Announcing the Finalists for 2005's Terrorist of the Year Award
In no particular order ......
"The Islamokazis who kidnapped some peace creeps are forcing them at gunpoint to call for Bush to end the war. Mind you, they were doing the same thing, free of charge, before they were captured."

Gaza Strip (AP) -- A truck filled with masked militants and homemade weapons exploded at a Hamas rally, killing at least 15 Palestinians and wounding 80 - including children -

Nov. 29 - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark met with Saddam Hussein and found him in “extremely good spirits.” Clark was having lunch in Baghdad when he was told he could meet Saddam. He was alone with Saddam about an hour. Clark last saw Hussein in February 2003. “His mind was as clear and as sharp as ever,” Clark told The Associated Press.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A suicide bomber detonated an explosive belt in a bus as it was about to depart Thursday for a Shiite city in the south, killing 30 people ..... Fire swept through the bus following the blast ..... charred corpses remained in their seats, their faces starring out through the shattered windows.

The International Community. Yes, it's still O.K. to murder Jews. But heaven forbid survivors of an attack are rescued by emergency workers flying a red Star of David.
Red Cross approves new emblem .... paves the way for Israel to join after nearly six decades of exclusion. The 192 signatories of the Geneva Conventions approved the new "red crystal" emblem.
AMMAN, Jordan -- ... bombers carried out attacks on three hotels in the Jordanian capital killing at least 57 people ... Muasher said most of the victims were attending a wedding banquet .... "We thought it was fireworks for the wedding, but I saw people falling to the ground," ... "I saw blood
For emphasis, he showed the Islamists' videotaped confessions ... the Bali bombers laughing and saying they expected to go to heaven.

Any partisan hack who would compromise lives and security, for political gain.
Any news organization or network, who have surrendered their objectivity.

The AP headline that originally said "Hecklers Cause Coulter to Cut UConn Speech" was turned into "Ann Coulter to audience: You're stupider than I am" by CNN.
The committee will still accept nominations until they dang well feel like it. Readers are advised to make their own selections.
Inoperable Terran linked with: Heh heh
Dane linked with: Red Coffin or Red Oven?
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Outside the Beltway's, Heavy-by-local-standards snow Thursday, Beltway Traffic Jam
basil's blog, Lunch 12-08-2005/Dessert
"The Islamokazis who kidnapped some peace creeps are forcing them at gunpoint to call for Bush to end the war. Mind you, they were doing the same thing, free of charge, before they were captured."

Gaza Strip (AP) -- A truck filled with masked militants and homemade weapons exploded at a Hamas rally, killing at least 15 Palestinians and wounding 80 - including children -

Nov. 29 - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark met with Saddam Hussein and found him in “extremely good spirits.” Clark was having lunch in Baghdad when he was told he could meet Saddam. He was alone with Saddam about an hour. Clark last saw Hussein in February 2003. “His mind was as clear and as sharp as ever,” Clark told The Associated Press.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A suicide bomber detonated an explosive belt in a bus as it was about to depart Thursday for a Shiite city in the south, killing 30 people ..... Fire swept through the bus following the blast ..... charred corpses remained in their seats, their faces starring out through the shattered windows.

The International Community. Yes, it's still O.K. to murder Jews. But heaven forbid survivors of an attack are rescued by emergency workers flying a red Star of David.
Red Cross approves new emblem .... paves the way for Israel to join after nearly six decades of exclusion. The 192 signatories of the Geneva Conventions approved the new "red crystal" emblem.
AMMAN, Jordan -- ... bombers carried out attacks on three hotels in the Jordanian capital killing at least 57 people ... Muasher said most of the victims were attending a wedding banquet .... "We thought it was fireworks for the wedding, but I saw people falling to the ground," ... "I saw blood
For emphasis, he showed the Islamists' videotaped confessions ... the Bali bombers laughing and saying they expected to go to heaven.

Any partisan hack who would compromise lives and security, for political gain.
Any news organization or network, who have surrendered their objectivity.

The AP headline that originally said "Hecklers Cause Coulter to Cut UConn Speech" was turned into "Ann Coulter to audience: You're stupider than I am" by CNN.
The committee will still accept nominations until they dang well feel like it. Readers are advised to make their own selections.
Inoperable Terran linked with: Heh heh
Dane linked with: Red Coffin or Red Oven?
Open Trackbacks:
Outside the Beltway's, Heavy-by-local-standards snow Thursday, Beltway Traffic Jam
basil's blog, Lunch 12-08-2005/Dessert
Can Rachel Corrie receive the lifetime achievement award?
Saint Bisquick I'm sure served a useful purpose in this life? (Inspiring moonbats for centuries to come).
And well, she probably did goof with the heart, soul, and mind of the dozer driver.
I hope he feels better these days. I sure do wish him a happy holiday ...scratch that, Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah. And a ding dong daddy new year too.
Shoot Merry Christmas Everyone!
I vote for the Red Coffin...
Nothing quite says anti-Semitic internationalism like a the symbol of the OVEN.
It's hard to argue with the Brain Symphony who composed: 'Let's kidnap some peaceniks, and then force them at gunpoint to denounce the war.'
I mean I couldn't make that one up, and even if I did, no one would believe me.
You guys all got your welding goggles handy? I don't think I'll need an anti-rad suit, I think I'll be ok with just the goggles. (Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran).
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