The Year in Sports

Timeout? Uh .... he went thattaway. My other left?

Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand clear .... the pumpkin (male cowpie) toss is about to begin.

Photo op? What you talkin' bout Willis?

Pizza eating contest, hands down the winner. Kerry is definitely more full of it than anyone.

I taught King Kenny to ride the banks of Daytona. In fact, I taught him how to ride the corkscrew at Laguna on one wheel. In fact, I taught him everything he knows. Even how to be a d*ck.

I can do it all ..... ride a bike, talk on the phone. If you look real close? Yep, that's right, I'm also chewing gum!

Uh huh, thazz riet, I invented the sport mudderhubbard.

Lot's of colleges were interested in me. I coulda played anywhere. But, I decided to play for the Commies.

This is my favorite play. You can see in my demonstration here, it's the called the bendover America, militant radical Islam is coming.

I don't just pander to African Americans, no Sir. I also pander to Mexican Americans and soccer Moms and Dads as well. In fact, I guess you could say I'm the greatest panderer of all time. But, I'm no pimp. I don't work the street. Just the back rooms.

Lest you think I'm one dimensional ..... and only do sports photo ops? Well my white soul brother, lemme disabuse you of that notion right here and now. I'm cool dude. Way cool.

In fact, I'm so cold, brain dead and lifeless, I'm even thinking of running for President AGAIN! Is that cool or what.

Oh, I almost forgot. I pander to EVERYONE ..... yep you guessed it, the bowling lobby also. I'm a bowling mother fooger.

So, until we meet a gain little space cowboy? Happy trails to you.
Open Trackbacks:
Outside the Beltway's (Remember to Call a Cab) Christmas Party, Beltway Traffic Jam.
basil's blog, Supper 12-09-2005/Dessert
Wizbang!s Carnival of the Trackbacks XXXXI
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