtue signaling (even if not a rescue). Even hitler had a dog.

The Country didn't vote for and elect CCP Biden last time. And they most certainly aren't going to now. Let alone any of the Deranged Lunatic Leftists.

Anything less than a massive landslide this November? Is an indication of outright election F R A U D. Eff, Arr, Aee, Ewe, Dee.

Ronald McDonald isn't the CEO of the corporation. He's a clown. Biden isn't in charge of his own bowels. And I'm really getting tired of Conswervo talking heads, calling him President. He isn't. So knock it the fook off.

And the Reich? And their ball lickers … The CTO's (Creepfilth Tech Overlords), and the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex), making this all about Trump?

It isn't.

Trump is America and America is Trump. They are trying mightily to schtupp him in de arse. But really … they are just f*cking two hundred million (in the *ss).

How many are going to take it, lying down?

Or will enough stand, will enough face the evil clown calliope music?

Those that do, will give as good as they get. Believe that. A chunk of the Traitorsphere, will feel the burn of Satan's flames. As the fire blows right back in their melting faces.

Nice guys in Hussein da Membrane's America, finish last. DEAD last.

The Junta gave oil to the Chinese, from OUR Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And gave $200 Billion in cash, to the mullahs. In order so that they can complete their doomsday machine.

If they cannot destroy America from within. They will make darn sure it is destroyed ... from without. They ARE the Anti-Christ.

The border is wide open. Millions of illegals have been ushered into our cities. Via first class coaches or chartered air. Millions, given cell phones and wads of cash. Where are they going to live? Millions of rental units, have also been snapped up, and are now controlled by the Reich's butt buddies, BlackRock. Millions. Add runaway hyper-inflation, to the mix? 

A devastating hellacious perfect storm. The rental housing market isn't being so much as destroyed. As obliterated/blown to smithereens.

And in thus, I'm frozen out of the market. Now homeless, actually going on five days now.

There isn't one chance in a trillion. That the Repubs won't win in November, in a never before seen landslide. Same for 2024. Fraud is the ONLY way, that we and Trump can lose.

So what are you going to do about it, huh?



Would love to add in a few links for flavah (being a link hound is what we do). But alas, existential hurdles now occupy the larger portion of my time.

The bastids will not beat me, or beat me down. I'm not a quitter. Never was. Never will be.



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